Membership: "Buzz Saw", Drill, Handsaw, Jackhammer, Pick Axe, Triphammer, Vice
Purpose: Bodyguards, agents of Dr. Karl Malus
Affiliations: Dr. Karl Malus, Power Broker, Power Broker Inc. Enemies: Battlestar, Captain America, Dollar Bill, Hawkeye, Madcap, Ethan Thurm, U.S. Agent
Base of Operations: Mobile with Dr. Karl Malus First Appearance: Avengers Spotlight#29 (February, 1990)
History: (Avengers Spotlight#29 (fb))- The Power Tools, four people enhanced with bionic by Dr. Karl Malus, were sent to capture the insane superhuman Madcap so that he could be experimented on, and were equipped with special glasses so that they could avoid Madcap's powers. They managed to lure Madcap to their van and drag him inside, but were taped by Madcap's friend Dollar Bill as they did so.
(Avengers Spotlight#29)- Hawkeye was sent on the Power Tools' trail by Dollar Bill, and found them in Malus' laboratory beneath the Scuzz Club. Malus ordered the Power Tools to kill Hawkeye, but he was able to free Madcap, and exposed Malus as the Power Tools' backer. Annoyed at the Power Tools, Malus set his laboratory to self-destruct. Malus, the Power Tools, Madcap, and Hawkeye all escaped, but the Power Tools were abandoned.
(Captain America I#373/2 (fb, BTS))- Dr. Malus later recruited a new team of Power Tools, employing the experienced superhuman Jackhammer, alongside two new augmented agents. The new Power Tools were sent to collect previous clients of Power Broker Inc., so that Malus could perform tests upon them.
(Captain America I#373/2-374/2)- The Power Tools went to retrieve Ethan Thurm, who had been investigating their actions, and found him meeting with Battlestar, one of their intended targets. Although Battlestar was able to hold his own against them in battle, Jackhammer managed to capture Thurm, and threatened him in order to make Battlestar surrender. They then brought him to Malus.
(Captain America I#376/2-378/2)- When Battlestar attempted to break-out of Malus' facility by threatening his life he was again confronted by the Power Tools, but the U.S. Agent appeared, and engaged the Power Tools in battle, managing to defeat them all.
(Captain America I#411-413)- Jackhammer and Drill both attended the AIM Weapons Expo, and observed as Crossbones (actually Captain America in disguise) fought various opponents in an exhibition. When Captain America's deception was revealed, both villains joined in the all-out assault upon Captain America, but he defeated them.
Comments: First team created by Howard Mackie, James Brock and Roy Richardson; second team created by Mark Gruenwald, Mark Bagley and Dan Panosian.
The AIM Weapon Expo
Formerly, a laboratory beneath the Scuzz Club, New York
CLARIFICATIONS: Pick Axe should not be confused with:
Triphammer should not be confused with:
Vice should not be confused with:
"Buzz-Saw" was an unnamed member of the later team of Power Tools. He received superhuman strength from the Power Broker process, and also had two electronic buzz-saws attaches to each of his wrists. He joined the Power Tools in collecting test subjects for Dr. Malus.
--Captain America I#373/2, 374/2, 376/2, 377/2 Drill was a member of the later team of Power Tools, and received strength augmentation from the Power Broker process. He also had electronic drills attached to each of his wrists which could quickly drill holes through substances. He joined the Power Tools in collecting test subjects for Dr. Malus, and later joined Jackhammer on AIM Island, where he fought Captain America.
--Captain America I#373/2, 374/2, 376/2, 377/2, 411, 413 Handsaw was the only female member of the original Power Tools. She possessed a bionic left hand which could transform into a saw. She was briefly blissed-out by Madcap's powers, turning her against her fellow Power Tools.
--Avengers Spotlight#29) 29 (fb), 29 Pick Axe was one of the original Power Tools. He possessed a bionic left hand which could transform into a pick axe.
--Avengers Spotlight#29) 29 (fb), 29 Triphammer was one of the original Power Tools. He possessed a bionic left hand which could transform into a mallet.
--Avengers Spotlight#29) 29 (fb), 29 Vice was one of the original Power Tools. He possessed a bionic right hand which could transform into a vice. His vice hand possessed superhuman grappling abilities, granting him a powerful grip.
--Avengers Spotlight#29) 29 (fb), 29 Images taken from: Appearances:
First Posted: 09/06/2004 Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Non-Marvel Copyright info
Handsaw should not be confused with:
Captain America I#374, page 24
"Buzz-Saw": Captain America I#374, page 24, panel 4
Drill: Captain America I#374, page 25, panel 1
Handsaw: Avengers Spotlight#29, page 11, panel 3
Pick Axe: Avengers Spotlight#29, page 9, panel 1
Triphammer: Avengers Spotlight#29, page 4, panel 4
Vice: Avengers Spotlight#29, page 9, panel 1
Avengers Spotlight#29 (February, 1990) - Howard Mackie (plot/script), James Brock (plot/pencils), Roy Richardson (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Captain America I#373 (July, 1990) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Mark Bagley (pencils), Don Hudson (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Captain America I#374 (August, 1990) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Mark Bagley (pencils), Dan Panosian (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Captain America I#376-378 (early September - early October, 1990) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Mark Bagley (pencils), Dan Panosian (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Captain America I#411-413 (January-March, 1993) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Rik Levins (pencils), Danny Bulanadi (inks), Mike Rockwitz (editor)
Last updated: 09/06/2004
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