Real Name: Rhomann Dey
Identity/Class: Extra-Terrestrial (Xandarian) mutate
Occupation: Soldier
Group Membership: former leader of the Nova Corps
Affiliations: Adora, Computer-Prime, Nova (Richard Rider, successor)
Enemies: Zorr
Known Relatives: Karman-Kan (wife, deceased), Duranna and Kahry (children, deceased)
Aliases: Centurion, Nova-Prime
Base of Operations: formerly Xandar and the Nova-Prime Starship
First Appearance: Nova I#1 (September, 1976)
Powers/Abilities: Rhomann Dey possessed
the conventional attributes of a Nova Centurion, including
superhuman strength, durability, and flight. He was seen only
briefly in action, so it is uncertain whether his powers are
superior or inferior to those of Richard Rider/Nova, although it
is quite likely that his skill and fighting abilities were
superior. As the leader of the Nova Corps, he would presumably
also have been a skilled strategist.
He had access to Computer P.R.I.M.E. (Planetary Recorder for Information
Maintenance and Education) which contained the brain
patterns and memories of all previous Centurion-Nova warriors as
well as the ability to access the power of the Nova-Prime
Rhomann Dey was the leader of the Nova Corps of Xandar.
(Fantastic Four I#204 (fb)) - The Luphomoid Warlord Zorr's starship appeared in the Tranta System, shrugged off Xandar's Nova Corps and destroyed most of its fleet, and then began to syphon the energy from the planet Xandar to use against Galactus. As a last-ditch effort Dey, piloting the Nova Prime ship, attacked Zorr's ship. Though he was unable to save Xandar, whose internal stresses tore it apart, Dey managed to drive off Zorr, apparently before he could syphon all the energy he required. At some point in the attack, Dey's wife and children were killed.
BTS - Dey hounded Zorr from one star system to the next, consistently preventing him from carrying out his plans.
(Nova I#1(fb)-BTS/Nova III#1(fb))
-Dey led the Nova Corps to resist Zorr, but the Luphomoid slew
the Nova Corps and finally crushed the Centurion Nova-Prime,
Rhomann Dey, the last of the resistance, and wiped out almost all
remaining life on Xandar.
BTS - Zorr next traveled to Earth, planning to make it his next target. However, Rhomann Dey survived, though paralyzed and mortally wounded, and his drones brought him aboard his Starship, which enabled him to pursue Zorr to Earth.
(Nova I#1) - Knowing he could no longer personally fight any longer, Dey transferred his powers to a human, hoping his successor would be worthy of the power and be able to stop Zorr. The recipient of the Nova Power was Richard Rider, who did indeed fighting against Zorr, but appeared to be unable to defeat him. The neophyte Nova was unable to damage Zorr in any way, but he did distract him sufficiently so that Dey could use his Nova-Prime Starship to lock onto Zorr, teleport him aboard, and disintegrate him by channeling the ship's full power into him. Dey used up the last of his own energy in the process of doing this and expired as well, leaving behind only the empty costume of Zorr on the floor of his ship.
Comments: Created by Marv Wolfman and John Buscema.
Thanks to Flank McLargehuge for adding in the info from FF#204.
Centurion Nova-Prime Rhomann Dey should be distinguished from
Nova I#1 (September, 1976) - Marv Wolfman (writer/editor), John Buscema (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks)
Fantastic Four I#204 (March, 1979) - Marv Wolfman (writer/editor), Keith Pollard (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks)
Nova III#1 (May, 1999) - Erik Larsen (writer), Joe Bennett (pencils), Armando Durruthy (inks), Ruben Diaz (editor)
First Posted: 10/31/2002
Last updated: 03/15/2006
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