Classification: Extra-Dimensional (Trion) incarnation of evil
Creator: The Trion
User/Possessors: Formerly countless corrupted aliens from thousands of planets, Formerly Triathlon
Aliases: Trion shard, Triple Threat
First Appearance: Avengers III#42 (July, 2001)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: The Triple-Evil was a huge pyramid shaped incarnation of pure evil traveling through space. It was capable of nearly infinite feats. It could travel as fast as Quasar or Living Lightning, fire incredibly powerful energy blasts, and repair and rebuild itself almost immediately after being damaged. It could project a hologram of a user at many times the user's size. One of its biggest abilities was its abilities to corrupt souls and then absorb them into itself. It bombarded resistance against it with illusions of their fondest dreams, and then corrupted them. After it defeated a race, it would take those that it corrupted and absorb their souls. Thus with each of its thousands and thousands of victories it grew stronger. It took those it defeated and turned them into its own soldiers, and took their ships to add to its own armor. It was powered by the countless souls it had absorbed.
History: (Avengers III#50) (fb) - And it came to pass that there were three great beings, supreme in their realm, who guarded and shaped that realm, and were sum and substance of it. And the three were themselves, and the three were the Trion. And countless ages ago, even as such as they reckon time, the Trion took action to safeguard their realm. Three acting as one, created a sphere of perfect darkness and into that sphere they poured all their darkness, all the evil tendency within them concentrating it within, entrapping it, imprisoning it forever. Imprisoning it all...all but for one tiny jagged fragment of dark, concentrated evil...which tore through a rift in reality and into another realm (Earth 616). And there, in that realm, the pyramid-shaped shard began a great journey, a long hungry journey across the vastness of space.
And it came to pass... That the universe reacted to the presence of the evil that journeyed through it...forming opposition, even as a body forms defenses against disease. And these fragments of light, these triangles, were three in number...and they, too, did journey...tumbling through trackless space, awaiting a time they would be found...found and used against the taint that had invaded their world. ...The shard of darkness journeyed across space. Wherever its path took it, it radiated foul, corrupting, evil. And wherever its path took it, it found resistance. Might empires. Lone planets. All who encountered it fought against it-- and all were lost. their best and bravest were enticed into dreams and death...and their bodies corrupted, became soldiers in the service of the darkness. That which had been their ships became armor for the shard. And their planets, their civilizations destroyed...all the fire that once burned within their races became part of the shard's power. And its journey continued and its power grew.
(Avengers III#50) (fb) - Eventually, an unnamed alien champion found the first triangle of light that the universe had created as an anti-body for the Triple-Evil shard/pyramid. He battled the Triple-Evil Pyramid alone and fell before it. To defeat the pyramid, one needed all three pieces of light, and as he only had one, he was corrupted and his soul was absorbed. His triangle fell on the surface of the pyramid.
(Avengers III#50) (fb) - The second triangle was found by the alien Skrull, and ended up being merged with 3-D Man, who was later merged with Triathlon. The third triangle was merged with Jonathan Tremont, who formed the Triune Understanding to combat the coming threat of the Triple-Evil.
(Avengers III#42) - When Kang showed the Avengers several possible future threats that could lead to the destruction of humanity, one of them he showed was the Triple-Evil Pyramid.
(Avengers III#47-48) - Quasar and the Living Lightning detected the Triple-Evil pyramid headed toward our solar system at incredible speeds. They left their asteroid base and chased it.
(Avengers III#50) - Jonathan Tremont
and several Avengers had taken off in a space ship to confront
the Triple-Evil. They met up with some other Avengers as well as
Quasar and Living Lightning. Together, they went to examine the
pyramid up close. When Living Lightning touched it however, there
was a flash of light, and suddenly, all the Avengers found
themselves inside illusions of their wildest dreams. They stayed
in those illusions for weeks until Captain America overcame them,
and thus freed the other Avengers from the illusions as well.
When they awoke, they were inside the Triple-Evil
Pyramid. They saw a few aliens controlling the machines they had
been hooked into for the illusions. When the Avengers tried to
leave, they discovered that the aliens, as well as the chamber in
which they awoke, were only more illusions, and suddenly the
illusions were dropped and the Avengers were attacked by
countless soldiers of the Triple-Evil Pyramid. At first the
soldiers put up almost no challenge, but then, as the fight went
on, they adapted and became immune to the Avengers' powers.
Tremont then released the full extent of his power granted to him
by his third shard. His power, which was the antithesis of the
Triple-Evil, scared off the soldiers, but Tremont lacked the
power to destroy or even seize control of the pyramid. In an
attempt to gain that power, he tried to take the second shard
away from Triathlon, and merge it with himself. However,
Triathlon found the place where the champion with the first shard
fell, and Triathlon seized that shard. Now with two shards,
Triathlon easily took Tremont's shard and assembled all three
pieces thereby granting him great cosmic power. With his newfound
power, Triathlon grew in size, and struggled against the entire
pyramid in a battle of tremendous power. Eventually, Triathlon
triumphed, and seized control of the pyramid.
(Avengers III#52) - Triathlon, who was now in complete control of the Triple-Evil Pyramid's tremendous power, as well as his own now-cosmic power, started to use the stolen energies of the pyramid to move it toward Earth to rejoin the ongoing war against Kang the Conqueror who had declared war on Earth, and had conquered it successfully in the weeks the Avengers were trapped in the illusions. Eventually, they made their way back to Earth orbit where the pyramid encountered and begin to battle Kang's orbiting headquarters, Damocles Base. The pyramid then made a huge projection of Captain America's form, many times its normal size, to battle a giant form of Kang.
(Avengers III#53) - The Triple-Evil pyramid, under Triathlon's control, continued to exchange fire with Damocles Base as well as continue to project Captain America's form. Damocles Base focused most of its power at the pyramid instead of at the heroes attacking it from outside and from Earth. The pyramid took extreme damage that slowed it down. However, the shield over Damocles Base was destroyed, and the Avengers quickly destroyed the base, ending the battle.
(Avengers III#54) - Triathlon returned to the Triple-Evil Pyramid after the conclusion of the war against Kang to dissolve it and release any of its remaining energies. He left to free all of the enslaved souls.
Comments: Created by Kurt Busiek and Alan Davis.
Jonathan Tremont referred to the pyramid as the "Greatest threat Earth has ever faced." This was obviously a big exaggeration, because Kang appeared equipped to deal with the pyramid, and he seemed to be a much bigger threat than it. Not to mention the dozens of prior times that Earth came within a heartbeat of being destroyed.
Clarifications: The Triple-Evil and Trion should not be confused with:
The unnamed Champion had no known connection to:
Trion were three beings who were supreme and were the whole of
their realm. The Trion was first seen when they teleported the X-Men
to their dimension. The Trion are mortal enemies with Cytorrak,
and when Cytorrak possessed the body of Juggernaut, he tried to
break through dimensions until he got to the Trion's dimension
where he intended to destroy the Trion. The Trion had banished
all evil tendencies from themselves into a sphere of perfect
darkness, and the sphere tried to reach out to Cytorrak to free
it, but the X-men stopped him from doing it when they stopped
Juggernaut, who was Cytorrak's vessel.
After the Trion put all their evil into one
dark sphere, one fragment of that sphere broke off and traveled
through a rift in reality and into Earth 616. Presumably, the
Trion remain supreme in their realm. It is interesting that
because there is no evil in their realm, there is no change, and
is has been quite stagnant for eons.
The Trion, as the embodiment of their dimension, had incredible, near incalculable power. The laws of physics in their dimension differ greatly than that of Earth-like dimensions.
--Uncanny X-Men#368 (X-Men II#88, Uncanny X-Men#369, Avengers III#50 (first flashback)
Nothing at all is known about this alien accept for the fact that he found the first shard of light and foolishly attempted to battle the Triple-Evil by him(?)self. It failed in its efforts, was corrupted, and absorbed by the Triple-Evil. It fell to the ground defeated, and the shard the champion had possessed remained there until it was found by Triathlon.
He presumably was granted energy powers by the shard.
--Avengers III#50
Avengers III#48, p1, pan1 (Triple-Evil main image)
Avengers III#50, p1, pan1 (Trion)
Avengers III#50, p26, pan3 (unnamed champion)
Other appearances:
Uncanny X-Men#368-369 (May-June, 1999) - Trion only - Alan Davis, Joe
Casey (#368) & Terry Kavanagh (#369) (writers), Adam Kubert
(pencils), Tim Townsend (inks), Mark Powers (editor)
X-Men II#88 (May, 1999) - Trion only - Alan Davis & Joe Casey
(writers), Alan Davis (pencils), Mark Farmer (inks), Mark Powers
Avengers III#47 (December, 2001) - Kurt Busiek (writer), Manuel Garcia (pencils), Bob Layton (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers III#48 (January, 2002) - Kurt Busiek (writer), Kieron Dwyer (pencils), Rick Remender (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers III#50 (March, 2002) - Kurt Busiek (writer), Kieron Dwyer (pencils), Rick Remender (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers III#52 (May, 2002) - Kurt Busiek (writer), Ivan Reis (pencils), Randy Emberlin (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers III#53-54 (June-July, 2002) - Kurt Busiek (writer), Kieron Dwyer (pencils), Rick Remender (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Last Updated: 07/13/04
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