Sanchez, unnamed leader, unnamed other member
Purpose: Smog Alert is a gang of robbers, using costumes armed with smog blasters
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Vision
Base of Operations: Los Angeles
First Appearance: Avengers Spotlight#23/2 (October; 1989)
History: (Avengers Spotlight#23/2) - Smog Alert tried to rob an armored car, when suddenly the Vision came to prevent them from robbing it. Sanchez found the key to the car on one of the guards, but when he was about to open the door, the Vision knocked him down. The other two tried to kill him, unaware that his wasn't human. The second member of the group was easily defeated, but the third tried to take a hostage, but was also defeated.
COMMENTS: Created by John Byrne & Kieron Dwyer
Profile by: The Beetle
CLARIFICATIONS: images: (without ads) Last updated:
10/03/02 Any Additions/Corrections? please let me
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