Real Name: Shango
Identity/Class: Loa (African God)
Occupation: God of Storm and Thunder
Group Membership: The Loa (African gods)
Affiliations: Apollo, Horus, Indra, Quetzalcoatl, Tawa, Thor Enemies: Demogorge the
God-Eater Known Relatives: Lusa
(father), Mahu (mother), Aliases: Chango, Sango, Sogbo,
Xevioso Base of Operations: Ala (a
dimension similar to Asgard or Olympus) First Appearance: Thor Annual#10 (1981) Powers/Abilities: Shango presumably possesses greater powers than most of the African gods,
perhaps even greater than Lusa or Nyambi himself. He has superhuman strength (Class
50 or greater) and stamina. He also has certain mystical
abilities to fly on clouds and some sensory awareness through his
ofo rod, a mystical plant which takes on the characteristics of
the world around it. History: (Thor Annual#10) - Shango was recruited by Thor to confront Demogorge, the destructive aspect
of the Elder God-spawn Atum, accidentally raised by seven death gods. Shango was one of
the few to actually injure Demogorge with his throwing iron.
However, he was consumed by the entity along with the death gods
and his own allies. He was finally released when the monster rejected Thor. The shift in the creature's palate
caused it to
become Atum once more, thus freeing the swallowed gods. (Doctor Strange III#17/2) - As
Xevioso, Shango's origins and connections to voodoo are revealed
from the Book of the Vishanti. (Xevioso is pictured standing,
next to Ogun, the God of Iron). Comments: Adapted by Alan
Zelenetz and Bob Hall. The African Gods seem to parallel the
Asgardians in as much as they both constitute two smaller, interacting tribes
of gods. In Asgard, it's the Aesir (heaven gods) and
the Vanir (earth gods). In Africa, it's the Loa (gods of earth
and the underworld) and the Orishas (gods of sky and heaven). As often as I read Thor Annual 10, it becomes
obvious that Thor caused Demogorge to vomit up the swallowed
deities. Kind of looks bad on Thor, doesn't it? Profile by William
Uchtman. Clarifications:
None images: (without ads) Appearances: Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
First Posted: 01/25/2002 Non-Marvel Copyright info Special Thanks to for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!
worshipped by the Yoruba tribe
Sagbata, Damballah, Legba, Eschu, Loco, Zaca, Gu, Maou, Ogun
Ayaba, Faa, Erzulie, Avlekete (sisters); Oya (wife); Nyambi
(uncle); Asase-Ya (aunt), Anansi (cousin); Obatala (grandfather),
Odudua (grandmother),
Thor Annual#10 (1982) - Mark Gruenwald & Alan Zelenetz (writers), Bob Hall (pencils), Rick Bryant, Andy Myshynsky, Al Gordon & Kevin Dzuban (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Dr. Strange III#17 (May, 1990) - Roy Thomas, Jean-Marc & Randy Lofficier (writers), Geof Isheroowd (pencils), Mickey Ritter (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Last Updated: 07/16/2004
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