PRISONER 4762-921
Name: Unknown
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Criminal
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: an unknown prison
formerly: New York City
First Appearance: Marvel Comics Presents#136/2 (late August, 1993)
Powers/Abilities: None. He used a pistol in the past.
(MCP#136/2 (fb)): It was the greatest night of the Prisoner's life. The weapons,
drugs and money were all set and he just had to get to the boat. He pulled
out his gun when he heard something above him and for one second he thought
that he saw the devil. He continued his way on the pier and was confronted
by Daredevil. The Prisoner tried to ran away from him, but Daredevil tripped
him and the Prisoner lost his gun. He took a machine gun out of a box behind
him and shot at Daredevil, but the hero was gone before one bullet hit him.
Fear struck in the Prisoner's eyes when Daredevil suddenly appeared behind
him again. His dreams of being a millionaire were destroyed and the Prisoner
became another number in prison.
(MCP#136/2 - BTS):- Prisoner 4762-921 was in prison for an unknown amount of time.
(MCP#136/2): The Prisoner sat in his cell and thought about getting his revenge on Daredevil when he was finally out of prison. His wall was full of articles concerning Daredevil, the devil and heavenly beings. He remembered how Daredevil got him into this place. This was his final day in prison and a guard brought him to the warden. The Prisoner was sure that he was now a free man again, but the warden told him that just a few moments ago Daredevil himself gave them some information about a previous conviction of the Prisoner and a state retainer. This information was confirmed and the Prisoner was now stuck in prison for another ten years. The Prisoner screamed and was returned to his cell. Once again the Prisoner sat in his cell and thought about his revenge on Daredevil when he got out of prison.
Comments: Created by Ul Higgins & Mark Powers
Prisoner 4762-921 has no known connections to
Prisoner body shot: Marvel Comics Presents#132, p13, pan2
Prisoner head shot: Marvel Comics Presents#132, p16, pan1
Last updated: 08/23/04
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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