Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Sub-species of humanity (Eternal)

Occupation: Gladiator

Group Membership: Eternals of Earth

Affiliations: Ajak, Avengers (Captain Marvel/Monica Rambeau, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Sersi, Starfox/Eros, Vision, Wasp/Janet Van Dyne), Delphan Brothers, Ikaris, Iron Man (James Rhodes), Makkari, Phastos, Sersi, Zuras;
   formerly High Evolutionary (Herbert Wyndham)

Enemies: Deviants, Maelstrom, New Warriors (Haechi/Mark Sim, Hummingbird, Justice/Vance Astrovik, Nova/Sam Alexander, Scarlet Spider/Kaine, Silhouette/Silhouette Cord, Speedball/Robert Baldwin, Sun Girl/Selah Burke, Water Snake/Faira Sar Namora)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Olympia, Greece

First Appearance: Marvel Super-Hero Contest of Champions#1 (June, 1982)

Powers/Abilities: Titanis is a member of the Eternals race, and possesses all of her people's natural abilities, including the power to manipulate cosmic energy to rearrange molecules, fly, and emit blasts of cosmic energy. She also possesses an unknown degree of superhuman strength, endurance and durability, and is virtually immortal.

(Marvel Super-Hero Contest of Champions#1) - Titanis was in the Andes with Ajak, Ikaris and Sersi when they were all teleported off-planet by the Grandmaster, so that he and Death could choose from the ranks of Earth's heroes to find champions in a game for the life of the Collector. Titanis was not among those chosen.

(Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions#2-3 - BTS) - Titanis observed with the other heroes as the Grandmaster won his contest with Death, only to die himself in order to restore the Collector to life.

(Iron Man Annual I#6 (fb) - BTS) - After the funeral of Zuras the Eternals, including Titanis, were captured by the Deviants and paralyzed with brain-mines.

(Iron Man Annual I#6) - Iron Man (James Rhodes)'s armor was controlled by Thena to fly to Olympia where he found Titanis and the other Eternals paralyzed.

(Iron Man Annual I#6 - BTS) - She was presumably freed when Zuras' energies overloaded the Deviants' machines and helped defeat the Deviants with a little help from Iron Man.

(Avengers I#246-248 - BTS) - Titanis presumably joined Earth's Eternals in Olympia to form the Uni-Mind.

(New Warriors V#10) - Titanis was among the Eternals (the others were Makkari, Phastos and the Delphan Brothers) led by Zuras to the High Evolutionary's base in the Arctic Circle to aid him against the New Warriors.

(New Warriors V#11) - Titanis was attacked by Water Snake and Nova, whom she followed into outer space. Despite her eye beams and superior strength Nova defeated her and returned to Earth to reunite with his team only to find them defeated by the other Eternals and get captured by them.

(New Warriors V#12) - When Justice of the New Warriors caused the High Evolutionary's vessel to crash (thereby stopping his plan to destroy any human sub-species to protect baseline humans), Titanis and the other Eternals were temporarily knocked unconscious. When she regained consciousness she was taken care of by Silhouette. Justice ultimately convinced Zuras the Celestials were not headed for Earth to judge humanity and left the High Evolutionary's fallen vessel with Titanis and the others. Justice warned Zuras to stay out of mankind's business or else...

Comments: Created by Mark Gruenwald, Bill Mantlo, Steven Grant, John Romita, Jr. and Pablo Marcos.

Titanis was named in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #4, which identifies her as a "gladiator."

Titanis' name is likely derived from Titanos, the original home of the Eternals. Possibly she was born after the city's destruction and given the name as a reminder?

The Eternals were presumably in the Andes to visit the City of the Space Gods for some reason (visiting Ajak?).

It took her over 30 years to return...

New Warriors update by Markus Raymond. Thanks to Norvo for pointing out the missed appearance in Iron Man Annual I#6 and her possibly being BTS in Avengers I#246-248. New images provided by Loki.

Profile by Prime Eternal. Update by Markus Raymond.

Titanis should not be confused with:

Images: (without ads)
Marvel Super-Hero Contest of Champions#1, p9, pan8 (main)
Iron Man Annual I#6, p11, pan4 (paralyzed, far right)
New Warriors V#11, p7, pan4 (fighting Water Snake)
New Warriors V#11, p11, pan3 (eye lasers)

Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions#1-3 (July-August, 1982) - Mark Gruenwald, Bill Mantlo & Steven Grant (writers), John Romita Jr. (pencils), Pablo Marcos (inks), Tom DeFalco (editor)
Iron Man Annual I#6 (November, 1983) - Peter Gillis (writer), Luke McDonnell (pencils), Roy Richardson (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#246 (August, 1984) - Roger Stern (writer), Al Milgrom (pencils), Joe Sinnott & Crew (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#247 (September, 1984) - Roger Stern (writer), Al Milgrom (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers I#248 (October, 1984) - Roger Stern (writer), Al Milgrom (pencils), Joe Sinnott & Crew (inks), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
New Warriors V#10-12 (November, 2014 - January, 2015) - Erik Burnham & Chris Yost (writers), Marcus To (artist), Devin Lewis (editor)

First Posted: 09/06/2004
Last updated: 02/25/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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Special Thanks to www.g-mart.com for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!

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