Spider-Man Appendix P




Paibok the Power Skrull Fantastic Four I #358 (1991) Skrull with enhanced powers, fought the Fantastic Four, encountered Spider-Man as a member of the Fearsome Foursome.


Paine Amazing Spider-Man I #153 (1976) International criminal, sought control of WHO on behalf of the Kingpin, defeated by Spider-Man.


Painter (Wilhelm von Vile) Strange Tales I #108 (1963) Used supposedly alien paints to alter reality, fought the Human Torch, led the Avant Guard against the Human Torch and Spider-Man, apparently dissolved into swarm of insects.


Paladin (a.k.a. Paul Denning) Daredevil I #150 (1978) Super-strong mercenary, wears body armor, carries energy gun, occasionally allied with Silver Sable; his profit-oriented motive disgusts Spider-Man, who has nevertheless worked alongside him against Thermo and others.


Pale Rider Spider-Man #50 (1994) Psychotic, used guns to kill dozens of people, defeated by Spider-Man.


Palermo, Victor and Rose Harriet Marvel Team-Up I #113 (1982) Quarrelsome couple, tenants at Aunt May's boarding house.


Pandara Thunderstrike #4 (1994) Operative of the alien Deviant known as Lord Tantalus, used mystical chest of demons to fatally derive sustenance from salon customers, targeted Mary Jane Watson, fought by Spider-Man and Thunderstrike.


Pantes, Tito Marvel Vision #20 (1997) (mentioned only) UPI reporter, reported on battle between Spider-Man and Electro. 


Pantheon (Agamemnon, Ulysses, Ajax, Hector, Atalanta, Andromeda, Cassiopeia, Delphi, Paris, Jason, Prometheus, Perseus, others) Incredible Hulk II #368 (1990) Superhumans descended from immortal adventurer, formerly operated out of high-tech Mount headquarters with large support crew; Ulysses and Ajax encountered Spider-Man when he, the Hulk, and Wolverine fought the Juggernaut at the Mount.


Papciaks Spectacular Spider-Man III #1 (2003) Greek couple, live across the hall from Peter Parker.


Parafino Spider-Man (1967): "The Peril of Parafino" Deranged wax museum owner, controlled animated wax images of himself and of historic villains, sought to turn Spider-Man into an exhibit, defeated twice by Spider-Man. (TV) 


Paralyzer (Randall Darby) Captain America Annual I #4 (1977) Originally Mutant Force member as the Shocker, fought Captain America and the Defenders before joining the Resistants, later recreated Zzzax in effort to achieve power but surrendered when confronted by Spider-Man and the Midnight Sons.


Pardo Spider-Man (1967): "Pardo Presents" Hypnotic sorcerer, able to transform himself into a giant cat and drain the souls of others, defeated by Spider-Man. (TV) 


Parker, Benjamin "Ben" Amazing Fantasy #15 (1961) Brother of Richard Parker, husband of May, uncle of Peter, textile worker, instilled values in young Peter; his death at the hands of the Burglar was the catalyst for Spider-Man's crimefighting career.


Parker, Mary Fitzpatrick Amazing Spider-Man Annual I #5 (1968) Daughter of OSS agent Will Fitzpatrick, married Richard Parker, worked as spy alongside him, fought Baron Strucker and other terrorists, mother of Peter Parker, killed under the orders of the Red Skull (Malik), impersonated decades later by one of the Chameleon's Replicoids.


Parker, May Reilly Amazing Fantasy #15 (1962) Widow of Ben Parker, aunt of Peter, raised him with Ben after the deaths of Richard and Mary Parker, victimized by Doctor Octopus and Mysterio (Beck), ran boarding house, death staged by the Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) as part of his campaign against Spider-Man, remained ignorant of Peter's secret identity for years, became his confidant after learning his secret.


Parker, Peter see Spider-Man.


Parker, Richard Amazing Spider-Man Annual I #5 (1968) Brother of Ben Parker, married Mary Fitzpatrick, worked as spy alongside her, fought Baron Strucker and other terrorists, father of Peter Parker, killed under the orders of the Red Skull (Malik), impersonated decades later by one of the Chameleon's Replicoids.


Parsec, Jan Marvel Vision #25 (1998) (mentioned only) UPI and Daily Bugle reporter, reported on Spider-Man's alleged killing of Joey Z.


Patch see Foswell, Frederick.


Patch Amazing Spider-Man I #285 (1987) Underworld informant, apparently using identity previously established by Frederick Foswell.


Patton, Jess Spider-Man's Tangled Web #1 (2001) Daily Bugle employee, killed and possessed by the Thousand.


Pauncholito, Andrew Victor Amazing Spider-Man I #223 (1981) Daily Bugle writer, discovered Spider-Man's identity when Peter Parker accompanied him on the investigation that led to an encounter with the Ponder robots and Alpha; saw Spider-Man in heroic action against Necrodamus and decided to keep his secret.


Pavlov, Stella Spider-Man's Tangled Web #5 (2001) Daughter of crimelord Fyodor Rebrov, rescued from rivals when her boyfriend Romeo hired the Rhino to retrieve her, briefly in love with the Rhino when his intelligence was temporarily increased.


Pearl of Great Price Marvel Team-Up Annual #7 (1984) Giant clam-like creature, attempted to capture Spider-Man aboard the Collector's ship.


Penny Ant-Es Spider-Man's Tangled Web #18 (2002) Vigilante group, feels Abraham Lincoln was slighted by use on copper penny, protested by re-arranging public signs, fought by Typeface.


People's Liberation Front Amazing Spider-Man I #174 (1977) Terrorist organization, hired the Hitman to assassinate J. Jonah Jameson, fought by Spider-Man and the Punisher.


Peotor Fantastic Four I #13 (1963) Magnetic-powered orangutan, one of the Red Ghost's Super-Apes.


Perrinois Spider-Man Team-Up #3 (1996) Mystic realm of the ven Garmchee brothers, briefly visited by the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man (Reilly).


Persuader (Roland Rayburn) Web of Spider-Man #35 (1988) Mutant businessman with power to mentally control others, forced into service by the Arranger, took control of the Punisher and directed him to target the Lobo Brothers, confronted by Spider-Man, shot by the Punisher after the vigilante broke his control.


Pester Web of Spider-Man #77 (1991) Small Morlock, wife of Ent.


Petty, Mr. Amazing Spider-Man I #8 (1964) Creator of the Living Brain, demonstrated its use at Midtown High.


Phantazia (Eileen Harshaw) X-Force #5 (1991) Mutant able to create illusions, fought Spider-Man and others in the Toad's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.


Phantom Spider-Man (1967): "Fifth Avenue Phantom" Faceless criminal; used robots, shrinking rays, shadow-creatures in crimes; clashed twice with Spider-Man. (TV) 


Phantom Rider (Hamilton Slade) Ghost Rider II #56 (1981) Possessed by spirit of heroic western ancestor, can become intangible, rides ghost horse Banshee, carries numbing six-shooters, member of the Rangers, fought the Frightful Four alongside Spider-Man and Turbine.


Phat (Billy Bob Reilly) X-Force #117 (2001) Mutant able to manipulate his body fat to shift shape, member of X-Statix, briefly encountered Spider-Man while fighting Euro-Trash.


Phillips, Dr. Joyce Spectacular Spider-Man II #35 (1979) Psychiatrist who treated Mindworm, rescued from him by Spider-Man.


Phillips, Morty Spectacular Spider-Man II #121 (1986) Mentally unstable, attempted to rob bank with bb gun, stopped by Spider-Man, encounter later greatly embroidered by J. Jonah Jameson and Mary Jane Watson.


Phoenix X-Men I #101 (1976) Cosmic entity who replaced Marvel Girl without the other X-Men realizing it, fought alongside Spider-Man and her teammates against the Nest, later went mad with power and left mortal existence.


Phoenix (Rachel Anne Summers) Uncanny X-Men #141 (1981) Mutant from apocalyptic future, powerful telekinetic, traveled back in time to join the X-Men, fought alongside Spider-Man and her teammates against the Juggernaut and Black Tom Cassidy, later encountered Spider-Man as a member of X-Force, traveled to farther future.


Phoenix (Jean Grey Summers) X-Men I #1 (1963) Founding member of the X-Men, formerly known as Marvel Girl, telekinetic and telepathic, married to Cyclops; has fought alongside the rest of her team and Spider-Man against the Menace, Professor Power, and others.


Photoman Thor I #282 and others (Hostess Twinkies Cakes advertisement, 1979) Used special camera to paralyze people so he could rob them, defeated by Spider-Man.


Photon (Jason Dean) Nova I #12 (1977) Agent of Maggia, killed Nova's uncle Ralph Rider to gain his nuclear device, wore strength-enhancing bio-costume, used photon beam gun to melt walls or kill or stun people, defeated by Spider-Man and Nova.


Photon (Monica Rambeau) Amazing Spider-Man Annual I #16 (1982) Energy-powered heroine, helped by Spider-Man and the Avengers shortly after gaining powers to become Captain Marvel; joined Avengers, later gave up her codename to Genis-Vell, son of the original Captain Marvel.


Phreak (Steve Petty) Web of Spider-Man #35 (1988) Son of the Living Brain's inventor, attended Midtown High, reactivated the Brain to use against his enemies, mutated by electrical accident in exoskeleton; abducted Mary Jane Watson to take out his aggressions on substitute teacher Peter Parker, fought Spider-Man, calmed with aid of classmates Ronda Kramer and Jake Dorman.


Pigeon Web of Spider-Man #1 (1985) Pickpocket caught by Spider-Man, became one of the Vulturions.

Piledriver (Brian Philip Calusky) Defenders I #17 (1974) Ex-con, received fraction of the Wrecker's power, joined the Wrecking Crew and Baron Helmut Zemo's Masters of Evil; fought Thor, Spider-Man, and other heroes.


Pincus, Joseph "Lonesome Pinky" Amazing Spider-Man I #211 (1980) Quiet, unassuming neighbor of Peter Parker, initially disturbed him with late-night country singing; booed offstage in first public performance but later sang himself hoarse to pacify the crowd drugged by Ramrod.


Pink Lady nightclub UK Spider-Man Annual (1983) Unlucky establishment twice targeted in rapid succession by different robbers; each time
Spider-Man interrupted the crime in progress and caught the criminals.

Pip the Troll (Pip Gofern) Strange Tales I #179 (1975) Alien rogue, ally to Adam Warlock, served in the Infinity Watch with the Space Gem.


Piranis Scarlet Spider Unlimited #1 (1995) Wundagorian evolved from piranha, member of the Cult of the Jackal.


Pity Spider-Man:  Gathering of the Sinister Six (1999) Mutant with superhuman strength, speed, and endurance, manipulated and mistreated in the service of the Gentleman, joined the Sinister Six against Spider-Man, gained freedom after the Gentleman's death.


Plantman see Blackheath.


Platoon Spider-Man #41 (1993) Squadron of armored warriors, backed by ARMS, fought Spider-Man and Iron Fist.


Plodex Alpha Flight I #4 (1983) Adaptive extraterrestrial race which spreads throughout the universe for conquest; several were captured by the Collector and fought Spider-Man and Alpha Flight aboard his ship.


Plotter Spider-Man (1967): "Blueprint for Crime" Criminal mastermind, used force fields, hired the Enforcers to steal a missile blueprint, defeated by Spider-Man. (TV) 


Poison (Cecilia Cardinale) Web of Spider-Man Annual #4 (1988) Cuban refugee, merged with the extradimensional Ylandris, super-strong, flies, retained powers after Ylandris left her, encountered Spider-Man during the High Evolutionary's purge of drug dealers, became Florida-based hero while raising her son, Carlos.


Polanski, Captain Spectacular Spider-Man II #114 (1986) Bitter police officer, antagonized the Barons gang, believed that Marc Noletti was Spider-Man and blackmailed him into fighting the Barons, rescued from the gang by Spider-Man, became more hopeful, befriended Noletti.


Polaris (Lorna Dane) X-Men I #49 (1968) Magnetic mutant, alleged daughter of Magneto, joined X-Men, lover of Havok, worked with Spider-Man when X-Factor II fought Shadowforce, recently turned evil.


Polestar Amazing Spider-Man I #409 (1996) Participant in the Great Game, possessed electromagnetic powers, killed by el Toro Negro.


Ponder Captain America I #269 (1982) New Hampshire town, home of intellectual robots in the images of Einstein, Lincoln, Machiavelli, Nietzsche, Plato, Shakespeare, Socrates, Twain, Dostoevsky, and others, created by the Mad Thinker, visited by Spider-Man when one of the robots was blamed for the murders committed by Bob Rubens.


Popchik, Ernie Spectacular Spider-Man II #107 (1985) One of May Parker's boarders, victimized by muggers, shot youths on subway, protected from their revenge attempt by Spider-Man.

Portal (Charles Little Sky) Avengers I #304 (1989) Mutant, has the power to create interdimensional warps, frequently encountered Darkhawk, who joined Spider-Man and Sleepwalker in opposing the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants's efforts to kidnap him.


Porter, John Marvel Comics Presents #19 (1989) Damage Control account executive, released Spider-Man from the Alternator Bug-Bot by using remote control to transform the robot into a car, enabling Spider-Man to exit through the trunk.


Powdered Toast Man (Pastor Toast Man) Ren and Stimpy #6 (1993) Bizarre and inept super-hero of another dimension, idolized by Ren Hoek and Stimpson J. Cat, once battled Spider-Man.


Powell, Amy Amazing Spider-Man I #230 (1982) Girlfriend of Lance Bannon, employed at Bloomingdales, attempted to romance Peter Parker to make Lance jealous, became engaged to Lance just before his death.


Powell, Doug Silver Sable #1 (1992) Racist member of the Wild Pack, underwent gradual change in views, was with the Pack when they targeted Venom.


Power Man see Cage.


Power Pack (Zero-G, Starstreak, Mass Master, Energizer; also Tattletale (Franklin Richards) and Kofi) Power Pack I # 1 (1984) Four siblings empowered by alien, able to switch powers as necessary, fought various threats, have helped Spider-Man against Dragon Man and others.


Powerhouse Spider-Man #15 (1991) Radical mutant, able to drain and manipulate energy, clashed with Masterblaster at ESU, interrupted by Spider-Man and the Beast.


Powerhouse see Zero-G.


Praetorian Guard Web of Spider-Man #87 (1992) Armored mercenary unit, employed by Alfredo Morelli to fight Spider-Man alongside Hobgoblin.


Prankston's Private Zoo UK Spider-Man Annual (1983) Closed down zoo in Brooklyn once used by Kraven as a base.


Pretty Persuasions (Heidi P. Franklin) New Warriors I #4 (1990) Manipulates minds of others, member of Psionex.


PRIDE (Population Reduction by Inter-Dimensional Expulsion) Marvel Team-Up I #142 (1984) Technology developed to transport millions from Earth to other dimensions, developed by Doctors Eric Paulson and William Lorber to curb overpopulation, efforts prevented by Spider-Man and Captain Marvel (Photon).


Primal Lizard Amazing Spider-Man Super Special #1 (1995) Mindless reptilian creature grown from the tail of the Lizard; fought the Scarlet Spider, Strongarm, Spider-Man, Prime; finally killed by the Lizard.


Prime (Kevin Green) Prime I #1 (1993) Super-strong flying hero of the Ultraverse, actually teenager in artificial body, met Spider-Man after crossing dimensions and briefly became "Spider-Prime" with power drawn from the South American Spider-People, later met Spider-Man again when Ultraforce was manipulated into attacking the Green Goblin (Urich).


Prime Sentinels X-Men II #65 (1997) Humans transformed into nanotechnological cyborgs by the anti-mutant Operation:  Zero Tolerance; many targeted the X-Men, and two fought Spider-Man and Marrow.


Princess Python (Zelda DuBois) Amazing Spider-Man I #22 (1965) Commands python, member of the Circus of Crime, tried unsuccessfully to seduce Spider-Man.


Printout Man (Hostess Cup Cakes advertisement, 1977) Criminal who gained control of bank's computers, defeated by Spider-Man.


Privitere, Tom Web of Spider-Man #128 (1995) Fashion designer for Mary Jane Watson.


Pro Scarlet Spider #1 (1995) Mercenary/assassin, killed Jason Tso, also involved in search for the Spider-Man clone skeleton left behind by the Jackal.


Pro-Rata Howard the Duck I #1 (1975) Accountant and sorcerer, hoped to rule universe via his Cosmic Calculator, fought Spider-Man and Howard the Duck.


Proctor, John Marvel Team-Up I #42 (1976) Salem resident sentenced to death for witchcraft in 1692, provided Spider-Man with information about Cotton Mather and the Dark Rider when the hero traveled back in time.


Prodigy Amazing Spider-Man Vs. the Prodigy (1976) Alien from the planet Intellectia, disguised self as human teen, used hypnotic voice to spread misinformation about teen sex, exposed by Spider-Man.


Prodigy (Ritchie Gilmore) Slingers #0 (1998) Wore bulletproof costume and strength-enhancing cape, used Spider-Man's Prodigy identity as one of the Slingers.

Professor Gizmo Spider-Man (1981): "The Unfathomable Professor Gizmo" Master criminal, sought Spider-Man's help in raising sunken treasure ship, committed various thefts to attract the hero's attention, defeated. (TV) 

Professor Power (Anthony Power) Marvel Team-Up I #117 (1982) Led incarnation of the Secret Empire, fought Spider-Man and the X-Men, transferred mind into armored body of his son, fought Spider-Man and other heroes.

Professor Pretories Spider-Man (1967): The Birth of Microman" Evil genius, shrank himself to create miniature atomic detonator, defeated when Spider-Man shrank himself to fight his efforts. (TV) 


Professor X (Charles Francis Xavier) X-Men I #1 (1963) Powerful telepath, dedicated to peaceful relations between mutants and normal humans, formed the X-Men and other mutant teams, helped Spider-Man against Professor Power.


Project: Pegasus Marvel Two-In-One #42 (1978) Potential Energy Groups, Alternate Sources, United States; research facility in upstate New York, formerly housed numerous super-villains; Spider-Man and with others encountered several threats there, including the Serpent Crown, the Lava Men, and a breakout by Blackout, Moonstone, Electro, and the Rhino.


Protectors Amazing Spider-Man I #321 (1989) Mercenaries mutated into super-strength and subservience by the Life Foundation, fought Spider-Man.


Proto-Goblin (Nels Van Adder) Spider-Man # Minus-One (1997) Former assistant to Mendel Stromm, test subject for an early version of Norman Osborn's Green Goblin serum while Peter Parker was still a child, horribly mutated, attacked Osborn, wounded by Arthur and George Stacy, escaped and not seen since.


Protoids Captain America I #276 (1982) Humans mutated by Baron Helmut Zemo and Primus using Arnim Zola's technology, also called Mutates, attempted to force Edward Whelan (Vermin) to join them while he was undergoing psychological treatment, later underwent treatment themselves.


Prototype (Jimmy Ruiz) Prototype #1 (1993) Armored hero of the Ultraverse, Ultraforce member, met Spider-Man when Ultraforce was manipulated into attacking the Green Goblin (Urich).


Prowler (Hobie Brown) Amazing Spider-Man I #78 (1969) Inventor; used steel claws, gas pellets, and other equipment in brief criminal career; defeated and given a second chance by Spider-Man, became hero, served in the Outlaws, wounded in the Great Game, gave up costumed career.


Prowler see Cat.


Prowler (Rick Lawson) Sensational Spider-Man #16 (1997) Medical student, stole Hobie Brown's Prowler costume and equipment, sought vengeance on ex-boss, defeated by Spider-Man.


Psimon Warlock III #1 (1999) Member of telepathic Psi-Corps, rebelled to help Warlock and his friends, helped Spider-Man and Warlock against Mainspring.


Psionex (Asylum, Coronary, Pretty Persuasions, Impulse, Mathemanic, Asylum (a.k.a. Darkling), Night Thrasher, Rage) New Warriors I #4 (1990) Team of young superhumans created by Genetech, clashed with the New Warriors, later taken under leadership of Night Thrasher and Rage, encountered the Scarlet Spider.


Psycho-Man Fantastic Four Annual I #5 (1967) Armored native of sub-atomic realm, enemy of the Fantastic Four, has tried to conquer Earth via his emotion-controlling box, which manipulates fear, doubt, and hate; fought Spider-Man and the Silver Surfer, later encountered Spider-Man when the hero shrank to sub-atomic size.


Psyk-Out Wonder Man #28 (1993) Used "empathy waves" to make others experience whatever he wished, harbored grudge against Wonder Man, attacked both him and Spider-Man, power disrupted by Wonder Man, tackled by Spider-Man.


Pterodax (unnamed leader, Aleksei, Boris) Spider-Man (2003): "Tight Squeeze" (7/25/03) Trio of ex-KGB mercenaries, wore flying armor, used energy rifles and concussion bombs, defeated by Spider-Man. (TV) 


Puck (Eugene Milton Judd) Alpha Flight I #1 (1983) Adventurer and former mercenary mutated to dwarf form by demonic possession, member of Alpha Flight, worked with his teammates and Spider-Man against the Collector and the Chess Set.


Pulaski, Joey Amazing Fantasy #16 (1995) Teenage girl able to fly and manipulate energy fields, the first superhuman Spider-Man ever faced, befriended Spider-Man, sabotaged construction sites for the Kingpin, defeated by Spider-Man, who thus lost her friendship.


Pulse Web of Spider-Man #91 (1992) Energy-shooting member of the Foreigner's Death Squad, defeated by Spider-Man.


Puma (Thomas Fireheart) Amazing Spider-Man I #256 (1984) Wealthy mercenary, granted feral powers through combination of mysticism and training, destined to oppose the Beyonder, became mercenary, clashed with Spider-Man, failed to kill the Beyonder, served in the Outlaws after mistakenly believing Spider-Man had committed a crime, purchased the Daily Bugle in effort to promote Spider-Man's reputation, later ceased effort.


Punisher (Frank Castle, originally Castiglione) Amazing Spider-Man I #129 (1974) Ex-soldier, turned killer vigilante after his wife and children were killed, manipulated into targeting Spider-Man by the Jackal, allied with the hero against various threats despite Spider-Man's dislike of his lethal methods, survived execution to briefly head Geraci crime family, died and was restored by angels, rejected service to the angels, continues to be active killing criminals.


Puppet Master (Phillip Masters) Fantastic Four I #8 (1962) Able to control others via magical clay, enemy of the Fantastic Four, targeted Spider-Man and the Thing in scheme with the Mad Thinker, later controlled Spider-Man and others to attack the Thing, has temporarily reformed at times.


Purifiers New Mutants Annual #4 (1988) Armored operatives of the High Evolutionary, targeted drug dealers and other "undesirables," clashed with Spider-Man and other heroes during their activities.


Purl, Dr. Noah Amazing Spider-Man Super Special #1 (1995) Scientist, based research on that of Dr. Curt Connors, empowered Strongarm, briefly hired Ben Reilly as laboratory assistant, put into coma by the Lizard Offspring.


Purple Man (Zebediah Killgrave) Daredevil I #4 (1964) Former spy, gained mind-controlling powers, began his super-villain career against Daredevil, fought by Spider-Man and several other super-heroes, menaced Spider-Man's friend X-Man.


Purty Larry Web of Spider-Man #79 (1991) Pistol-carrying android, member of the Silver Squad, destroyed by Spider-Man.


Pyro (St. John Allerdyce) Uncanny X-Men #141 (1981) Fire-controlling mutant, former member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and Freedom Force under Mystique, fought Spider-Man and others as a member of the Toad's Brotherhood, died saving Senator Robert Kelly form assassination.


Pyromania Web of Spider-Man Annual #10 (1994) Pyrokinetic inmate at Ravencroft, released with others by Shriek to fight Spider-Man.

Last updated: 06/27/04

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