Name: Norman Zachos
Identity/Class: Human, magic user
Occupation: Criminal
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Pawn of Chthon, the Dwarf
Enemies: Darkhold Redeemers; shadow demons of Oblivion
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: An unnamed prison;
the Dark Place;
Realm of Oblivion/Outer Void?
First Appearance: Midnight Sons Unlimited#1 (April, 1993)
Powers/Abilities: Zachos was a
psychotic, and had no compunctions in maiming an unidentified
number of people. He suffered from claustrophobia.
The magic of the Darkhold allowed Mercy to see a shadow world
which overlaps with Earth. It also enabled his mind to survive
the death of his body, although he remained trapped within his
inanimate corpse (or at least within its shadow). When all light
was gone, he was consigned to a realm of oblivion and would be
the victim of the shadow demons within.
(Midnight Sons Unlimited#1/2 (fb)-BTS) - Zachos earned the nickname Mercy because
instead of killing his victims, he cut off their hands and
tongues so they couldn't identify him--and he thought this made
him merciful. He was eventually captured and imprisoned.
(Midnight Sons Unlimited#1/2) - While imprisoned, Mercy began to
have paranoid visions of demons attacking him. He was visited by
the Dwarf, who offered him a page of the Darkhold, which would
allow him to see things in a whole new light. Upon reading the
page, the Other appeared to Mercy and brought him out of the
prison, and into a world of darkness. There he was confronted by
some of his past victims and fled into a pitch black room, where
he was plagued by shadow demons.
However, prison guards' lights pierced the darkness, dispelling
the demons, and allowing them to recapture Mercy. Knowing that
the shadow demons would be back at lights out, Mercy jammed a
pencil into his own brain, killing him...mostly. Mercy remained
aware of everything going on around him. His claustrophobia
flared as he was placed inside a pine box, while the Darkhold
Redeemers showed up to investigate the use of a Darkhold page. As
the coffin was nailed shut, all light was cut-off, and he
returned to the darkness...and the demons...
Comments: Created by Chris Cooper and Joe Quesada.
To be honest, I've read this story a few times and still don't really get it. There was the obvious "ironic" twist where the user of the page is actually punished rather than rewarded, but I can't tell you much more than that.
No known connection to:
The Other, the agent of Chthon, should not be confused with:
The nature of the Dark Place (and its shadow demons) remains unknown, as do its potential connections to:
The Dark Place
dark place that only exists where there is light...and whenever
all light is gone the victim is consigned to oblivion. and the
things that dwell therein."
It would appear that the Dark Place overlaps with the Earth
dimension, but it cannot be seen or accessed by most. It can be
accessed by magic, such as a spell from the Darkhold. Within the
Dark Place exists images from the victim's nightmares. When light
from the real world is shone onto the Dark Place, it fades,
returning the victim to reality. However, the victim then returns
when the light is again cut-off. In addition, within absolute
darkness, demons appear to plague the victim.
--Midnight Sons Unlimited#1/2
images: (without ads)
Midnight Sons Unlimited#1 (April, 1993) - Howard Mackie (writer), Klaus Janson (artist), Hildy Mesnik
First Posted: 09/17/2002
Last updated: 03/23/2014
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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