Name: Ogden (first name unrevealed)
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Head of Medtech Research Institute
Group Membership: Medtech Research Institute
Affiliations: Leader of Medtech Research Institute
Enemies: She-Hulk, Dylan Cavanaugh
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Los Angeles
First Appearance: Marvel Fanfare I#48/2 (December; 1989)
Powers/Abilities: Ogden is a very powerful psychic, at one time he was able to control Dylan Cavanaugh’s dreams. He can travel to the astral plane, and is able to reshape his form there into more physically powerful (and intimidating) forms, such as that of the Hulk.
History: (M/FAN#48/2) - She-Hulk went to Los Angeles to help her friend Dylan Cavanaugh. He told her about his boss Ogden, who was a powerful psychic, even more powerful than himself, and that Ogden wanted Dylan to create industrial spies to help Medtech make more money. Dylan and She-Hulk webt to the dream plane where they confronted Ogden, who showed that he was a very powerful man at the dream plane, but in the end he was defeated by the combined force of Dylan and She-Hulk.
Comments: Created by Sue Flaxman & Don Perlin
Profile by: The Beetle
Clarifications: None needed
images: (without ads)
Marvel Fanfare I#48, p21, pan3 (main image)
Last updated: 10/13/02
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