Identity/Class: Asgardian goddess Occupation: Goddess of fertility
and beauty Group Membership: The Asynjur, Gods of Asgard Affiliations: Balder, Hela, Thor Enemies: Karnilla Known Relatives:
Iwaldi (father), Freya (mother), Frey (uncle), Njord (grandfather), Gaea (grandmother,
alias Nertha), Hnossa (half-sister), Idunn, Lofn, Sjofn, Sigyn, Snotra,
Syn, Var (sisters) Aliases: None Base of Operations: Asgard First Appearance: Thor I#305 (March, 1981) Powers/Abilities: Nanna possessed the
conventional powers of an Asgardian Goddess including superhuman strength
(Class 25), longevity, vitality and resistance to injury. She is likely she
possessed some mystical powers, but to an unknown extent. (Thor I#305/2) - Nanna was manipulated from afar into incidents that allowed her into
a chance encounter to meet Balder, the son of Odin and Frigga. Charmed by him,
she became romanced by him and they fell in love. Realizing she could further
manipulate their romance, Karnilla teleported them to Nornheim and lead them to
her presence. She then placed chains on Nanna on her captive and told Balder
that Nanna’s safety was depandant upon Balder marrying her. If they were wed,
Karnilla would safely return Nanna to Asgard, but if he did not marry her, she
would kill Nanna. As Balder decided, Nanna screamed that she would risk death
to keep him from marrying Karnilla. Balder then realized that he could not
stand to lose Nanna and sacrificed himself to marry Karnilla to spare Nanna. (Thor I#306/2 (fb) - BTS)- Karnilla remained true to her word and Nanna was restored alone to
Asgard. (Thor
I#306/2) - Unwilling to allow Balder to marry Karnilla, Nanna met Hermod in the
Asgardian stables and asked him who was the fleetest of foot. Hermod answered
that Odin’s eight-legged steed known as Sleipner was the swiftest, unaware that
she intended to borrow Sleipner. Nanna returned to Nornheim as Hermod tried to
stop her, but even he could not keep up with Odin’s steed. Since Karnilla had
promised not to marry Balder if she had died, she stormed the wedding
proceedings and pulled out a dagger as she plunged it through her cloak into
herself. The wound proved fatal and Nanna died to keep Karnilla at her word not
to marry Balder over her death. Karnilla’s pact broken, Balder realized he was
free to leave and returned to Asgard with Nanna’s body. (Thor Annual#10) - All of Asgard stool in attendance at Nanna’s funeral except for the true
Hela who was off entering into a pact with the Gods of the Dead from other
underworlds. Balder presented Nanna’s body with a necklace meant for her on
their wedding day. As Nanna’s funeral boat was cast afloat, Thor called upon
lightning to set it aflame. In the resulting smoke, Odin’s Valkyries claimed
her spirit for Valhalla. (Thor I#361) -
Nanna’s spirit was ordered by Hela to appear to Balder and lure him to his
death as Thor searched for mortal souls who Hela had abducted from Earth.
Balder just happened to realize a chasm opening behind him and reacted. When he
asked Nanna why she tried to kill him, she answered it was because he was alive
and that by killing him they could be together. Hela then stopped her from
saying more by proclaiming that the secrets of her realm were for the dead and
not the living. Confronting Thor, Nanna then confessed that she had been
enslaved by Hela and that she did not truly live with having killed Balder and
removing the world of light. Realizing he would see her as something corrupted,
Nanna told Thor that Balder would now return to Asgard without her as she kept
Thor to his promise not to tell Balder the truth. Comments: Adapted by Mark
Gruenwald, Ralph Macchio, Keith Pollard and Chic Stone In Norse myth,
Nanna died of a broken heart after the death of Balder and was placed on his
funeral pyre to burn with him. She accompanied him to the afterlife, but when
Hermod entered Hel to petition Hela to allow them to return, she gave gifts to
him to return to Asgard. In the myth,
Balder and Nanna were married and had a son named Forseti. In Thor Annual#10, the Valkyries took Nanna to Valhalla, which leaves to question how she
fell under Hela’s control in Thor I#361. Nanna was in Hel and supposedly perished during the Ragnarok in Thor II#85.
by Will U CLARIFICATIONS: Images taken
from: Thor I#305-306 (March-April, 1981) - Mark Gruenwald & Ralph Macchio (writers), Keith Pollard (pencils), Chic Stone (inks), Jim Salicrup (editor)
First Posted: 07/24/2004 Any
Additions/Corrections? please let me know. Non-Marvel Copyright info Special Thanks to for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!
Real Name: Nanna
History: (Norse-German Myth) - Nanna was the daughter
of the goddess Freya and the dwarf Iwaldi, whose sons created many of the
treasures of the gods. She was also a member of the Asynjur, seven goddesses
who serve Frigga, Queen of the Asgardian gods.
(Thor Annual#14/3) - As Nanna’s body lay in
state, Karnilla and a false image of Hela (cast by Karnilla) approached Balder.
Karnilla claimed that Hela would restore Nanna to life using her life force if
he would be her husband in the afterlife, but he refused and walked away as the
false Hela faded away.
Perhaps Hela took her during her conquest of Valhalla in Defenders
I#66-68." I agree this would have served as a nice
explanation....but chronology does not work in our favor. Namely, Defenders
I#66-68 came out in December 1978 to February 1979, long before Thor Annual#10,
published in 1982. It also sadly not possible to move Thor Annual#10 around,
because in that story someone refers to the events of Thor I#301, which suggest
that Thor Annual#10 took place when it did (i.e. it was not out of order
-- Per Degaton
Nanna is
not to be confused with:
Main Thor Annual#14, page 42
Thor I#306, page 26, middle left
Thor I#361, page 8, panel 3
Thor Annual#10 (1982) - Mark Gruenwald & Alan Zelenetz (writers), Bob Hall (pencils), Rick Bryant, Joe Rubinstein, Andy Myshynsky, Al Gordon & Kevin Dzuban (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Thor I#361 (November, 1985) - Walt Simonson (writer/artist), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Thor Annual#14 (1989) - Ralph Macchio (writer), Bo Hampton (artist), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Last updated: 07/05/2014
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