Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human mutant
Occupation: Professional criminal, human-hater/militant extremist
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Masterblaster Enemies: Beast (Hank McCoy), humans everywhere,
Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Warbird (Carol Danvers), Wolverine (James "Logan" Howlett) Known Relatives: None Aliases: None Base of Operations: Manhattan, New York First Appearance: Spider-Man I#15 (October, 1991) Powers/Abilities: Powerhouse has the ability to drain
energy off of other living things to increase her own power. She can absorb
energy through contact with a victim, even brief contact like a punch. She has
demonstrated the ability to fly, shoot destructive energy blasts, and super
human strength to an unknown degree (see comments). However, it is unknown if
she has any of these powers unless she has absorbed sufficient amounts of energy
or whether they are independent within her. It is also unknown if she requires
this energy to survive and if so, how often she needs to feed. History: BTS- At some point, under uncertain circumstances,
Powerhouse developed mutant powers and a strong hatred for humanity.
(Spider-Man I#15) - The Beast was giving a lecture at
ESU on genetics and Powerhouse decided to show up and send her anti-human
message there. Simultaneously, a mutant hater called Masterblaster decided to
make his presence and opinions felt at the same lecture. Though it is unclear
whether one of them influenced the other's actions at the lecture, Masterblaster
came to attack Beast, and Powerhouse attacked humans there and the Beast came to
their aid and fought Powerhouse. They fought back and forth, with Powerhouse
having the upper hand until Spider-Man showed up. While Spider-Man kept
Powerhouse busy, Beast knocked out Masterblaster and the two proceeded to team
up on Powerhouse, and defeated her, knocking her out. She was presumably taken
into police custody.
(Wolverine II#133) - Wolverine and Warbird saw a news report
of Powerhouse attacking the area around the U.N. building, where an
international debate on human-mutant relations was to happen. She was attacking
everything in sight as a symbol of the way humans' attitude towards mutants was.
Before long, Wolverine and Warbird joined the fight, and Wolverine was flown
into the air and landed on top of Powerhouse so they could fight. However,
Powerhouse started draining Wolverine's energy and Warbird was doing more harm
then good because she was drunk and being very reckless with her energy blasts.
Eventually, Powerhouse knocked out Warbird. Without the drunk Warbird to get in
his way, Wolverine managed to defeat Powerhouse. (Spider-Man Unlimited II#4) - Powerhouse joined with Masterblaster in robbing a local bank, but
were interrupted by Spider-Man, who defeated the duo. One of the men present at the bank at the time
of the hold-up became infatuated with Powerhouse, and subsequently visited her in prison, which he
intended to continue to do every two weeks for the next seven years, as she served her sentence.
Comments: Created by Erik Larsen She may not have had very enhanced strength at all. While she definitely
had at least slightly enhanced strength after draining energy from an opponent,
it might be that the only reason she seemed so strong when hitting Spider-Man
and Beast etc. was because she was absorbing their energy and weakening them by
her touch, not by her blows. The energy she absorbs might go solely to her
energy blasts and flight. However Beast did go flying after a hard blow
from her, so her strength was probably class one or two, but was taken down by a
single well placed blow from Spider-Man so was probably way below his class 10
strength. Both of her appearances were Erik Larsen stories. Nobody
else has ever used her. If my dream of writing for Marvel works out, I'll bring
her back, along with a ton of other characters at this site that haven't been
seen since before I was born (which was a relatively short time ago, mind you.
16 years at the time of the publication of this profile). Powerhouse first appeared in a drawing by Erik Larsen which appeared in Comic Shop News #129, December 13, 1989.
She is seen battling the original X-Factor team in the illustration. Larsen evidently had her on his mind for
some time. --Prime Eternal Big thanks to www.wolverine.x-knights.com
for the info from Wolverine II #133. Thanks to MarvellousLuke for the main image from the alternate cover of Wolverine II#133. PROFILE BY STUNNER CLARIFICATIONS: Not to be
confused with: images: (without ads) Appearances:
First Posted: 01/25/2004 Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know. Non-Marvel Copyright info Special Thanks to www.g-mart.com for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!
--I'd guess her strength varies with the amount of power she has
She also has at least passing similarities to Rapture, the former girlfriend of
Larsen's Savage Dragon--Snood.
Wolverine II#133, variant cover (main image)
Spider-Man I#15, p8, pan1 (superhuman strength)
Spider-Man I#15, p7, pan1 (energy blasts)
Comic Shop News#129, page 4-5 (promo art)
Spider-Man I#15 (October, 1991) - Erik Larsen (writer/artist), Danny Fingeroth (editor)
Wolverine II#133 (January, 1999) - Erik Larsen (writer), Jeff Matsuda (pencils), Jonathan Sibal (inks), Mark Powers (editor)
Spider-Man Unlimited II#4 (September, 2004) - Robert Kirkman (writer), Cory Walker (pencils), Scott Hanna (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Last updated: 05/25/2015
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