Real Name: Randau
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Xeronian) mutate
Occupation: Former ruler of Xeronian race
Group Membership: Xeronian race (former leader and later enemy)
Affiliations: The Collector, unnamed Ovoid, various beings residing on Prison World
Enemies: Aria, Chandra, Delinquent,
Hulk, Paibok,
Terrax the Tamer
Known Relatives: none
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: starship (mobile throughout Milky
Way galaxy), formerly planet Xeron, formerly Prison World, formerly
Randau City, New Xeron
First Appearance: Incredible Hulk II#103 (May, 1968)
Powers: The Space Parasite could drain the strength, abilities, and life energy from others into himself on contact. It was necessary for him to do this to maintain his own life. Even without supplementation, he possessed great superhuman strength and durability, likely in the Class 100 range. However, his energy sources are finite, and he must replenish them regularly to maintain this level of strength. Randau also used an energy sword, the "Star Sceptre" which could fire solar blasts or be used as a physical weapon.
He used a starship for space travel, which had advanced scanning capacity, as well as teleportation equipment.
Height: 6' 9"
Weight: 1200 lbs.
Eyes: Light yellow green
Hair: None
History: (Incredible Hulk II#103 (fb)) - Randau was
originally a benevolent
and well-loved ruler of the advanced society of the planet Xeron.
When an alien armada attacked a neighboring planet, Randau
realized that the armada would attack and potentially overrun
Xeron next. Knowing that Xeron had no military might to battle
the invaders, Randau, subjected himself to exposure to the Solar
Chamber, where he was bathed in the mysterious rays of Xeron's
third sun. After this exposure, he developed great power, and
attacked the alien armada himself. He succeeded in destroying the
entire armada, but found that he could not simply return to
Xeron. Either the mutation itself, or the violence of battle, or
a combination of the two awakened within him a thirst for
conquest which could not be quenched. He announced he was leaving
to destroy all other potential menaces to Xeron, and spent the
next several years attacking and conquering every race or being
he encountered.
(Incredible Hulk II#103) - When Randau approached the Earth, his scanner detected the energy of the Hulk. Realizing that the Hulk's power would nourish him for years, he teleported to Earth and attacked him. After a savage battle, Randu actually succeeded in temporarily knocking the Hulk out. However, even as Randau was actively draining his power, the Hulk revived and renewed the combat, his own anger replenishing his lost strength. At that point, Randau's power began to fade. The Hulk overpowered him and Randau was forced to flee back to his ship. However, members of his race, ashamed of his bellicose nature, decided to end Randau's existence. They activated a remote detonation of his ship while he was in mid-teleport, leaving him stranded in space.
(Wolverine II#136 - BTS) - Randau was found by the Collector and brought to his Prison
World, which served the purpose of hiding sentient beings from Galactus.
(Wolverine II#136) - Randau accompanied an unnamed member of the Ovoid race as he forced Aria back into her own body.
(Wolverine II#138 - BTS) - When Galactus arrived on Prison World and
consumed its energies, many of the inhabitants escaped. It is unknown
if Randau was one of the beings to escape the world, or if he died in
the onslaught.
(Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus#1 (fb)-BTS) - Randau enslaved
beings from across the galaxy and brought them to a planet he dubbed
New Xeron. There he ruled over them.
(Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus#1/1) - When Terrax, Paibok and
the Delinquent crash-landed on New Xeron, they were found by Chandra, a
Centaurian and slave to the Space Parasite. She pleaded with the three
to help her overthrow him. The three agreed, and attacked Randau as he
sat on his throne. They had little success, as the Parasite killed
Chandra and fed off the others' energies, especially Terrax's axe, but
when Terrax withdrew the Power Cosmic from the axe, Randau was
defenseless from it, and Terrax cleaved the Space Parasite in half.
When the freed slaves asked who would take care of them now that Randau
was gone, an enraged Terrax destroyed the planet and all of its
Comments: Created by Stan Lee and Gary Friederich.
Just like virtually any character who appeared to die in space, the Space Parasite could easily have ended up in a state of suspended animation, etc. -And did, as evidenced by his appearance in Wolverine - Madison Carter
Another Xeronian appeared in Nova III#1, as a member of Nebula's crew, attacking Earth and confronting Nova. While this Xeronian could quite possibly be the Space Parasite as well, until it's actually proven, it will remain in the comments section.
In Captain Marvel I#27 is a Space Parasite/Xeronian among Thanos'
Crew. Eros and Mentor are
fighting the Villains and on the right side you can see the back of a Badoon
that was thrown by one of the Titans. Below that Badoon you can see the
Heads of three AliensThe one to the left is the Xeronian and the one on
the right is a Sagittarian (you can barely see his head).--OliverL
And the one in the middle is a Haab!--Markus Raymond
images: (without ads)
Marvel Legacy: The 1960s Handbook, Space Parasite entry (main image)
Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus#1, story 1, page 14, panel 2
Incredible Hulk II#103 (May, 1968) - Gary Friedrich (writer), Marie Severin (pencils), Frank Giacoia (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Wolverine II#136 (March, 1999) - Erik Larsen & Eric Stephenson
(writer), Jeff Matsuda (pencils), Jonathan Sibal (inks), Mark Powers
Wolverine II#138 (May, 1999) - Erik Larsen (writer), Jeff Matsuda,
Steve Scott & Yancey Labat (pencils), Jonathan Sibal, Scott Elmer
& Scott Koblish (inks), Mark Powers (editor)
Annihilation: Heralds of Galactus#1 (April, 2007) - Christos N. Gage
(writer), Giuseppe Camuncoli (pencils), Stefano Landini (inks), Andy
Schmidt (editor)
First Posted: 09/09/2001 (?)
Last Updated: 03/27/2007
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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