Alien world
Environment: essentially Earth-like,
although the realm exists on the inside surface of a cylinder,
which is populated 360 degrees, and has gravitation towards its
outer surface. The realm narrows to a distinct end, after which
there exists a hole into an unknown void.
Tunnelworld has a high incidence of magic
Usual means of access: magic
Dominant Life Form: a large number of
alien races, including the Buzzard People, the Ixhoohxi, the Nilffim,
the Nya, and the Sputs, as
well as an undetermined number of unidentified races.
Monstrous creatures dwell
within storms, although these may have been created or summoned
by the Unnameable.
The Winged Ones are the creations
of Ytitnedion
Significant Beings: Aeroika, Xhoohx, Ytitnedion
The Unnameable once held sway over
Tunnelworld, but there is no evidence that this was his native
The Nilffim-Riders were fragments
of Arisen Tyrk sent to Tunnelworld.
Arisen Tyrk was also last seen
in Tunnelworld
Significant Locations: Ogeon, valley of the Nya, Xhoohx's castle-fortress
First Appearance: Defenders I#71 (May, 1979)
History: The origins of Tunnelworld are unknown.
(Defenders#79 (fb) - BTS) - The Unnameable brought Ytitnedion, a sorcerer of Tunnelworld, under its control. Ytitnedion established the fortress of Ogeon, from which he created the Winged Ones and began to spreads the Unnameable's power. Relatively few beings, such as Xhoohx and the Nya, could resist the influence of the Unnameable, although they did manage to keep a few realms shielded from its power.
(Defenders#71(fb) - BTS) - Arisen Tyrk, the tyrannical God-King of Other Realm, was fragmented, and in the process, his fragment forms fell under the sway of the Unnameable. Three fragments of Tyrk were sent to Tunnelworld, where they became the Nilffim, who joined forces with Ytitnedion.
(Defenders#71-73) - The Defenders traveled to Tunnelworld to investigate the power behind Lunatik. They reformed Tyrk, who attacked the Unnameable until the Defenders and Xhoohx defeated Tyrk. They also learned of the existence of the Unnameable.
(Defenders#78-83) - The Defenders, alongside Aeroika, defeated the Unnameable and Ytitnedion, freeing Tunnelworld from their influences. In the course of the struggle, however, Xhoohx was slain.
Comments: Created by Ed Hannigan and Herb Trimpe.
I just found your site. I am amazed by the fact that SOMEONE really liked that stuff, and also by the fact that I actually created that whole world. I had forgotten most of it! The Sputs! I haven't thought of them in decades! I guess I'll have to dig those issues out
and reread them.
I had a lot of fun doing those issues but I have to say most of the powers that were at Marvel in those days hated the Tunnelworld stories. They were glad to see me off of the Defenders. Oh well.
And thanks for the comparison to Steve Gerber . He was a mentor of sorts in those days, though he could never seem to remember just who I was...
Ed Hannigan
Clea cast a translation spell shortly after entering Tunnelworld to allow the Defenders to understand to Sputs. You can assume that none of the natives of Tunnelworld spoke English or anything remotely like it, but that similar spells made it all clear.
The Tunnelworld saga is one of my favorites of the original run of the Defenders. There are still a few points that deserve explanation (and responses by Tunnelworld's creator, Ed Hannigan, in italics)
Tunnelworld has a full entry in Marvel Legacy: The 1980s Handbook.
While the fragments of Arisen Tyrk were referred to as the Nilffim, I think the Nilffim were actually the giant flighted birds they rode. The fragments would be more correctly referred to as the Nilffim Riders. Alternatively, they may have been seen together so frequently that the term could refer to either the birds or the riders. After defeating all of the Tyrk fragments, the Defenders rode the Nilffim to Xhoohx's castle. Ytitnedion apparently regained the birds after defeating and capturing Xhoohx, as they were again seen in the city of Ogeon (which was also referred to as the Nilffimhold). The Hulk rode one of them while under the control of the Unnameable.
--Defenders I#71 (72, 73, 82, 83
Not quite dwarves, not quite elves or hobbits, they were the Sputs. They were a peaceful, small folk who dwelt in villages outside of Ogeon. They opposed the Unnameable, and were prepared to attack the Defenders when they first suspected they were in league with it.
They were skilled archers and managed to enhance their range by using their legs to hold the bow while they stretched back the string. This enabled them to strike at the airborn Nilffim and their Riders.
Bozqwip, Filvot, Oguot, and Stalwag were named
--Defenders I#71 (72, 78
He ran the Inn in which the Defenders met up with Aeroika. He employed Filvot (not seen).
--Defenders I#78
were two of the Sput refugees who were fleeing the evil stain of the Unnameable. They encountered the Defenders shortly after their first travel to Tunnelworld, when they were attacked by the Nilffim-Riders.
--Defenders I#71 (72
Defenders I#71 (May, 1979) - Ed Hannigan (writer), Herb Trimpe (pencils), Jack Abel (inks), Allen Milgrom (editor)
Defenders I#72-73 (June-July, 1979) - Ed Hannigan (writer), Herb Trimpe (pencils), Fred Kida (#72) & Mike Esposito (#73) (inks), Al Milgrom (editor)
Defenders I#78-79 (December, 1979 - January, 1980) - Ed Hannigan (writer), Herb Trimpe & Ed Hannigan (#79) (pencils), Mike Esposito (inks), Al Milgrom (editor)
Defenders I#80-81 (February-March, 1980) - Ed Hannigan (writer), Herb Trimpe (pencils), Dan Green (#80) & Jack Abel (#81) (inks), Al Milgrom (editor)
Defenders I#82-83 (April-May, 1980) - Ed Hannigan (writer), Don Perlin (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks), Al Milgrom (editor)
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Last Updated: 09/21/03
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