Name: Unknown
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Stalker of Spider-Woman
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None - but in his mind: Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter)
Enemies: Rachel Carpenter, Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile
First Appearance: Marvel Comics Presents I#166/2 (late October, 1994)
Powers/Abilities: Knew how to use a sniper rifle and a pistol.
(MCP#166/2 (fb)): The Stalker was a fanatic fan of Julia Carpenter, a.k.a.
Spider-Woman. He wrote her many letters over the years and collected every
picture and article about her. He visited all her favorite places over the
years and followed her everywhere she went. He went mad when she never answered
his letters and felt that she rejected his feelings. He decided to kill her
for this.
(MCP#166/2 - BTS): He went to Ventura, took a hotel room and planned the assassination of Julia Carpenter.
(MCP#166/2): The Stalker hid on the Yancy Mall's roof in Venture until Julia Carpenter arrived with her car. He began to shoot blindly into the crowd with his rifle. Julia turned into Spider-Woman to help a mother and her paraplegic daughter to get out of the way. The Stalker didn't stop shooting and Spider-Woman blocked his bullets by throwing over a car. The Stalker left before Spider-Woman could arrive on the roof. He returned to his hotel room and thought about all his feelings for Julia and the many letters in which he told her about his feelings. He reached for his pistol and waited for the next day to start another attempt to kill Julia.
(MCP#167/2): The Stalker drove in his rented van to the school where Julia's daughter Rachel went to. He smoked a cigarette and wrote the final entry into his scrapbook about all the achievements of Julia Carpenter. Julia arrived at the school with a present for her daughter. The Stalker put out his cigarette and immediately lit another one. He took his pistol, left his van and followed Julia and her daughter to their car. He asked Julia for an autograph, but she tried to get away without giving him one. He pulled out his gun and shot her. He left her for dead and Rachel cried for help while the Stalker went back to his van. Rachel saw his license plate when he drove away.
(MCP#168/2): The next day the Stalker went to Los Angeles International Airport and read the newspaper. He made the headlines with Julia and saw that she was going to recover. He thought about returning soon to finish her off once and for all. He saw Julia only seconds later when she asked at Andre's car rental for the man who rented the van her daughter had seen. The Stalker pulled out his gun and a bystander warned Julia. She turned into Spider-Woman and attacked the Stalker. She was so angry that she nearly crushed him with a bench, but she stopped when a little girl asked for an autograph. Julia promised to the Stalker that she would press charges at him and that he would never see another day of freedom in his life. She tied up the Stalker with her psi-web until the Airport Security arrived.
Comments: Created by Nel Yomtov, John Czop & Tim Dzon
The poor guy will probably serve his years in prison now. I wonder where he got the T-Shirt that was seen in his hotel room. The picture on it was from the cover of Spider-Woman#1 (the 4 issue mini-series from November, 1993 to February, 1994)
"Stalker" has no known connections to
Marvel Comics Presents I#167, p14, pan3 (main)
Marvel Comics Presents I#168, p16, pan2 (head shot)
Marvel Comics Presents I#167-168 (November, 1994) - Nel Yomtov (writer), John Czop (pencils), Tim Dzon (inks), Richard Ashford (editor)
First Posted: 08/23/2004 Last updated:08/23/2004
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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