Real Name: Julio Mendoza
Identity/Class: Human mutant; Mexican citizen
Occupation: Mercenary; former gigolo
Affiliations: agent of Kingpin and Teng Yun Suan; member of a group of mercenaries led by Black Metal, including Quota, Stealth, and Zapper
Enemies: Agent; revolutionaries of Costa Bravo; former government of Costa Brava
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: formerly Costa Brava; Mexico
First Appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel: The Agent (1989)
Powers/Abilities: Noise is able to generate and project sound in the form of destructive vibrations, and possibly in other forms as well.
(Agent GN(fb)-BTS) - Noise worked as a Mexican gigolo.
(Agent GN(fb)) - Noise was one of a group of mercenaries who were hired by Teng Yun-Suan to take over the country of Costa Brava and oust the right wing dictator. This was one of a number of such plots, funded by the Kingpin, as an effort to build numerous power bases across the world.
(Agent GN) - Rick Mason came to Costa Brava to
take down this operation. Zapper and Noise were terrorizing the
people of the revolution against their new regime, and in the
process found a girl, Victoria
Maria Consuela, who sparked their interest. They brought her out
into the jungle, but Mason stopped them from assaulting her.
Mason took out Noise with a brick-filled backpack, and then
dropped Zapper as well. He then tied up and questioned the two of
them: they refused to talk until he offered to leave them alone
with Victoria and her Molotov cocktail. After they had divulged
the involvement of the Kingpin and "some Chinese guy,"
Mason drugged them and dropped them off, sans clothes, in the
jungles of Brazil.
Mason went on to take the rest of the mercenaries, as well as
Teng himself, and allow the Revolutionaries to overtake their
Comments: Created by James D. Hudnall and John Ridgway.
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Last updated: 09/17/02
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