Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Psychotic
Affiliations: D.E.A.D.
Enemies: Generation X (Chamber, Husk, Skin), Spider-Man
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Los Angeles, California
First Appearance: Marvel Team Up II#1 (September, 1997)
History: Major Love's background is unknown. He claims to be the son of rich parents, and apparently used their wealth to finance his personal army of soldiers, D.E.A.D.
(Marvel Team-Up II#1)- Major Love and D.E.A.D. released a truck full of money in South Central Los Angeles which had been poisoned, in order to kill as many people as possible.
Spider-Man and members of Generation X happened upon the scene, and clashed with Major Love and D.E.A.D., easily defeating them. Using Spider-Man's spider-sense and Chamber's telepathy, the heroes were able to send a telepathic impulse to all the people who had taken the money, and make them drop it, saving their lives.
Comments: Created by Tom Peyer, Pat Olliffe, and Al Williamson
Major Love should probably team-up with the Hypno-Hustler in the future, just to see the 60's meet the 70's.
byPowers/Abilities: Major Love was equipped with conventional firearms. He used poisoned money in the course of his attempt to kill locals in L.A.
D.E.A.D., the Direct Euthanasia Action Division, was Major Love's private army, equipped with rifles, missile launchers, and bazookas. -Marvel Team-Up II#1
First Posted: 04/08/2003 Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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Major Love should not be confused with:
Last updated: 04/08/2003
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