Classification: Robot
Creator: Victor von Doom (Dr. Doom), Wakandan scientists
User/Possessors: Black Panther (T'Challa) and the Panther Guard
Aliases: Trans-Human ROBot (an acronym, you know)
Base of Operations: Black Panther's trophy room, Wakandan Palace, Wakanda; formerly active throughout the jungles of Wakanda, especially around the sacred Vibranium Mound.
First Appearance: Fantastic Four I#311 (February, 1988)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: THROB was a
robot composed of plastic flesh covering overlying a "bone
structure of pure vibranium." (and presumably some sort of
computer chip, or wiring, or something for control). It had
superhuman strength (Class 10-15?) and durability, but its
Vibranium composition allows it to absorb force used against it,
to grow in size and power. However, if it were to absorb too much
power, it would overload and explode, taking a large portion of
Wakanda with it.
It was equipped with a deactivation button on its back that could
dissipate its accumulated energy almost instantly.
Presumably, the Vibranium had been removed from its inert form to
prevent it from being stolen and/or used against Wakanda.
History: BTS - THROB was designed to be part of the defense of Wakanda's sacred Vibranium Mound. It was actually created by Dr. Doom, who sought to prove his worth in an alliance with the Black Panther and Wakanda (At the time, Doom had been deposed by Kristoff Vernard, who had usurped his role as Dr. Doom. Doom was seeking allies to regain his throne).
(Fantastic Four I#311) - During a field trial for THROB, it encountered the further-mutated Thing and Ms. Marvel (Sharon Ventura, She-Thing). After engaging it in battle, Ms. Marvel, distraught over her new misshapen appearance, sought to force it to kill her. The Thing struggled with THROB and correctly deduced that it was absorbing power from the fight and attempted to overload it, not realizing the potential risk. T'Challa was nearby, and though he had failed to recognize his mutated ally, he did recognize the threat of overloading THROB. T'Challa leapt from the trees and deactivated THROB, and not a second too soon.
(West Coast Avengers Annual#3) - During the "Evolutionary War," the High Evolutionary's Gatherers attempted to steal some Vibranium from Wakanda's sacred mound. They were confronted by T'Challa, his Panther Guard, and THROB, who defeated and captured the Gatherers.
BTS - THROB was apparently retired, due to its risk of blowing up the country if overloaded in battle.
(Black Panter III#41) - THROB was seen on display in the Black Panther's trophy room.
Comments: Created by Steve Englehart and Keith Pollard.
I've found a lot of objects that, when struck, make the noise "Rambo!" There are also a few that sound like "Rocky!", and if you look really hard, you'll find a few that go "Rhinestone!"
Thanks to Luis Olavo Dantas, for pointing out that Dr. Doom was the actual creator of THROB.
This profile was
done at the request of Bob
Almond, the inker for the Black
Panther. Bob's a big fan of the obscure stuff, and it was at his
request that Sal drew a lot of the trophy room stuff in the Black
Panther issues.
There are two THROBs in the first panel seen of it in WCA Annual#3.
A second team sent by the High Evolutionary, the Sensors, distracted the Black Panther (and the West Coast Avengers) so that his agent Stack was able to steal a sample.
Clarifications: None
images: (without ads)
Black Panther III#41, p10, pan1 (THROB in Black Panther's trophy room)
Fantastic Four I#311 (February, 1988) - Steve Englehart (writer), Keith Pollard (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
West Coast Avengers Annual#3 (1988) - Steve Englehart (writer), Al Milgrom (pencils), Gerry Talaoc (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Black Panther III#41 (April, 2002) - Christopher Priest (writer), Sal Velluto (pencils), Bob Almond (inks), Mike Marts (editor)
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Last Updated: 08/01/02
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