Classification: Human race variant/deviation (Hidden race);
Location/Base of Operations: Starkesboro (see comments), Massachusetts
Known Members: Bethel Doan and other Doans, Lemuel Joad and his ancestors, Ethan Stoddard, Ethan Stoddard's unidentified father (last name almost certainly Stoddard; mentioned only); Deborah (fiancee of Johnny Frames); unidentified librarian;
the hotel owner was presumably one of the serpentine people, but this is unconfirmed;
similarly Caleb Starke and the founders of Starkesboro may or may not have been part of the serpent people
Affiliations: Ebora, N'Gabthoth, Set, Shuma-Gorath, Sligguth
Enemies: Ancient One (Yao), Clea, Dr. Stephen Strange, Johnny Frames, Wong
Troglodytes of Starksboro (from Johnny Frames), Spawn of Sligguth
(from Ebora; and on the cover of Marvel Premiere#4), "You worshippers of the Primal Gods" (from Ebora)
First Appearance: Marvel Premiere#4 (September, 1972)
Powers/Abilities: The whole town of
gives off such an aura of demonic magic that in and of itself it was
enough to overcome Dr. Strange. The aura crippled the powers of Dr.
Strange and Clea, although the Vishanti and the Ancient One could
protect Dr. Strange from this aura, allowing him to access various
forms of magic.
The serpentine people do not appear to demonstrate significant superhuman abilities, but they prefer to rely on the weight of their numbers to overcome foes. The attack en masse, and don't give up unless they are physically incapacitated. They tend to rely on the power of their gods to defeat their foes, as well.
The serpentine people of Starkesboro developed varying degrees of a serpentine appearance, including reptilian scales, slit-like pupils, and a sloped forehead, all of which became more extreme over time. This appearance was referred to as the "Starkesboro Look."
By the time N'Gabthoth came to Starkesboro, at least some of the people were green-skinned, with a crest -- composed of a series of pointed fin-like structures -- running atop their head.
Traits: The serpent people of Starkesboro were initially, at minimum, insular, remaining and reproducing amongst their own people.
They fanatically worship their demon-lords, mindlessly following their commands, and they are willing to capture and sacrifice humans.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) - Per Strange's speculation, some of the Elderspawn Sligguth's Serpent Men offspring survived by inter-breeding with humanity, producing hybrids and existing in cloistered colonies.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) <1670 A.D.> An
obscure religious sect...
(Marvel Premiere#5 (fb) - BTS) - ...composed mostly of fisherfolk...
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) - ...emigrated from England to America to escape
religious persecution.
Led by Caleb Starke, they formed the town of
Starkesboro in New England, and they remained isolated, clannish, and
withdrawn, with nearly all residents of the town being descended from
the founders.
(Marvel Premiere#5 (fb)) - One moonlit night, a group of Starkesboro fisherfolk discovered a serpent-twined inverted cross (although
I'm not sure how they knew it was an inverted cross since it was just
floating in water; maybe there was writing on it...or a "this side up"
notation) floating up from the deep waters.
They wondered of its
nature, its meaning, and who could have placed it there and why.
Premiere#5 (fb) - BTS) - Thereafter, the people of Starkesboro
fell under the influence of Sligguth, and their features changed,
becoming more reptilian.
(Marvel Premiere#5 (fb)) - As
they worshipped and called on him, Sligguth visited them and selected
a a dark priestess, Ebora, whom he called on to do his will. In return,
she remained fully human.
(Marvel Premiere#5 (fb) - BTS) - The worshippers of Sligguth deconsecrated the Starkesboro church, placed the serpent-twined inverted cross therein, and added an altar...
(Marvel Premiere#5 (fb) - BTS) - On which they offered sacrifices to Sligguth and chanted their accursed rhythms.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) - Ethan Stoddard and his fiancee, Bethel Doan, left Starkesboro and went to Salem State College, and later to New York City for graduate studies.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) - Beth's thesis was on the occult arts in America, and some of her work touched on Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, Dr. Stephen Strange, and his work.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) - In retrospect, Ethan considered that that was when things had started to go...wrong.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) <2 months before the main story> - Bethel decided to return to Starkesboro to continue her research at the local library, which had a lot of books other places did not, such as the Thanatosian Tomes.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb)) - As Bethel left, she assured Ethan that she would only be gone for a few weeks, but he told her that he had never liked their hometown, as so few had seemed to escape it, and that he had thought they had accomplished this. He further told her that he had a strange feeling about it, and he told her repeatedly not to be long. She assured him that she would not, and she promised to write every day.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) - Beth's letters to Ethan began to half-coherently discuss dark gods and forbidden cults.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) <3 weeks before the main story> - Bethel's abruptly stopped writing letters
to Ethan, and his letters were returned unopened. Ethan was certain
that they were in love, and that this cessation of contact was related to
something from her research.
(Marvel Premiere#4) - Ethan Stoddard came to Dr. Strange for some sort of assistance, entering Strange's Sanctum unaided while an exhausted Wong slept. Stoddard shared his concerns about Bethel, and Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to ascertain that Ethan's mind harbored no evil nor disguised some nefarious plot.
During a brief lunch break on their bus trip the following day, Ethan told Strange of some of Starkesboro's history.
Strange and Stoddard arrived in Starkesboro during a thunderstorm at night, and the bus driver urged their departure, after which Ethan noted how his hometown now felt like an alien planet, so desolate and so quiet. Strange was surprised by the sound of church bells on a Saturday night, and he noted that Starkesboro was odd indeed.
Ethan led Strange to the town's best (and only) hotel, and the manager/owner was surprised, as they didn't get many visitors. Strange asked about Bethel, and the owner told him that he knew of Doans in town, but that he couldn't place the name of Bethel. After ordering a pair of rooms, Strange and Stoddard went silently to their rooms under the taciturn clerk's gaze.
(Marvel Premiere#4) - From his room, Strange observed the Starkesboro church, and he
considered the similar odd cast of features -- something about the eyes
and the slope of the forehead -- to all who were departing. When the
manager delivered Strange's tea, Strange asked whether the rest of
the staff was at the Saturday evening service and whether it was
something special or if it the timing was typical. The manager told him
that he WAS the staff and that the hotel was his worry, so he didn't
pay attention to anything else.
Meanwhile, Ethan stared at the crowd
below and wondered whether Bethel was among them.
As midnight struck, Strange released his astral form for a pre-arranged communion with this mentor, the Ancient One, and he found that he had to focus his power to force his way past something that seemed to restrain his ectoplasmic form. Communing with the Ancient One on the Astral Plane, Strange learned of vague evil portents from events originating before man walked the Earth, as detailed in the Thanatosian Tomes, the Black Sea Scrolls, and von Juntz's Unausprechlichenkulten, of a slumbering cosmic obscenity...and of cults and long lost races. The Ancient One then departed to face some of the forces behind this and sent Strange to face those in Starkesboro.
The next morning, Strange and Ethan headed to the town library, and en
route, they encountered Lemuel Joad when Ethan asked him to confirm if
the town library was still in its previous occasion. Ethan was shocked
at how Lemuel's appearance had changed, but Lemuel replied to "Mr. High
'n' Mighty Stoddard," noting that his father didn' have the airs to
marry outside Starkesboro, nor had he ever left kith and kin for the
city: "So, if I got the look of Starkesboro man, it's cause I am..and proud of it." Confirming that the library was where it always was, next to the church, Lemuel bade Ethan, "Good day to ye!"
Ethan then informed Strange that he had forgotten how the "Starkesboro look" got worse with age, and Strange replied how he had glimpsed the look the night before, although not so clearly.
Strange then headed to the church while Ethan went into the library. The spell disguising Strange's costume faded as he entered the church, and he sensed something acting against his magic, with the church being its focal point. Within the church, Strange found an altar with iron shackles, deeply stained on the surface, betraying it blasphemous purpose; an inverted cross, the sign of the black mass (see comments); and the mark of Sligguth behind the cross. Seeing the latter, Strange realized how and why an entire atmosphere of utmost evil was working against his powers. He further sensed how the church's dark aura had its heart at a certain door, and while he appreciated that this was not the ultimate underlying evil, he nonetheless considered investigating the labyrinth behind the door.
Meanwhile, Ethan questioned the librarian about Bethel's whereabouts, first being ignored before receiving an invitation to leave town with the outsider he had brought in. Ignoring this, Ethan entered the library and found Bethel. Although she heard him calling her, Beth remained silent initially, after which she also advised him to depart with his outsider friend. When Ethan forced a confrontation with Beth, he was shocked to see how she had taken on the "Starkesboro look" as well.
As Ethan
panicked and fled, Beth told him that she had hoped he wouldn't see her
like this, after which she discussed with the librarian her worries
about how badly Ethan was taking it, but the librarian assured her how
all was going as it should, which was all that was important.
Ethan than rushed into the church, his calls stopping Strange from entering the labyrinth. After Ethan questioned how they could have done this to Beth, Strange asked him if had ever been to this church and looked on its altar, and Ethan -- not having been there since he was a kid -- appreciated that it was a place of sacrifice, after which Strange detailed the nature of Sligguth and the "Serpent Breed."
As the people of Starkesboro surrounded the church, chanting for Ethan to come out, Strange slammed the doors, assuring the panicking Ethan that they were strong and that the spawn of Sligguth would not be quick to descecrate his shrine.
Nonetheless, Ethan urged Strange to use his powers to save them, and Strange explained how his powers were drained by the town. Eventually, the continued chanting eventually brought Ethan under the influence of Sligguth's agents. As Ethan attacked him, Strange tried to help him resist the Serpent People's will, but Ethan argued that -- even when it was impure as it was in him -- "Starkesboro blood must tell!" Ethan further advised Strange that his powers weren't being merely weakened, but that they were being drained.
Strange used his Cloak of Levitation to escape Ethan, but the outside people of Starkesboro considered that Strange's resistance was greater than they expected, and so they joined their hands and concentrated on the church door. As the door broke down, Ethan mocked Strange's escape attempts as akin to a swallow desperately trying to escape a barn.
Ultimately, the
exhausted Strange crashed to the ground as the Serpent People broke
through the door. Bethel reunited with Ethan, and Strange collapsed
under the combined power of the townspeople.
Strange awakened, chained to the altar, and one of the townspeople noted how they had been charged to prevent Strange from interfering with the waking of the "Great One who Slumbers." Proclaiming victory, the man ordered the others to throw wide the door to the labyrinth.
(Marvel Premiere#5) - As Strange struggled futilely against his chains, the townspeople chanted in an ancient language and in ever more deep and reptilian voices, "Shub Fthnakor Morakth!" One of the townspeople then announced the arrival of the Great One (Sligguth) and his priestess, Ebora.
Aided by his Cloak of Levitation, Dr. Strange broke free from his chains and then, via multiple spells invoking various mystic principalities (the Ancient One apparently sent remote aid, allowing Strange to his powers despite Starkesboro's draining aura), Strange drove off Sligguth, causing him to flee back into the tunnel from which he had emerged.
Ebora then urged the "Spawn of Sligguth" to assault Strange (who was weakened from his struggle with Sligguth) and they swarmed over and battered him. Calling on the Vapors of Valtorr, Strange pained and drove off his attackers, after which he headed down the tunnel in pursuit of Sligguth.
Using a black candle to light his way, Strange was soon after assaulted by large bats who bit and swarmed over him. Using his candle to set aflame the numerous dried spider-webs, Strange drove off the bats and then continued down the hand-hewn stone steps. The candle flames alerted Strange to a trap door over a pit filled with vipers and other creatures, allowing him to bypass it.
(Marvel Premiere#5 - BTS) - Meanwhile, the Ancient One was carried off by the Shadowmen of sunken Kaa-U apparently under the direction of the Living Buddha. Additionally, sensing the danger to Strange and the Ancient One, Clea traveled to Dr. Strange's sanctum, restored the shattered Orb of Agamotto, confirmed the nature of the threats to her allies, and then led Wong to join her in traveling to Starkesboro.
(Marvel Premiere#5) - His eyes stung and his lungs strained by noxious, fetid mists exuding from the stone itself, Strange encountered Sligguth anew in Sligguth's lair, located in a cavern beneath the sea. Overwhelmed by Sligguth, Strange called on the Vishanti; unwilling to aid Strange directly, they suspended the town's evil aura, allowing Strange to fight back. As Strange gained the upper hand, Ebora sensed this and she called upon sea-things and ghouls to cause the seas to shatter the stone into Sligguth's lair. While Sligguth escaped into the waters, Strange was caught in a closing crevasse, and Ebora confronted him with her trident.
(Marvel Premiere#6) - Strange
drove off Ebora and then apparently slew Sligguth, after which
N'Gabthoth, the Shambler from the Sea, awakened and headed to the
Meanwhile, as Clea and Wong arrived in Starkesboro by car, they both sensed the town's evil aura, at which point they encountered Johnny Frames, who told them of how his fiancee was in the townspeople's power, and that she would be changed in appearance as were all those who lived in Starkesboro. They were then confronted by a crowd of townspeople (whom Johnny referred to as the "troglodytes of Starksboro") who overwhelmed and captured the trio; Clea, too, was weakened by the town's aura.
Led by Ebora, the townspeople brought their captives up the sacred cliff to N'Gabthoth's roost and then manacled them to the altar. Ebora then called to N'Gabthoth, but as he emerged from the sea, the Ancient One sent forth his astral self to aid Strange. Hearing the chanting atop the seaside cliff, Strange flew there and saw his allies chained to the altar. The weakened Strange was overpowered by N'Gabthoth, but he did manage to shatter the altar and free the captives, who engaged the serpentine people. The Ancient One's astral self then merged with Strange, shielding him from the town's aura and allowing Strange to turn N'Gabthoth's magic against him, driving him off.
N'Gabthoth rushed to the deconsecrated church and recovered an "eon-old chest," but Strange confronted N'Gabthoth and turned his magics against him, apparently destroying the Shambler. The Ancient One's astral self departed to return to his imprisoned body in Kaa-U the Accursed.
(Marvel Premiere#6 (fb) - BTS) - At some point after Strange's first driving off N'Gabthoth, and perhaps not until after Strange's apparently killing N'Gabthoth, the people of Starkesboro (including Deborah) fled back into the dark hills.
(Marvel Premiere#6) - With N'Gabthoth's death, Starkesboro's evil aura lessened, and Strange swiftly regained his strength.
(Marvel Premiere#6 / Marvel Premiere#7) - From the chest he had taken from N'Gabthoth, Strange saw a map of Stonehenge. Sensing dire perils -- frightful abysses of forgotten fears and chasms of primordial horrors gaping wide to destroy their world -- and specifically the threat of Shuma-Gorath, Strange resolved that they must travel to England.
Premiere#7) - At Clea's urging, Strange traveled to England on his own
to arrive there most swiftly while she and Wong secured their own
Comments: Created by Archie Goodwin, Roy Thomas, Barry Windsor-Smith, and Frank Brunner.
The town was originally and most consistently referred to as "Starkesboro" in the original appearance in Marvel Premiere I#4, but the following issues consistently went with "Starksboro." I'll review all of the issues and comment further in the Starkesboro profile on which I'm working.
What's their deal?
The three issues involving the Serpent Men of Starkesboro took two writers and three artists...I'm not sure if that changed the plans or anything, but you do get three different takes on their appearances.
The entire storyline carried the banner "Featuring Concepts
Created by Robert E. Howard."
Omar Karindu and Cyborg Caveman (Greg O) also add--The whole Starkesboro sequence owes much
to Lovecraft's story "The Shadow Over Innsmouth," about a New England coastal
town that becomes a cult to ichthyomorphic monstrosities. This cult worshipped
Father Dagon and Mother Hydra. References to the Cthulu Mythos can be found
throughout Marvel's stuff.
Additional, quite interesting comments on the inverted cross, via Per Degaton:
"I was looking through Marvel Two-in-One#66, and Hugh Jones used an upside
down cross, too. Obviously, an homage to the Serpent Men of Stakesboro story.
And then, it occured to me how strange it was that they used an
upside down cross. After all, there were no Christians during the Hyborian
era. In fact, even the early Christians did not use the Cross; the Cross
did not show up in Christian artwork until the Roman Emperor Constantine!
It is at this time that the Chi Rho and the symbol of the fish, representing
the miraculous nature of Jesus' message (at least as formulated by the gospel
writers), is replaced by the cross, at the time a symbol of death and suffering,
as the principal emblem of Christianity.
I suppose the connection would come from
Mitra, who has been established as having been worshipped during the Hyborian
era. Mitra is a version of the name Mithra, whom the emperor Constantine
also worshipped. In fact, Constantine remained a member of the Mithraist
religion until his death bed.
He adapted elements of Mithraism for Roman Catholicism.
(The above link notes that the Romans did not use a t-shaped cross in their
executions, rather just a one-piece stake. The cross was a Mithraist symbol.)
So, the reason that Sligguth used the upside down cross was to mock Mitra,
not Christianity.
An alternative explanation is that the demons Set, Sligguth,
etc. would be weakened or injured by the "White magic" (or however you
to explain it) of a Christian symbol and its faith...not far from the
vampires are injured/weakened by religious symbols backed by faith. And
perhaps they used the inverted cross as a deliberate...something
(insult...defiance...) against Christianity. Per Degaton's explanation
is cooler, though.--Snood.
The town of Starkesboro, Massachussetts was seen again in the
"Capwolf" saga during Captain America I#402-408, when it was taken over by
Dredmund Druid
and Nightshade, who mutated hundreds of the townspeople into
pseudo-werewolves. I'm not sure if those were supposed to be the SAME
who were ALREADY mutated into serpent-people in the earlier story, or
some unlucky schmoes who moved in when the town was abandoned
. in fact, I would think the name of the town was just a coincidence if
story wasn't written by Mark Gruenwald.
--Continental Op
And again in Secret Defenders. I'm working on a profile on Starkesboro, and I'll cover all that there...
They should be differentiated from:
Bethel Doan
Bethel Doan was born and raised in Starkesboro.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) - Bethel and her fiancee, Ethan Stoddard, left Starkesboro and went to Salem State College, and later to New York City for graduate studies.
(Marvel Premiere#4 - BTS) - Ethan had a "rooming house" in Manhattan. It is not specified, but it seemed that he and Bethel had separate homes, which would fit for an unmarried couple from a conservative town in the early 1970's.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) - Beth's thesis was on the occult arts in America, and some of her work touched on Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, Dr. Stephen Strange, and his work.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) <2 months before the main story> - Bethel decided to return to Starkesboro to continue her research at the local library, which had a lot of books other places did not, such as the Thanatosian Tomes.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb)) - As Bethel left, she assured Ethan that she would only be gone for a few weeks, but he told her that he had never liked their hometown, as so few had seemed to escape it, and that he had thought they had accomplished this. He further told her that he had a strange feeling about it, and he told her repeatedly not to be long. She assured him that she would not, and she promised to write every day.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) - Beth's letters to Ethan began to half-coherently discuss dark gods and forbidden
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) <3 weeks before the main story> - Bethel's abruptly stopped writing letters to Ethan, and his letters were returned unopened. Ethan was certain that they were in love, and that this cessation of contact was related to something from her research.
(Marvel Premiere#4 - BTS) - Ethan recruited aid from Dr. Strange to rescue his fiancee.The next day Ethan questioned the librarian about Bethel's whereabouts, first being ignored before receiving an invitation to leave town with the outsider he had brought in.
(Marvel Premiere#4) - Ignoring this, Ethan entered the library and found Bethel. Although she heard him calling her, Beth remained silent initially, after which she also advised him to depart with his outsider friend. When Ethan forced a confrontation with Beth, he was shocked to see how she had taken on the "Starkesboro look" as well.
As Ethan panicked and fled, Beth told him that she had hoped he wouldn't see her like this, after which she discussed with the librarian her worries about how badly Ethan was taking it, but the librarian assured her how all was going as it should, which was all that was important.--Marvel Premiere#4 (5 & 6 - BTS (or a face in the crowd)
Lemuel Joad
Lemuel Joad was born and raised in Starkesboro, where he lived his entire life.
(Marvel Premiere#4 (fb) - BTS) - As kids, Ethan Stoddard and Lemuel Joad played together.
The next morning, Strange and Ethan headed to the town library, and en route, they encountered Lemuel Joad when Ethan asked him to confirm if the town library was still in its previous occasion. Ethan was shocked at how Lemuel's appearance had changed, but Lemuel replied to "Mr. High 'n' Mighty Stoddard," noting that his father didn't' have the airs to marry outside Starkesboro, nor had he ever left kith and kin for the city: "So, if I got the look of Starkesboro man, it's cause I am..and proud of it."
Confirming that the library was where it always was, next to the church, Lemuel bade Ethan, "Good day to ye!"
--Marvel Premiere#4 (5 & 6 - BTS (or a face in the crowd)
Marvel Premiere#4, pg. 4, panel 9 (Bethel, face, normal);
pg. 11, panel 4 (Lemuel Joad, face);
panel 5 (Lemuel Joad, body);
pg. 15, panel 1 (Bethel, serpentine form, face);
panel 7 (Bethel, serpentine form, upper body);
pg. 16, panel (townspeople, more full, chanting for Ethan);
pg. 19, panel 3 (townspeople, faces, chanting);
pg. 20, panel 6 (townspeople in church, with man ranting over Dr. Strange)l
#5, pg. 1 (townspeople by Strange (chained to altar);
pg. 3, panel 3 (people of Starkesboro find serpentine inverted cross);
panel 4 (people of Starkesboro calling on Sligguth);
panel 6 (sacrifice);
pg. 7, panel 5 (people swarming over Strange);
#6, pg. 7, panel 5 (people restraining Clea);
pg. 14, panel 4 (close-up face being punched by Johnny Frames);
Marvel Premiere#4 (September, 1972) - Archie Goodwin & Roy Thomas
(writers), Barry Windsor-Smith (pencils), Frank Brunner (inks), Roy
Thomas (editor)
Marvel Premiere#5 (November, 1972) - Gardner F. Fox (writer), Irv Wesley (pencils), Don Perlin (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
Marvel Premiere#6 (January, 1973) - Gardner F. Fox (writer), Frank Brunner (pencils), Sal Buscema (inks), Roy Thomas (editor)
First Posted: 02/15/2002
Last updated: 02/09/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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1941-2099 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you like this
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