Real Name: Miarka (last name,
if any, unrevealed)
Identity/Class: Human magic user; Transylvanian native
Occupation: Witch-Queen of the Gypsies
Group Membership: Gypsies
Affiliations: Cagliostro (father); Nikolai, Baron of Mordo (lover/student
in the mystic arts)
Enemies: Unrevealed
Known Relatives: Cagliostro (father), Lubya (Mother), Taboo (brother), Lilia Murgo (daughter from Nikolai, Baron of Mordo), Lilia Calderu (granddaughter), Astrid Mordo (great-granddaughter)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Transylvania
First Appearance: Doctor Strange III#6 (August
Powers/Abilities: As Witch-Queen of the Gypsies and the
Daughter of Cagliostro, Miarka was a highly-skilled practitioner
of the Mystic Arts; she was also the keeper of the Book of Cagliostro.
(Unpublished Book of Vishanti story/OHotMU 2006 A-Z#2) - In the early days of the
19th century, Cagliostro returned to Europe from Tibet to reclaim
his control of the Gypsies; he married Lubya, making her Witch-Queen
of the Gypsies, and they had two children, the sorcerer who
became known as Taboo, and Miarka, who inherited her mother's
(Doctor Strange III#6/2) - Miarka became the mistress (perhaps in
order to protect her people?) of the Transylvanian nobleman
Nikolai Baron of Mordo and taught him the Mystic Arts.
(Doctor Strange III#8/2) - It was revealed that Miarka and
Nikolai had a daughter named Lilia who, in turn became Witch-Queen
of the Gypsies.
Comments: Created by Jean-Marc Lofficier, Roy Thomas (writers) and Tom Sutton (artist)
"Profile by" Jean-Marc Lofficier (yes, that
Jean-Marc Lofficier!--Snood).
Miarka should be distinguished from:
Doctor Strange III#6 , p.25, panel 4
Last updated: 04/18/04
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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