Real Name: Sudd (presumably his last name)
Identity/Class: Human mutate
Occupation: Destroyer of Indecency; former dishwasher
Group Membership: S.O.O.F.I. (Save Our Offspring From Indecency)
Affiliations: Supreme SOOFI
Enemies: Howard the Duck, Beverly "Lee" Switzler (former employer)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: The Scrubbing Bubble that walks like a Man
Base of Operations: Lower Manhattan, New York City
First Appearance: Howard the Duck I#20 (January, 1978)
Powers: Sudd possessed powerful cleansing abilities, enabling him to clean away all forms of dirt, grime, and odor. In addition, his corrosive and abrasive abilities enabled him to scrub away many forms of matter, such as wood, metal, and flesh. He was fanatically opposed to anything he perceived as indecent and would attempt to scrub away images, words, and people he perceived as such. He had the same physical properties of any similar cleansing product.
Sudd was a dishwasher for "Lee" Switzler. He became
involved with the organization SOOFI, and decided to quit his job
and devote his life to pursuing SOOFI's goals.
(Howard the Duck I#20) - On his last day of work, Sudd was training his replacement, Howard the Duck. However, he carelessly placed an industrial strength cleanser in the microwave. It exploded, and transformed him into a living cleansing product. His borderline-stable mind further addled by his transformation, Sudd went on a rampage, attacking and destroying anything which offended his sense of decency. Howard and Lee Switzler decided to stop his murderous onslaught. their first attempt to wash him away with water backfired, as his form was composed on a concentrate, which incorporated the water to become even larger. Next, however, they read the antidote to the cleanser (if swallowed), from the bottle. As Sudd attacked a group of people in a nearby alley, Howard doused him with a mixture of vinegar, lemon juice, milk, and egg whites. Sudd dissolved, leaving behind a sparkling clean sidewalk, emblazoned with his eagle tattoo.
Comments: Created by Steve Gerber and Gene Colan.
You've got to actually read Gerber's stories to appreciate them as more than just silly.
Clarifications: Lee Switzler is the uncle and namesake of the better known:
Beverly Switzler, the girlfriend of Howard the Duck, @ Howard the Duck I#1
Howard the Duck I#20 (January, 1978) - Steve Gerber (writer/editor), Gene Colan (artist), and Klaus Janson (inker)
Last updated: 05/12/12
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