Real Name: Nickolai Vronsky
Identity/Class: Human, Citizenship unknown, presumably Russian
Occupation: Henchman/Enforcer for Ivan the Terrible; former criminal
Affiliations: Employee of Ivan of Terrible; partner of Hammer; one time partner of Omega Red; former member of marauding gypsy band
Enemies: Maverick, Elena Ivanova, Francois Perigeux, Isabel Ferguson, Pierre Cloche, Vindicator II, Puck, Red Guardian (Josef Petkus), AIM, Omega Red, presumably HYDRA; Turkish marauders
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Russia, Paris, Canada; formerly Central and Northern Europe
First Appearance: Maverick II#1 (September, 1997)
Powers: Sickle has no superhuman powers, but is a skilled combatant, especially in fighting with a scythe (sickle). Sickle's weapon is apparently energy-based, hence its glow.
History: BTS- In their youth, Hammer and Sickle were members of a Gypsy band that traveled through Central and Northern Europe by caravan, pillaging as they went. Their own camp was decimated by a group of Turkish marauders. Soon after this they were enlisted by Ivan the Terrible.
(Maverick II#1)- Hammer and Sickle interrogated Francois Perigeux on behalf of Ivan the Terrible, to determine who leaked information about the Russian Matioso's planned expansion into Canada. After extracting the information they needed, they killed the Frenchman.
On behalf of Ivan the Terrible, Hammer and Sickle attacked Maverick and Elena Ivanova at the hotel Chateau Frontenac in Quebec, Canada. They were to apprehend the duo and bring them to Ivan; Maverick, whose mutant powers had resurfaced (due to the Legacy Virus within him going into remission) fought off Hammer, while Ivanova fled from Sickle. The mutant couple fled in car, but were pursued by Hammer and Sickle in a helicopter. Maverick, using his mutant ability to store and release energy, shot the helicopter out of the sky. Hammer and Sickle survived.
Later, the Gypsy duo were part of the group who ransacked Isabel Ferguson's house in Saint Jean Sur Richelieu, capturing Ivanova and forcing Maverick's surrender to Ivan the Terrible.
(Maverick II#2) - Hammer and Sickle were present when Maverick awoke from his "brainwashing" at the hands of Ivan the Terrible. Their appearance triggered a memory for Maverick, whose recent memory had been changed to make him trust Ivan the Terrible. Nonetheless, Maverick listened to the mob boss and set out to kill Major Barrington.
(Maverick II#3 (BTS))- Hammer and Sickle were sent after Maverick to complete the assassination if his conditioning wore off.
(Maverick II#3)- Sickle attacked Pierre Cloche, Department H's director of Foreign Affairs, as a diversion to get Maverick (who had overcome his conditioning at this point) and Vindicator to come after him. In the ensuing scuffle, Sickle took Cloche hostage and Maverick, using Sickle's own scythe, cut out the gypsy's left eye.
BTS- Sickle was then transferred to the Icebox, the Canadian maximum security prison.
(Maverick II #8)- The Confessor, hired by Ivan the Terrible, broke Sickle out of the Icebox and brought him back to Russia.
(Maverick II #10)- Maverick, having been captured by the Confessor for Ivan the Terrible, was brought to the mob boss' estate in Borivichi, Russia. There he was confronted by Ivan the Terrible, Hammer, and Sickle.
Sickle attacked Maverick, attempting to strangle him, only to be forced off him by Ivan the Terrible, who slammed his henchman into the wall, as he wanted to break Maverick before killing him.
Later, after Maverick was imprisoned, Hammer and Sickle were told of Pushkin's plan to attack an AIM installation, stealing its weaponry. They met Omega Red, who they were to work with during this operation.
(Maverick II#11)- Hammer and Sickle, along with Omega Red, received further details about the impending assault, along with the fact that the "regular" troops would be outfitted in HYDRA uniforms, to frame the terrorist organization.
(Maverick II#11 (BTS))- Hammer, Sickle and Omega Red, along with Ivan the Terrible's troops, and unknowingly Maverick and Red Guardian, departed Ivan's estate for the AIM headquarters by plane.
(Maverick II #12)- Ivan the Terrible's forces began their assault on the AIM base. Maverick was found to be aboard the plane, and both Omega Red and Sickle went to fight him. After a brief skirmish, Maverick and the Red Guardian escaped by leaping from the plane. Sickle and Omega Red almost came to blows over pursuing the heroes, but ultimately Omega Red stood down when reminded of the fate of those who cross Ivan the Terrible.
Sickle, in charge of security for the operation, came across Maverick and although thirsty for vengeance, lost to him in combat. Maverick almost killed the Gypsy with his bare hands, but stopped, claiming he is better than that.
Sickle, wounded from the fight, came across Omega Red who went after Maverick. Hammer and Sickle departed in the plane, along with the troops and biological weaponry. (Omega Red, defeated by Maverick, departed) Maverick got on the plane and destroyed the weapons with his mutant power.
Sickle came across Maverick and attacked him, gouging out his left eye, and knocking Maverick onto the plane's wing. Maverick then destroyed the engine before falling to the ground. The pain caused by the eye being gouged out shot over Maverick's psi-link to Elena Ivanova and awoke her from a coma she had been put in by Sabretooth.
The plane crashed, and Hammer and Sickle, both alive, radioed back to Ivan the Terrible to explain the situation. Although displeased, the Russian crime Czar did not seem too mad, and sent an airlift to pick his men up.
Comments: Created by Jorge Gonzalez and Jimmy Chueng.
The names Hammer and Sickle are derived from the symbols of a hammer and sickle which appeared on the flag of the Soviet Union. It was meant to represent the union of the workers and the farmers in the Communist order.
"An eye for an eye"
Why on earth does every Marvel character who wears an eyepatch do so over their left eye? Nick Fury, Wolverine/Patch, Dr. Strange, Pete Wisdom, Phil Sheldon from "Marvels," Jimmy "The Whale" Sabiani and Sickle. The only exception is Don Fortunato.
by The Squid
Sickle should not be confused with:
Sickle, of the Mandarin's Avatars, @ Force
Sickle 2099, Corp.Eva Lyserkovitch, soviet warrior,put in suspended
animation in 1960s,discovered in 2099,
@ Spider-Man 2099 An1
Last updated: 08/01/02
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