Membership: Gabriel
Purpose: Helping and healing any brings beset by the Battletide, through peaceful means
Affiliations: Dark Angel, Death's Head (Minion), Hercules, Killpower, Psylocke, Sabretooth, Tuck, Wolverine
Enemies: Battletide, Bezial, Termagaira
Aliases: Knights Tempered, Knights of the Tempered Brotherhood, Robot Knights of the Tempered Brotherhood, Tempered Brotherhood, Temploid Order, "Robomonks"
Base of Operations: The Temploid starship (mobile throughout the known universe)
First Appearance: Death's Head and Killpower: Battletide I#2 (January, 1993)-Marvel UK
Powers/Abilities: While the Temploids used to be savage warriors and still have the construction to be such, they are guided by the Program, which forbids them from participating in violent actions. Their abilities are directed towards helping and healing others. They have limited magical abilities, which enhance their power to heal beings and rebuild structures. They possess certain telepathic and empathic abilities. They can dampen violent or hurtful emotions in others. They are able to contain and slow disease processes, even such things as computer viruses. Their skills are such that they can even resurrect beings who have been otherwise dead for periods of time lasting no more than a few hours.
History: The Temploids are a race of robotic beings, whose origins are unrevealed.
(Battletide II#3 (fb)) - In the distant past,
the beings who would become the Temploids were some of the most
feared warriors in the cosmos. The Battletide threatened our
homeworld. Confident of our martial prowess, we launched this
warship to destroy the Tide. We were the supreme
warriors in the Omniverse. What reason had we to flee a
scavenging, demonic horde? The Battletide consumed our
ship and then obliterated our homeworld. Our reliance on
aggression doomed us. We were destroyed by our own pride and
Only a handful of us survived the fires of armageddon. Those few
survivors fled into space and founded the Temploid Order. In
guilt, they turned away from war and embraced spiritual salvation
through the sacred Program. Its blend of technology and high
magic showed them the only way to atone for their failure was to
become non-combatants and devote themselves to helping and
healing any beset by the infernal Tide. Thus, the Brotherhood was
(Battletide I#3 (fb)-BTS) - The
Temploid Order either volunteered or was commissioned to
participate in the Games of Termagent and Megaira on Colosseum.
Their task was to resurrect the wounded and dying warriors.
(Battletide I#2-4) - During the Games on
Colosseum, the Temploids appeared before Dark Angel and Smith,
warning them of the threat of the Battletide. Dark Angel and
Smith warned the other heroes of Earth who were present, and they
all met with the Temploids in between fight days. The Temploids
explained their past actions in the Games, and revealed
Termagent's decree that this cycle the fallen should not be
restored. This butchery was summoning the Battletide, as intended
by Termagent. They explained the full danger that the Battletide
The heroes followed the Temploids lead, and the following
day--with the aid of Killpower, who disabled their restraining
collars--they broke free and attempted to destroy the omniversal
transmitter, which would allow the Battletide to disseminate
across the populated cosmos. Termagent, Megaira, and their guard
arrived to stop them, but it appeared that the heroes were too
late anyway, as the Battletide arrived on Colosseum. While
Psylocke and Dark Angel shielded the heroes' minds from the
Battletide, Termagent and Megaira re-combined into their elder
form, that of the demon-lord Termagaira. The demon-lord then
climbed the transmitter tower and summoned the Battletide into
itself. Termagaira blasted and demolished the leader of the
Temploids, but Death's Head and Killpower teamed up against the
demon-lord, knocking it off the tower, and it was impaled on the
tower's spokes. As Termagaira died it was reabsorbed by the
Battletide which then went on a rampage.
Killpower then followed the instructions of the leader of the
Temploids, and fused its remaining circuitry with that of Death's
Head. The Temploid combined its techno-mystical power with
Death's Head's multiple (106) personalities/wills and drew the
Battletide into their combined form, until it collapsed on
itself. The Temploid and Death's Head's forms were destroyed, but
Killpower put Death's Head back together--although he had quite a
few pieces left over. The remaining Temploids then returned the
heroes to their homes and set about treating the many beings
injured during the arrival of the Battletide.
(Battletide II#3 (fb)) - The Temploids learned
that the Battletide had somehow taken on a sinister intelligence.
They sent one of their Order, Gabriel, on a scouting mission
within the Battletide. It was his duty to transmit intelligence
back to the Order's starship. Gabriel was severely damaged. He
spent days eluding the demon-packs that were hunting for him. In
desperation he fled into the catacombs and found a vessel--the
very one consumed by the Tide eons before--where he took refuge.
The ship provided Gabriel with the means to repair himself, but
not without cost. By introducing ancient Temploid technology into
his damaged systems, Gabriel inadvertently erased the Program
which makes all Temploids pacifists. He became a throwback to the
Temploids' barbaric past.
Gabriel, now able to fight for his survival, learned that the
necromancer Bezial had taken control of the Battletide. He
transmitted this information back to the Temploid starship.
(Battletide II#1-4) - The Temploids transported
Death's Head, Killpower, and Tuck aboard their ship. They
revealed Bezial's involvement and convinced the three to help
overcome the threat. Death's Head was incapacitated by a computer
virus left by Bezial, but the Temploids were able to keep the
virus in check, so that Death's Head could function. Bezial then
sent a demon to possess the Hulk, and sent the Hulk to attack
those aboard the Temploid ship. Working together, they subdued
the Hulk and kept him nullified in stasis. The Temploids then
sent Death's Head and Killpower to the area outside the Dread
Citadel, with the intent of having them defeat Bezial. Upon
arrival, the Temploid accompanying them was obliterated by the
demon-hordes, which caused the virus within Death's Head to flare
back up and cripple him. Killpower was soon overwhelmed by demons
and would have been slain, but Gabriel then arrived and aided
them. Gabriel proved able to inhibit the virus as well, and with
Death's Head back in action they were able to make their way into
the Dread Citadel. They confronted Bezial, only to learn that he
was possessing the powerful form of Termagaira.
Termagaira/Bezial shattered Gabriel, which caused the virus
within Death's Head to run rampant again, neutralizing him.
Bezial then easily overpowered Killpower, hurling Gabriel's frame
at him and knocking them both through the wall, where they fell
hundreds of feet. Bezial toyed with the weakened Death's Head,
battering him about, and revealing his plans to exponentially
enhance the Battletide's power by allowing it to consume Earth,
and then using it to make him self the master of the universe.
However, Killpower managed to survive the fall--for a few minutes
anyway--and he used his last moments to rebuild Gabriel, who
again placed the virus in stasis. Revitalized, Death's Head
attacked Bezial/Termagaira anew. He would likely have been
overcome eventually, but he managed to catch Bezial unawares and
utilize his cranial psyphon again. Bezial's mind was pulled back
into Death's Head cyberspace mindscape, Termagaira's inert form
dropped to the ground, and the controlling influence on the
Battletide was abolished, sending it off of its Earthbound
The Temploids managed to resurrect Killpower, and they then sent
he, Death's Head, Tuck (and the Hulk) back to Earth.
COMMENTS: Created by Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Geoff Senior for Marvel UK
The Knights Tempered were likely inspired by the Knights
Templar, who also exist in the Marvel Universe, @ Web of
Spider-Man Annual#9
They have no known connection to:
Gabriel of the Temploids has no known connection to:
The Program that controls the Temploids has no known connection to:
Dark Angel, Shevaun Haldane, the MUK heroine, @ Hell's Angel#1, should be distinguished from:
Gabriel possessing the same mystical healing skills as the other Temploids, but is able to access his battle programming and abilities as well. Gabriel's power level is uncertain, but he may possess Class 10-25 strength, combined with superhuman durability, and a vast store of battle training programmed within his mind.
--Battletide II#3 (3(fb), 3, 4
Battletide I#2-4 (January-March, 1993) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (writers), Geoff Senior (artist), John Freeman (#2-3) & Jacqui Papp (#3-4) (editor)
Battletide II#1-4 (August-November, 1993) - Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning (writers), Geoff Senior (artist), Jacqui Papp (editor)
First Posted: 12/26/2002
Last updated: 08/24/2013
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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