Name: Andreas de Ruyter
Identity/Class: Human technology user
Occupation: Former member of the South African Bureau of State Security
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Unnamed former masters, unnamed assassin
Enemies: Black Panther, Storm (Ororo Munroe)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: De Ruyter the Bull
Base of Operations: A mansion on Long Islands North Shore.
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up I#100/2 (December, 1980)
Powers/Abilities: In his prime, Andreas De Ruyter was very strong, but his strength had degraded considerably with age. In his robot body, Ruyter certainly had some degree of super-human strength and stamina, as well as full insulation from Storms electrical blasts. It is possible that he was fairly wealthy, in order to finance assassins and the technology needed for both the robot body and the mind-transferal system.
History: (Marvel Team-Up I#100/2(fb)) Some time ago, Andreas Ruyter was a member of the South African Bureau of State Security. Ruyter was instructed to capture Prince TChalla of Wakanda, so that his masters could brainwash TChalla into becoming their puppet leader, in order to gain Wakandas great mineral wealth. Ruyter and his men finally came close to capturing TChalla near Lake Rudolph, Kenya. However TChalla managed to hold them off, until a teenage Ororo Munro came to his aid. Catching them by surprise, Ororo defeated Ruyters thugs out with blasts of hurricane force wind. Ruyter then faced TChalla and Ororo himself, but TChalla knocked him to the ground and Ororo blasted his gun. Before Ruyter could react, Ororo flew away with TChalla.
BTS-After his battle with Ororo and TChalla, Ruyter supposedly became a changed man. Gradually, but inexorably, Ruyters career fell apart until he was forced into retirement. He later disappeared.
(Marvel Team-Up I#100/2) Craving
revenge on the two that ruined his career, Ruyter (who had
apparently taken up residence in a mansion on Long Island) set up
a trap for the two. He first sends a hired Afrikaner assassin to
murder Storm. However, the bullet misses its mark and only mildly
grazes Storms head. Storm follows the assassin and made him
reveal who had hired him. When she heard it was Andreas De
Ruyter, she immediately knows that TChallas life
could be in danger. She has
Prof. Xavier use his telepathic powers to erase the
assassins memories of her and then she heads to the
Wakandan Embassy. Once there, Storm meets TChalla again and
tells of him or her run-in with the assassin. Storm learned from
the assassin, that De Ruyter has hired a whole team specifically
to eliminate her and TChalla. TChalla checks several
computer files from sources ranging from the Avengers
compu-files, to the C.I.A, to Interpol. Eventually they find a
mansion on the North Shore of Long Island. Carefully, the Black
Panther and Storm make their way through the mansion, dispatching
with the few guards they find and rudimentary electronic
surveillance equipment. Storm becomes uneasy with the lack of
security the house has, and the Black Panther is now convinced
that it is a trap. They search the entire house and find nothing,
except for a large locked door. As the Black Panther is about to
kick it down, Storm notices a trigger plate that would have
ignited a supply of explosives had the Panther kicked it. Using
her lock-picking skills, Storm opens the door and they enter the
dimly lit room. Inside they find a giant robot, speaking with De
Ruyters voice. The robot immediately attacks them, and
badly bludgeons the Black Panther. The robot is also immune to
Storms lightning attacks. However, Storm blasts the ground
with lightning shattered the floor beneath the robot, which hurls
down to the lower floor. Storm and the Blank Panther find a
concealed door and finding no booby-traps, they enter. They find
De Ruyter, surrounded by electronic equipment. De Ruyter has been
dead for over a minute, his mind unable to cope with the mental
strain of the robots fall. With the danger eliminated,
Storm and the Black Panther part.
Comments: Created by Chris Claremont, John Byrne, and Bob McLeod
De Ruyter must have had some sort of aid in his mission of revenge. First of all, I doubt he could design and construct a robot and mind-transference electronics on his own, so either he was rich and bought them from somewhere or somebody (A.I.M? The Wizard?), or he was backed by some person or group with similar goals. This could mean that he had connections to any one the hundred or so racist and/or mutant-hating groups in the Marvel Universe.
Theres always a chance that his mind couldve survived in the robot body (which seemed nigh indestructible), but seeing as he wasnt that interesting a character to begin with, I think hell stay dead.
Profile by Spaceknight
Andreas Ruyter (AKA the Bull) has no connection to:
images: (without ads)
Marvel Team-Up I#100, p34, pan3 (Andreas de Ruyter main image)
p38, pan1 (de Ruyter's robot body)
Last updated: 12/21/02
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