Real Name: Tutinax
Identity/Class: Sub-species of humanity (Deviant mutate)
Occupation: Gladiator
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Ally of Dromedan, servant of the Deviants (Ghaur, Kro)
Enemies: Ajak, Druig, Karkas, Phastos, Quasar (Wendell Vaughn), Ransak the Reject, Thena, Thor, Valkin, Virako, Zakka
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "The Mountain Mover"
Base of Operations: Deviant Lemuria
First Appearance: Eternals Annual I#1 (1977)
Powers/Abilities: Tutinax possesses superhuman strength of an unknown degree, possibly in the 100 ton range. His greatest weapon, however, is the ability to cause fear in others; this power manifests itself as an illusion, with Tutinax taking on the appearance of whatever his opponent most fears.
Height: 15'0"
Weight: 2500 lbs.
Eyes: Red
Hair: Unrevealed
(Thor Annual I#7 (fb)) - 1000
years ago, Dromedan, a Deviant Mutate with great psionic powers, was
released from the prison the Eternals had placed him in by the
treacherous Eternal Druig. Even all these years ago, Tutinax was known and feared
by the Eternals, and he was called "the most powerful of the Mutates." Taking over Druig's mind, Dromedan proceded
to enthrall the local Incas into slavery. When the Asgardian Thor arrived
with three other Eternals, Virako, Valkin and Ajak, Dromedan
unleashed his allies Thunder and Tutianx upon them.
While Thor dealt with Thunder, the three Eternals fought Tutinax but his strength was far too great. Dromedan caused the area around them to become dark and Tutinax proceeded to hurl objects at his foes but a blast of lightning from Thor illuminated him and the Eternals knocked him unconscious with their eye-beams. Before Dromedan could revive him, Tutinax vanished.
(Eternals Annual I#1) - In modern times, Zakka had been creating chaos by bringing his "Time-Killers" (including Jack the Ripper)
from the past to rampage about but the Eternal Thena was on his trail,
along with her Deviant companions Ransak and Karkas. Zakka decided to
summon up Tutinax from the past to aid him, pulling him from his battle with Thor and the Eternals.
However, Zakka made the fatal mistake of looking at Tutinax. Overcome by fear, he was easily killed. Tutinax then proceeded to battle Thena, Ransak and Karkas himself. Ransak, a one-time gladiator, was determined to combat Tutinax himself, seeing this as a great honor. Tutinax agreed to face him but ignored Karkas' challenge. Though Ransak and Karkas fought well, they could not seem to overcome Tutinax's immense power. Finally, they combined forces in a desperate attempt to defeat him -- just as Tutinax vanished, pulled back into the past.
(Quasar I#12) - In modern times, Tutinax and Ransak again fought each other, this time in the Arena of Combat in Lemuria. Tutinax had nearly defeated Ransak when Quasar appeared. Quasar had come to help his friend Makkari rescue his mentor Elo, and, itching for a physical confrontation, challenged Tutinax to battle. Although Quasar was cocky at first, he was undone by Tutinax's power, which allowed him to assume the appearance of Quasar's father, Gilbert Vaughn. Unable to strike back, Quasar was badly beaten but this allowed Ransak time to recover and defeat Tutinax by beating him with his Power-Lance.
(Thor: The Deviants Saga I#2) - When the Deviant males became sterile, threatening an end to their species, Warlord Kro led an expedition to Olympia to steal one of the Eternals' Resurrection Chambers while most of the Eternals were off-world. Tutinax accompanied Kro's forces and found in Olympia just the Eternals Phastos and Valkin, their Deviant allies Karkas and Ransak and the Asgardian god Thor, who had been seeking a means of locating the Deviant Ereshkigal. Virako tried to bluff the Deviants into departing by observing the Resurrection Chamber was broken but Phastos unfortunately mentioned he could fix the chamber. Tutinax reveled in the battle which was about to occur and felt especially keen to fight his old foes Karkas and Ransak. However, Thor chose to meet Tutinax challenge and the two began fighting in Phastos' laboratory, at one point breaking into a chamber which slowed down the speed of light so that, to the others observing them, Thor and Tutinax appeared to be moving slowly. Tutinax unleashed his power of fear upon Thor, breaking Thor's will to fight. Before he could attempt to kill Thor, he was called away by Kro, who had already captured the Resurrection Chamber and Phastos. Tutinax had no choice but to follow Kro back to Lemuria because the priestlord Ghaur could control Tutinax through his genetic code and force his compliance.
(Thor: The Deviants Saga I#3) - In Lemuria, just as Ereshkigal was attempting to convince Ghaur that the Unbinding Stone of Oshemar could help the Deviants, Kro and Tutinax entered with Phastos and the Resurrection Chamber. When Thor burst in, Tutinax happily resumed their battle and again easily overpowered Thor but Ghaur called him to stop, noting that, as Karkas and Ransak had been taken as their prisoners, they could force Thor and Phastos to have the Resurrection Chamber repaired.
(Thor: The Deviants Saga I#5) - When Kro accidentally activated the Unbinding Stone, it started to break down reality in Lemuria but Thor ultimately contained the stone's power.
Comments: Created by Jack "King" Kirby and Mike Royer.
What I don't understand about Thor Annual#7 is after Tutinax is brought into the future by Zakka to appear in Eternals Annual#1, why doesn't he return to the battlefield in the past? Shouldn't he have re-appeared only seconds after disappearing when he was sent home?
Also, if Tutinax is still alive in modern times, why did Zakka decide to bring him from 1,000 years ago? Why not snatch him from yesterday?
I would be remiss if I did not observe that you can learn more about the Eternals and Deviants at my (defunct) website, Sersi's
...And here's what it looks like when someone who actually knows how to clean up an image does it. Courtesy of Titanos, from the Prime Eternal's own page. I wish I could do that (actually, the images take me too long as it is--now if I could recruit someone...)--Snood
Tutinax got an entry in Fear Itself: Fellowship of Fear, which included the official stats above. --Proto-Man
Tutinax should be distinguished from:
images: (without ads)
Quasar I#12, Cover (main)
Thor Annual I#7, p22, pan4 (Tutinax attacks)
Eternals Annual I#1, p29, pan2 (Tutinax destroys)
Eternals Annual I#1 (1977) - Jack Kirby (writer/pencils/editor), Mike Royer (inks)
Thor Annual I#7 (1978) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), Walt Simonson (pencils), Ernie Chan (editor)
Quasar I#12 (July, 1990) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Mike Manley (pencils), Fred Fredricks (inks), Howard Mackie (editor)
The Deviants Saga I#2-3 (February-March, 2012) - Robert Rodi (writer),
Stephen Segovia (pencils), Jason Paz (inks), Jeffrey Huet (inks, #3),
Ralph Macchio (editor)
Thor: The Deviants Saga I#5 (May, 2012) - Robert Rodi (writer), Stephen Segovia (art), Ralph Macchio (editor)
First Posted: 02/20/2002
Last updated: 01/20/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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