Real Name: Sharon Selleck
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Television production assistant; aspiring actress/singer
Group Membership: Lead singer for The Rolling Dead
Affiliations: Julie Angel, Fantastic Four (Human Torch/Johnny Storm, Invisible Girl/Sue Richards, Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards, She-Hulk/Jen Walters, Thing/Ben Grimm), Norm Tobin
Enemies: Citizens of King's Crossing
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Manhattan, New York
First Appearance: (Unidentified)
Fantastic Four I#245 (August, 1982);
(named) Fantastic Four I#251 (February, 1983)
Powers/Abilities: Sharon Selleck is a novice actress with some talent for singing.
Weaknesses: Sharon is allergic to milk and other dairy products.
Height: 5'6" (by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed (color obscured by eyeglasses)
Hair: Blond
(Fantastic Four I#245) - Sharon Selleck was on staff at the TV City studio (see comments), where the
Invisible Girl was being interviewed by Barbara Walker on the program Woman
to Woman.
(Fantastic Four I#251 (fb) - BTS) - At some point--following the departure of Julie Angel's former roommate Frankie Raye--Sharon became Julie's new roommate.
(Fantastic Four I#251) - Sharon attended an acting class with Julie, and Julie introduced her to Johnny Storm, who was trying to date Julie at the time. Sharon mentioned to Johnny that she met his sister when the Invisible Girl appeared on Woman to Woman--she was quite taken with the Human Torch, and secretly wondered if Julie was interested in him, because Sharon wanted to make a move on him herself.
(Fantastic Four I#253) - At their apartment, Sharon had just helped to cut Julie's hair; but Julie wasn't sure about the new hairstyle, so Sharon suggested that they call up the Human Torch and get his opinion--Sharon secretly wanted to see him again anyway. But when Julie phoned the Baxter Building, she unknowingly spoke to Annihilus, who curtly brushed her off. Noticing how unnerved Julie was by the unearthly voice at the other end of the phone conversation, Sharon became concerned about Johnny's safety.
(Fantastic Four I#256) - Sharon and Julie hurriedly walked to the Baxter Building; when Julie mentioned she had to meet with Grey Landers in half-an-hour, Sharon scolded her for seeming to be more interested in her date than Johnny's well-being. The two reached their destination, and they witnessed the formation of Annihilus' null-field around the Baxter Building.
(Fantastic Four I#257) - With Annihilus defeated, Johnny caught up with Sharon and Julie and took them along as he went to check out a bachelor pad for himself. At the apartment building, the three met with their mutual friend Norm Tobin (who acted as the real estate agent); after checking out his new bachelor pad, Johnny agreed to rent it, and they all went to a nearby diner so Johnny could sign the rental lease for Norm. When the waitress came to their table, the other three ordered banana splits, but Sharon just ordered a Coke, specifically mentioning that she was allergic to dairy products.
(Fantastic Four Annual I#17 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Sharon became the lead singer with the new "shatterock" group The Rolling Dead; she needed to get to the (unspecified) town where the band was performing, so she borrowed Julie's automobile to make the road-trip.
(Fantastic Four Annual I#17) - Sharon got lost during the drive, and the car broke down in a rural area of upstate New York; she wandered into the small town of King's Crossing, where the citizen had been altered by Skrull-milk into pseudo-Skrulls. Because Sharon was allergic to milk, she avoided being transformed herself, and tried to flee--she managed to phone Julie and warned her about the strange goings-on before being captured, and Julie alerted the Fantastic Four.
The Fantastic Four went to King's Crossing and rescued Sharon from the pseudo-Skrulls; they were ultimately able to cure the town's populace with a chemical inhibitor, then returned with Sharon to New York City.
(Fantastic Four I#259) - Sharon visited Johnny at his bachelor pad and thanked him again for rescuing her from King's Crossing; then she made her move and aggressively kissed him, leaving Johnny quite flustered by her pass. Johnny stammered and explained to her that he thought she was a "cute kid," but turned her down because he was still interested in Julie--the awkward moment suddenly ended when Johnny noticed the FF's emergency flare signal in the sky, so he burst into flame and took flight to join his teammates.
(Fantastic Four I#269) - Several weeks later, Sharon met with Johnny at a cafe for lunch to catch up with him--she told him she was glad that he came, because she was beginning to think he'd put her on his "ignore and avoid" list after their previous encounter; but when Johnny saw Alicia Masters (actually the Skrull Lyja) nearby, he excused himself and told Sharon he'd have to take a raincheck on their lunch date, then he left to escort Alicia back home--Sharon began to suspect that Johnny was now interested in Alicia.
Comments: Created by John Byrne.
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Unfortunately, Byrne left the series just before the 300th issue, and none of the writers who followed him ever picked up the character of Sharon Selleck, so we've never learned what happened to her. Does she still "carry a torch" for Johnny? And this one image was the extent of Sharon's blink-and-you'll-miss-it introductory appearance in FF I#245.--Ron Fredricks Profile by Prime Eternal. Expanded by Ron Fredricks. |
Sharon Selleck should not be confused with:
images: (without ads)
Fantastic Four Annual I#17, p5, pan1 (main image - Sharon Selleck)
Fantastic Four I#256, p8, pan2 (headshot - Sharon Selleck)
Fantastic Four I#251, p10, pan1 (at acting class, Sharon Selleck, shortly after being introduced to Johnny Storm)
Fantastic Four I#259, p14, pan3 (Sharon Selleck makes a pass at Johnny Storm)
Fantastic Four I#245, p1, pan1 (Sharon Selleck, on the set of Woman to Woman)
Fantastic Four I#245 (August, 1982) - John Byrne (writer/pencils/inks), Rick Parker (letters), Jim Salicrup (editor)
Fantastic Four I#251 (February, 1983) - John Byrne (writer/pencils/inks), Tom DeFalco (editor)
Fantastic Four I#253 (April, 1983) - John Byrne (writer/pencils/inks), Glynis Wein (colors), Al Milgrom (editor)
Fantastic Four I#256 (July, 1983) - John Byrne (writer/pencils/inks), Glynis Wein (colors), Jim Novak (letters), Al Milgrom (editor)
Fantastic Four I#257 (August, 1983) - John Byrne (writer/pencils/inks), Al Milgrom (editor)
Fantastic Four Annual I#17 (1983) - John Byrne (writer/pencils/inks), Glynis Wein (colors), Jim Novak (letters), Carl Potts (editor)
Fantastic Four I#259 (October, 1983) - John Byrne (writer/pencils/inks), Glynis Wein (colors), Bob Budiansky (editor)
Fantastic Four I#269 (August, 1984) - John Byrne (writer/pencils/inks), Glynis Wein (colors), Diana Albers (letters), Bob Budiansky (editor)
First posted: 03/08/2004
Last updated: 07/06/2024
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