Blaze Allen (Speed Demon),
"the Flying
Gambonnos", Miss
Wally West (Kid Demon)
PURPOSE: to provide the American public with wholesome circus entertainment
AFFILIATIONS: Speed Demon (Blaze Allen); Kid Demon (Wally West)
ENEMIES: Night Spectre
FIRST APPEARANCE: Speed Demon#1 (February, 1996)
(Speed Demon#1 (fb)) - Members of the Quentin Carnival (including Blob, Miss Miracle, Puck, "Clown", "the Flying Gambonnos", and the "Ringmaster") attended the wedding ceremony of one of their fellow performers, stunt motorcyclist Blaze Allen, and his fiancée Iris Simpson. Unfortunately, only moments after Father Hellstrom performed the ceremony, the sadistic demon known as Night Spectre emerged from the shadows and killed Iris Simpson, banishing her life-force to his Sanctum of Lost Souls.
(Speed Demon#1 (bts)) - In the period that followed the wedding, the members of the Quentin Carnival apparently became estranged from Blaze Allen as he turned to the occult following the death of his wife. Although the other Quentin Carnival performers noticed a change in Blaze, none of them realized that he actually had his soul bonded to a demon named Etrigan in a desperate attempt to avenge his beloved Iris Simpson's death.
(Speed Demon#1) - "Demon's Night" - Concerned that the increasingly erratic Blaze Allen was becoming a bad influence on his nephew, Wally West, several members of the Quentin Carnival (including Blob, Miss Miracle, and Puck) attempted to convince young Wally that leaving the circus behind and starting a new life somewhere else was in his best interests. But Wally West, who idolized his uncle and thought of the Quentin Carnival as his family, refused to listen.
Marvel characters are listed in regular, or bold
black type.
DC characters are listed
in bold blue type.
Amalgam characters are
listed in bold purple type.
In case you're confused, Amalgam Comics didn't really exist beyond those seen in the few DC/Marvel cross-over. The titles you don't recognize are amalgams of similar Marvel and DC comics--Snood.
Profile by Skullogeist
If you like the Amalgam stuff, Skullogeist recommends these two sites:
![]() An enormous and obese black man who performs at the Quentin Carnival (presumably as a member of the "freak show"), Blob was among the Quentin Carnival members present at the wedding of Blaze Allen and Iris Simpson. He watched on in horror as Night Spectre made his presence known at the wedding by draining the life-force out of Iris Simpson's body. Later, in SPEED DEMON#1, Blob was among the Quentin Carnival members concerned for the well-being of Wally West, the nephew of Blaze Allen. Convinced that Blaze Allen was "off his bean", Blob tried to persuade young Wally West to get away from his uncle and all the "supernatural garbage" that Blaze had been playing with since Iris died. Although Blob said that he thought of Wally West as a "kid brother", he told Wally that he was no longer welcome at the Quentin Carnival and that he had no choice but to leave. But Wally didn't listen to Blob's advice. Blob is an amalgam of Blob (Fred J. Dukes) of the Marvel Universe and Chunk (Chester P. Runk) of the DC Universe. --Speed Demon#1 |
Although unnamed in the comic, a Quentin Carnival performer resembling the Circus of Crime's Clown (Eliot "Crafty" Franklin) of Marvel's Earth-616 was present at the wedding of Blaze Allen and Iris Simpson. Like all of the members of the Quentin Carnival present at the ceremony that day, "Clown" helplessly watched on in horror as Night Spectre killed Iris Simpson, banishing her life-force to his Sanctum of Lost Souls.
"Clown" is an Amalgam Universe version of Clown (Eliot "Crafty" Frank) of the Marvel Universe with elements of the Quentin Carnival thrown in.
--Speed Demon#1
Although unnamed in the comic, Quentin Carnival performers resembling the Circus of Crime's Flying Gambonnos (Ernesto and Luigi Gambonno) of Marvel's Earth-616 were present at the wedding of Blaze Allen and Iris Simpson. Like all of the members of the Quentin Carnival present at the ceremony that day, "the Flying Gambonnos" helplessly watched on in horror as Night Spectre killed Iris Simpson, banishing her life-force to his Sanctum of Lost Souls.
"The Flying Gambonnos" are Amalgam Universe versions of the Flying Gambonnos (Ernesto and Luigi Gambonno) of the Marvel Universe with elements of the Quentin Carnival thrown in.
--Speed Demon#1
![]() A young woman who performs at the Quentin Carnival (presumably as an escape artist), Miss Miracle was among the Quentin Carnival members present at the wedding of Blaze Allen and Iris Simpson. She watched on in horror as Night Spectre made his presence known at the wedding by draining the life-force out of Iris Simpson's body. Later, in SPEED DEMON#1, Miss Miracle was among the Quentin Carnival members concerned for the well-being of Wally West, the nephew of Blaze Allen. Miss Miracle agreed with her fellow performers that it would be in Wally's best interest to leave the circus (and his uncle Blaze) and get on with his life. But Wally did not heed their heartfelt advice. Miss Miracle is an amalgam of Crystal (Crystal Amaquelin Maximoff) of the Marvel Universe and Mister Miracle (Scott Free) of the DC Universe. --Speed Demon#1 |
![]() ![]() A white-haired dwarf who performs at the Quentin Carnival (presumably as an assistant to Miss Miracle), Puck was among the Quentin Carnival members present at the wedding of Blaze Allen and Iris Simpson. He watched on in horror as Night Spectre made his presence known at the wedding by draining the life-force out of Iris Simpson's body. Later, in SPEED DEMON#1, Puck was among the Quentin Carnival members worried for the well-being of Wally West, the nephew of Blaze Allen. Fearing that Blaze Allen was becoming a bad influence on Wally, Puck tried to convince him to leave the Quentin Carnival by sunrise. But Wally West, who idolized his uncle and thought of the Quentin Carnival performers as his family, refused to leave. Puck is an amalgam of Puck (Eugene Milton Judd)--and probably Wolf of the Quentin Carnival--of the Marvel Universe and Oberon of the DC Universe. --Speed Demon#1 |
Although unnamed in the comic, a Quentin Carnival performer resembling the Circus of Crime's Ringmaster (Maynard Tiboldt) of Marvel's Earth-616 was present at the wedding of Blaze Allen and Iris Simpson. Like all of the members of the Quentin Carnival present at the ceremony that day, "Ringmaster" helplessly watched on in horror as Night Spectre killed Iris Simpson, banishing her life-force to his Sanctum of Lost Souls.
"Ringmaster" is an Amalgam Universe version of Ringmaster (Maynard Tiboldt) of the Marvel Universe with elements of the Quentin Carnival thrown in.
--Speed Demon#1
The Quentin Carnival is an Amalgam Universe version of:
The Quentin Carnival
of Earth-616, @ ???
Miss Miracle has no known connections to, and not to be confused with:
Dream Crystal, a member of the Un-People,
@ The Challengers of the Fantastic#1
Puck has no known connections to, and not to be confused with:
Oberon Foster, assistant to Thorion's
civilian identity of locksmith Don Free, @ Thorion of the New
Last updated: 02/12/03
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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