Real Name: Sadae Tsumura
Identity/Class: Human (Japanese) cyborg technology user; possible magical nature
Occupation: Warrior
Group Membership: Sisters of Steel (Steel Wind)
Affiliations: Adam, Demons of Styge;
former agent of Centurious, Reverend Styge
Enemies: Johnny Blaze, Ghost Rider (Alejandra Jones), Ghost Rider (Dan Ketch/Noble Kale), Hawkeye (Clint Barton), Quentin Carnival (Wolf), Centurious
Known Relatives: Ruriko Tsumura (Steel Wind, sister)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Tokyo, Japan;
formerly Centurious' base in who knows (or cares) where
First Appearance: Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#2 (September, 1992)
Powers: Steel Vengeance was a cyborg.
She possessed superhuman strength (enhanced human to Class 10-25)
and durability. She apparently was also imbued with magical
energy and could be resurrected (or terminated) at will by
Centurious. Her primary weapon was her cycle, which was a
gigantic engine of destruction.
She could project energy blasts, used gigantic energy guns, and
could produce knives or Wolverine-like claws from her wrists.
(Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#2 (fb) - BTS) - After Steel Wind was rendered
virtually comatose by Ghost Rider/Blaze/Zarathos,
her sister became associated with Centurious and Reverend Styge.
In return for rehabilitating Steel Wind, they transformed her
sister into a cyborg, Steel Vengeance. Centurious apparently also
took their souls (or at least Steel Vengeance's) as part of the
deal. As Steel Vengeance, she worked for the men who transformed
(Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#2) - Steel Vengeance showed she was bad news by taking a hitch-hiker back to her place, killing him, using his blood to make a painting, and then stabbing the painting. Following this, she tracked down John Blaze and Ghost Rider/Ketch at the Quentin Carnival and attacked them, desiring...well, vengeance for her sister's and her troubles. Ghost Rider collapsed, temporarily inert from some pyschic vision-dealy-o, just as she arrived. She was furious that he would cheat her out of a fair fight.The dwarfish Wolf surprised her with a Puck-like cartwheel kick, but she then blasted him aside. She managed to get the better of Blaze, but then GR revived. GR tried his penance stare, which was ineffective because she lacked a soul. Then, rather than fight the battle she had come to fight, she drove her cycle off a cliff to seemingly perish in the explosion at the bottom. However, as she fell, she promised to be back.
(Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#7) - Steel Wind, now physically a part of her cycle, returned at the side of Steel Vengeance and the demons of Styge to attack the Quentin Carnival. They started to tangle with Blaze and Ghost Rider, but the fight was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Mephisto, who teleported Blaze and Ghost Rider away.
(Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#9) - Centurious killed Steel Vengeance, as punishment for failing to bring in Blaze.
(Ghost Rider VI#7 (fb) - BTS) - Steel Vengeance, connected to her cycle (when did that happen? Was this a present from her sister, who had been connected to her cycle as well?), was buried in Tokyo.
(Ghost Rider VI#7) - Adam (presumably the Biblical version; see Adam K'ad-Mon) resurrected Steel Vengeance (her robot parts were working again and carried around her decomposed body) for Steel Wind and hired them to bring back Ghost Rider (Alejandra Jones) to him. Steel Wind was glad her sister was back even though she looked different.
Adam used a spell to bring the Ghost Rider to Steel Wind and Steel Vengeance. To their surprise the spell not only brought Alejandra, but also Johnny Blaze to the desert in Japan where they were waiting for Ghost Rider. The Steel sisters attacked them. Blaze shot at Steel Vengeance, but she resisted and took Blaze by the throat. The Steel sisters then left because Steel Wind had realized that her sister was still dead and therefore her deal with Adam was off and they let Alejandra get away while the sisters took their revenge on Blaze.
(Ghost Rider VI#8 (fb) - BTS) - Steel Wind bound Blaze with four chains to her own and Steel Vengeance's cycle.
(Ghost Rider VI#8) - The Steel sisters headed with Blaze hanging between them headed toward a Japenese bullet train, but before Blaze could be impaled by the train the Avenger Hawkeye's arrows severed the chains on Steel Wind's side. With the chains severed on one side Blaze hung on to Steel Vengeance's bike while the train passed them. Steel Wind ordered Steel Vengeance to open fire on Hawkeye, who shot Steel Vengeance in the eye. Still bound to Steel Vengeance's bike with a chain Blaze was dragged to Downtown Tokyo by Steel Vengeance. Ghost Rider (Alejandra) took control over the bullet train and went after the Steel sisters. Blaze and Hawkeye, who had been caught and dragged around by Steel Wind, jumped on to the train and ripped the sisters off their cycles using the chains still attached to them. Steel Vengeance's decomposed corpse laid dead on the streets of Downtown Tokyo.
Comments: Created by Howard Mackie and Adam Kubert.
Read Ghost Rider II#75--J. M. DeMatteis first
writes Steel Wind--virtual poetry.
Read Spirits of Vengeance#2--Mackie removes the interesting parts
of Steel Wind and hypes her up into a female Deathlok/Wolverine
sort of character..two dimensional...feh. That's the early 90's
for you...I'm surprised the issue didn't come in a
double-holographic foil cover.
Since Steel Vengeance didn't have any soul and could be recreated by Centurious at will, there's no reason she couldn't come back. However, I'd much rather see some do Steel Wind well, and leave Steel Vengeance in the embarrasing past.
Her picture at the top of the profile is what's known as a "hygiene shot."
Her real name was revealed in Ghost Rider (Blaze)'s entry in OHOTMU A-Z Hardcover#4.
Profile by Snood. Ghost Rider VI update by Markus Raymond.
She should be differentiated from:
Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#2, p8, pan1 (main image)
Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#2, p12, pan9 (claws)
Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#2, p9, pan3 (shooting)
Ghost Rider VI#7, p2, pan1 (dead, but still running)
Ghost Rider VI#8, p16, pan4 (head shot...literally)
Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#2 (September, 1992) - Howard Mackie (writer), Adam
Kubert (pencils), Chris Warner (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#7 (September, 1992) - Howard Mackie (writer), Adam
Kubert (pencils), Bill Reinhold (inks), Bobbie Chase (editor)
Ghost Rider/Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance#9 (September, 1992) - Howard Mackie (writer), Adam
Kubert (pencils), Bill Reinhold & Klaus Janson (inks), Bobbie Chase
Ghost Rider VI#7-8 (February-March, 2012) - Rob Williams (writer), Lee Garbett (artist), Sebastian Girner (editor)
Last updated: 12/12/15
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