Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Skrull)
Occupation: Covert warrior, saboteur, impersonator
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: The Skrull Empire
Enemies: The New Warriors (Namorita, Nova/Richard Rider, Rage/Elvin Haliday, Speedball/Robbie Baldwin)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Officer Dragon
Base of Operations: New York City, New York
First Appearance: Nova III#3 (July 1999)
Powers/Abilities: Like all Skrulls, he has the ability to morph into the appearance of other lifeforms.
History: (Nova III#3 - BTS) - The Officer Dragon impersonator arrived on Earth and took on the appearance of Officer Dragon, a super-powered member of the police. He then pretended to be him while in the New York area. After an undetermined amount of time, he came into confrontation with Nova and the rest of the New Warriors. (Nova III#3) - The Officer Dragon impersonator was shown being handed over to the NYPD by Nova after their battle. He explained that he'd taken on Dragon's likeness to infiltrate the prisons and release other Skrulls who'd been imprisoned recently while impersonating heroes. He was then carted off to Ryker's Island. Comments: Created by Erik Larsen. After the New Warriors busted the Dragon impersonator, a cop who looks suspiciously like Erik Larsen remarks that the Skrull got Dragon's fin all wrong and is too tall to be a convincing doppelganger (this is an in-joke of Larsen's as he often has this complaint about how other artists handle the real Dragon in their books). There's an argument to be made that since he believed he was impersonating someone, then there must be a real version of Officer Dragon (by whatever name) on Earth-616. And for any shapeshifting race bar the Skrulls, that might hold true. Unfortunately, given it was established very early in the Skrulls' history that Skrull eyes can't tell the difference between comic book panels and photographs, the impersonator here might have mistaken copies of the Savage Dragon comics for factual historical accounts. Spider-Man Team-Up#5 (December, 1996), showed a version of Officer Dragon during a dimensional warp when Spider-Man and Howard The Duck briefly encountered Dragon. In 2008, writer Erik Larson wrote a blog in which he revealed he didn't originally write this appearance to feature a pseudo-cameo by his own creation. Instead it was supposed to
be a Skrull impersonating Elektra, and was his way of getting rid of the resurrected Elektra that had been running around at that point. Profile by Madison Carter CLARIFICATIONS: Images: (without ads) Appearances:
First Posted: 03/25/2003 Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know. Non-Marvel Copyright info
The Officer Dragon impersonator has no known connections to
Nova III#3, p1, pan1 (main image)
Nova III#3 (July 1999) - Erik Larsen (writer), Joe Bennett (pencils), Armando Durruthy (inks)
Last Updated: 02/06/2025
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