Name: Apparently Ragnar
Identity/Class: Uncertain (apparently an Ariguan with paranormal and/or technologically derived powers (see comments))
Occupation: Apparently a former scientist, would-be protector of the universe's races
Affiliations: Ship, Starlord; possibly Jason of
speculated to be possibly the leader of the Stars of the
Enemies: Ariguans
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Master of the Solar System; "God"
Base of Operations: Currently unrevealed (allegedly deceased); formerly the planet R'Ralmis and other, possibly associated and/or orbital bases
First Appearance: Marvel Preview#4 (January, 1976)
Abilities: Undefined. He can apparently open warps in space, rearrange matter, and grant powers to others. The full extent of his abilities is undefined, as are his limitations
(Marvel Spotlight II#6 (fb) - BTS) - According to the Ariguans, Ragnar was allegedly
the Ariguans' greatest scientist until he had abused his privileges and
interfered with their war because he disagreed with it. Since then, Ragnar, as
the Master of the Sun, had apparently used his renegade science to elude them
for a long time through trickery and disguise.
(Marvel Preview#15 (fb)) - After the destruction of the sentient star that would become "Ship," the Master of the Sun brought her consciousness and energy form to his realm, noting that he came to her aid as quickly as he could, but space was vast, even to "such as we."
(Starlord#2 (fb) - BTS) - The Master of the Sun created the Element Gun, a weapon which could project earth, air, fire, or water, by drawing on the material present on the planet R'Ralmis' Mount Vr'k'lv'b (a volcano).
(Marvel Preview#4) <January 26, 1990> - The Master of the Sun sent the image of Star-Lord to the Space Station Eve, telling them that in 14 days, one of the crew would assume the destiny of the Star-Lord.
(Marvel Preview4) <February 9, 1990> - The Master of the Sun brought Peter Quill to his realm, claiming himself to be the Master of Earth's Solar System, and outfitted Quill with the costume and Element Gun to become Starlord. The Master of the Sun then sent him to gain his vengeance on the aliens who had killed his mother. He soon encountered an Ariguan ship and slew everyone aboard, after which he immediately returned to the Master of the Sun's realm. Quill was unsure whether he had actually ever left the realm, but the Master told him that he had experienced his vengeance and was now free of his past life--"free to form a new life...Then come, Star-Lord. Leave your madness behind and walk with me."
(Marvel Spotlight II#6 (fb)) - The Master of the Sun introduced Starlord to a sentient energy being that had once been a star. The energy being reformed itself to become his ally, "Ship."
(Marvel Spotlight II#6) - The Master of the Sun apparently planned to have built a legion of Star-Lords, patrolling and protecting the galaxy, with Quill having been just the first.
(Marvel Spotlight II#6) - A group of Ariguan space warriors invaded the space base of the Master of the Sun, identifying him as having been their greatest scientist, Ragnar, until he had abused his privileges and interfered with their war because he disagreed with it, then using his renegade science to elude them for a long time through trickery and disguise; his greatest sin had been the creation of Starlord.
The Master of the Sun countered that their senseless strife
had created from Quill a human monster of vengeance, but that he (Master of the
Sun) had given Quill peace and, as Starlord, the means to avert other senseless
strife wherever it may be found.
Meanwhile, Starlord, aboard the sentient Ship, entered the
Master of the Sun's base to rescue the Master of the Sun. The Ariguans fired on
Starlord, hoping to slay both of their enemies, but Starlord blasted them with
rock and water from his element gun, dropping the lizard men.
Quill prepared to
take the Master away in Ship, but the Master instead explained that he had once
chosen to live by the Ariguans' rules and now, if necessary, he must die by
them. He admitted that he had entrusted with the ultimate secrets of science,
but that in focusing on Starlord he had neglected other areas of responsibility;
and because of this neglect, innocent beings had suffered.
The Master then willfully surrendered to the reviving
Ariguans and returned to the form of "Ragnar, the true being I am. The being who
sought to accomplish good works by sending his son in his place." Ragnar
departed as a prisoner of the Ariguans, and Starlord respected his wishes (see comments).
(Starlord#1 (fb) - BTS) - According to Ship (who's memories were damaged), the Master of the Sun died.
Comments: Created by Steve Englehart and Steve Gan.
In a flashback in Starlord#1, Ship mentioned "the death of the Master of the Sun" while reviewing the events of Marvel Spotlight II#6. He could well have been executed for his crimes after that issue. She also could have been speaking figuratively, referring to the death of that identity or persona. Or she could have mis-remembered events as her memory was pretty spotty at that point.
Who is the Master of the Sun?:
The dates involved in Star-Lord's origin may or may not be topical. See the comments for Star-Lord for my two cents worth on that.
Ship and Sinjin (Star-Lord/Peter Quill's successor) visited a planet called R'Ralmis and mentioned that the Master of the Sun once lived there. The architecture is similar, and so this is likely the same place that Starlord visited in Marvel Preview#4, but this is uncertain.
No known connections to:
The former home of the Master of the Sun, this
planet served as the source of the earth, air, fire, and water
discharged from the Element Gun. After the Master of the Sun was
killed, it was apparently colonized by the Ariguans.
Actually, the Master of the Sun's base may have been a satellite
city orbiting R'Ralmis.
(Marvel Preview#15 (fb)) - From his palace, the Master of the Sun acquired the consciousness of a destroyed star, comforting it.
(Marvel Preview#4) <February 9, 1990> - The Master of the Sun brought Peter Quill to his base, apparently a palace on a futuristic world with unspecified inhabitants. The Master outfitted Quill with the costume and Element Gun to become Starlord. After allowing Quill to fulfill seeming vengeance against the aliens who had killed his mother (likely an illusion), the Master told him that he had experienced his vengeance and was now free of his past life--"free to form a new life...Then come, Star-Lord. Leave your madness behind and walk with me."
(Marvel Preview#15 (fb)) - From his palace, the Master of the Sun introduced Starlord to a sentient energy being that had once been a star. The energy being reformed itself to become his ally, "Ship."
(Marvel Spotlight II#6) - The Master of the Sun apparently
planned to have built a legion of Star-Lords, patrolling and
protecting the galaxy, with Quill having been just the first.
(Marvel Spotlight II#6) - A group of Ariguan space warriors invaded the space base of the Master of the Sun.
(Starlord#2 - BTS) - Sinjin Quarrell,
who had taken the form of the missing-in-action Starlord, used Starlord's
element gun to form a massive meteor of stone and ice to form an asteroid large
enough to make it through the atmosphere and impact the surface of Bovric, which depleted the
rock overlying Mount Vr'k'lv'b's molten core.
(Starlord#2 (fb) - BTS) - The planet R'Ralmis' Mount Vr'k'lv'b began a terrifying eruption as a result of Quarrell's actions. The subsequent volcanic eruptions killed hundreds of Ariguans.
(Starlord#2) - As
Sinjin Quarrell and 'Rora (Ship) approached R'Ralmis (noted to be the planet the Master of the
Sun formerly dwelled upon -- or his base orbited there), they announced their
presence to the spaceport controller and requested permission to land at the Cl'mv'pvr spaceport. Aristo, the Ariguan port communicator responded, thankful
of the presence of Starlord after all these years, in the time of their deepest
need. She announced the eruption of Mount Vr'k'lv'b, noting the many deaths it had
caused and how a new lava surge was threatening the entire coastal plane. She
asked Starlord's help, and he agreed to do whatever he could.
In the process of stopping the volcano, 'Rora realized that
the element gun had been drawing from the volcano. Afterwards, still unaware of
Quarrell's role in inadvertently causing the eruption, Aristo sent numerous
messages of thanks from the people of R'Ralmis.
--Marvel Preview#4 (4, 15 (fb), Marvel Spotlight II#6, Starlord#2 - BTS, 2 (fb) - BTS, 2
Note: The name R'Ralmis is first used in Starlord#2 (1997) and is described as "a planet the Master of the Sun formerly dwelled upon." The Marvel Preview appearances of the palace of the Master of the Sun are fairly consistent in appearance, and they may well be on R'Ralmis...or they may be someplace else...the Ariguans note that the Master of the Sun had " used his renegade science to elude them for a long time through trickery and disguise." The Marvel Spotlight appearance was clearly a space-base, but whether it was orbiting a planet, R'Rralmis or another, or whether it was in interstellar space, I don't think was ever made clear. So, we don't know for sure whether R'Ralmis appeared on panel before Starlord#2, but it is at least Behind-The-Scenes in Marvel Preview#4.
Marvel Preview#4 (January, 1976) - Steve Englehart (writer), Steve Gan & Bob McLeod (artists), Archie Goodwin (editor)
Marvel Preview#11 (Summer 1977) - Chris Claremont (writer), John Byrne (pencils), Terry Austin (inks), John Warner & Ralph Macchio (editors)
Marvel Preview#14 (March, 1978 & June, 1978) - Chris Claremont (writer), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Bob Wiacek (inks), Rick Marshall & Ralph Macchio (editors)
Marvel Spotlight II#6 (May, 1980) - Doug Moench (writer), Tom Sutton (artist), Jim Salicrup (editor)
Starlord#2 (January, 1997) - Timothy Zahn (writer), Dan Lawlis (artist), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Last updated: 02/18/13
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