Real Name: Zelia
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial/Extradimensional (Dark Gods) deity
Occupation: Agent of Hela; former ruler of the Dark Gods
Group Membership: The Dark Gods
Affiliations: Bor, Desak, Executioner (Skurge), Forsung, Hela
Enemies: Asgardians, Balder, Destroyer, Hercules, Odin, Olympians, Replicus, Sif, Thor
Known Relatives: Perrikus (son), Tserron (daughter-in-law, deceased)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Formerly the dimension of Narcisson, now unrevealed
First Appearance: Thor II#4 (October, 1998)
Powers/Abilities: Majeston Zelia possesses an number of abilities, including the ability to shoot very powerful blasts from her hands (though this may be from power she stole from Odin), flight, and infinite vision, which allows her to see anywhere. She also has the authority to call all of the Dark Gods to union, merging them into one monster. She was also able to siphon energy off of Odin.
History: (Thor II#9 (fb) ) - A long time ago, Odin sent out scouts to explore the universe. One scout named Lonkarr, happened upon a city called Narcisson, which was like the evil twin of Asgard. While there he was attacked by a woman named Tserron. They battled for hours until Lonkarr killed her, upon which Perrikus arrived and told Lonkarr that he had killed his wife. Lonkarr escaped and warned Odin of these horrible Dark Gods, and a war ensued. The War went on for two weeks until the Dark Gods stood triumphant. The ruler of the Dark Gods, Majeston Zelia, offered Odin a position as her consort, and if he took it, she would spare his people. He refused, and Perrikus was about to kill Odin, when a young Thor inspired his father to keep fighting and threw him a broken spear. Odin triumphed, and defeated the Dark Gods. Odin banished all of them, but kept Perrikus in a special cell in Asgard. He then erased the memories of the war from everyone's mind but his since it was so traumatic.
(Journey into Mystery I#513 - BTS) - Sensing an opportunity
for revenge upon the Asgardians, Zelia joined the Dark Gods in assaulting Asgard
and taking most of its population as their captives.
(Thor II#4)- Zelia addressed Perrikus
through a link. Zelia told him to speed it up. He promised
her that Asgard would be ready for her arrival tomorrow. Odin is
seen in chains. (Thor II#5) - Majeston Zelia entered Asgard
through a portal that Adva created. She screamed in triumph that
Asgard was hers. (Thor II#7) - Majeston Zelia taunted Odin
as he was chained. She said that he refused her love and now he would
suffer. Odin said she hadn't won yet, and Zelia pretty much said
she had. Odin spat at her, and she smacked him a few times. She
revealed that she had D'Chel the Deceptor trick Zeus into thinking
that the Asgardians destroyed Olympus, when indeed it was the
Dark Gods. (Thor II#8) - Zelia wanted to be
amused and called in for Balder to fight Perrikus for her
amusement. Tokkots wanted to kill Odin and she became annoyed with
him. When Perrikus said Balder wouldn't be a challenge Tokkots wanted
to kill Balder, and Zelia became annoyed and blasted him. She
watched as Perrikus made very quick work of Balder. Zelia taunted
Odin some more. (Thor II#10) - When Perrikus learned that
Thor was alive, he wanted to find a way to lure him to a fight.
Zelia told Perrikus to lay the right bait, which he did in the
form of the goddess Sif. When Thor arrived on Asgard, he was
welcomed by Majeston Zelia, alongside the other Dark Gods. She
called for Perrikus to take Thor, and after a battle, which ended
in Thor being separated from his hammer, and transforming to his
mortal guise and escaping, Zelia basked in triumph in seeing Thor
flee. (Thor II#11) - Zelia told Perrikus to
find Thor, and forbade Tokkots to kill Thor himself. Later, when
Thor could not be found, Zelia searched for him using her infinite
vision, which checked every inch of Asgard, but to no avail (she
couldn't detect him in his mortal guise). After Thor
recovered his hammer and transformed back, he teleported away, and
Zelia enjoyed seeing him flee twice. (Avengers Prime#5 (fb) - BTS) - After her death Zelia ended up in Hel. (Avengers Prime#5) - Zelia was among the deceased warriors Hela sent against Thor. After a short battle she witnessed Hela stabbing Thor through the chest with the Twilight Sword before Enchantress helped him escape. Comments: Created by Dan Jurgens and
John Romita Jr. I'm not sure if Majeston Zelia is supposed to
be dead or not. Perrikus and Adva survived, so it is my
guess that she could very well still be alive. I wonder what she
is up to. You don't rule a pantheon of powerful gods and then
just go away. At least not in the comic books, and not with a
character like Majeston Zelia who held a grudge against the
Asgardians for thousands of years. There's also one thing that
confused me. Majeston Zelia is Perrikus's mother. Now, look at
Majeston Zelia. Um...without going into a lot of detail, the
question is how? How could she be the mother of anything? I'd
also think it would be interesting to know what Perrikus's father
looked like. I bet we could all get a good laugh out of it. She ended up in Hel, so she seems to have died when Odin sucked her dry. I believe that the title majeston is made up,
since it isn't in the dictionary. Still a cool title. Profile by Stunner. Avengers Prime update by Markus Raymond
Majeston Zelia has no connection to: images: (without ads) Appearances: Last updated: 04/01/16 Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know. Non-Marvel Copyright info Special Thanks to for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!(Thor II#12) - Zelia was telling
Perrikus that he should have killed Thor while he had the chance,
when Thor, Hercules, and the Destroyer arrived, and began to
battle hundreds of Dark Gods. During the course of the battle,
Majeston Zelia shot beams out of her hands that cut through the
crust of Asgard, in hopes to deter the heroes. When the heroes
started winning, she called the union, and all of the Dark Gods were
merged together into one giant monster. The monster did some
damage, but Odin tackled Majeston Zelia and took back the power
that she stole from him, which allowed her to do all this
apparently. She and the Dark Gods were then scattered throughout
the universe, and disappeared.
Young grasshopper, you're limiting your mind to human anatomy.
Look at the animal kingdom, imagine a little bit of magic, and
stop trying to figure out where Zelia's daisy is!--Snood.
--Markus Raymond
Thor II#10, p12 (Majeston Zelia main image)
Thor II#12, p16, pan4 (Majeston Zelia)
Journey into Mystery I#513 (October, 1997) - BTS - Tom DeFalco (writer), Sal Buscema (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Joe Andreani (editor)
Thor II#4 (October, 1998) - Dan Jurgens (writer), John Romita Jr. (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Thor II#5 (November, 1998) - Dan Jurgens (writer), John Romita Jr. (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Thor II#7-11 (January-May, 1999) - Dan Jurgens (writer), John Romita Jr. (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers Prime#5 (March, 2011) - Brian Michael Bendis (writer), Alan Davis (pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and
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