Membership: Hassan Ibn Mohamet (guard), Harold Magary (C.E.O.), Lou, Manuel "Manny" Herrera, Scotti Brothers, others unnamed

Purpose: UNISYM is a waste control firm located in New Jersey, fighting to become THE waster control firm of New Jersey

Affiliations: Mecozzi Crime Family, Revolutionary Jihad

Enemies: the Punisher, the Rosetti Brothers

Base of Operations: Compounds in New Jersey, amongst others in North Patterson

First Appearance: Punisher II#6 (February, 1988)

History: (Punisher II#6 (BTS))- The Punisher began to investigate the Rosetti murders. He asked Microchip and his son for help, and Junior managed to get into New Jersey Juastice departments computer, and revealed that the justice department had been looking into UNISYM for the last three months, and that the C.E.O of UNISYM Harold Magasy was also a high ranking member of the Mecozzi Crime Family.

(Punisher II#6)- The Punisher decided to go to North Patterson, to investigate UNISYM. While there he overheard a conversation between Harold Magasy and Manny Herrera, discussing Manny's illness as Manny believed himself to have leukemia. Harold wasn't convinced. After the conversation, Manny left in one of the trucks, while the Punisher snuck around the compound. Suddenly he was discovered by Harold, who threatened him with a gun. But before he could do anything, the Punisher threw his knife, hitting Harold in the throat, killing him instantly. One of the guards, Hassan ibn Mohamet, tried to kill the Punisher by shooting him, but the Punisher managed to kill the man. Sneaking around the compound again, a telephone rang in Harold's office, and the Punisher picked up the phone, learning that Manny wanted Harold to come to the place where they were to meet Yasir.

Later at the compound in South Jersey, Manny and one of his men met with Yasir and Ahmed. Yasir paid Manny a million dollars for some plutonium. Suddenly the meeting was interrupted by the Punisher, but the men tried to gun him down, although he managed to escape. Manny yelled at Yasir, telling him that the man (Punisher) who just attacked them must have followed him. Yasir told him that was impossible, and that it was his own fault for starting the vendetta against the Rosetti brothers. Outside the Punisher managed to take out a few of the Mecozzis when suddenly the compound was attacked by the Rosettis as well.

(Punisher II#7)- The Rosettis attack continued, as well as the Punisher's. The Punisher managed to bring down a wall in one of the buildings at the compound. Suddenly Manny came up on him from behind, threatening him with a gun, and asked the Punisher just who he was. The Punisher informed him that he was after the Arabs, and Manny became scared, believing the Punisher to be with Mossad. He let him go.

Alongside Rose Kugel, Punisher returned to the Patterson compound to meet with Manny again. Lou was also present, and Manny told him to shut up, because the two of them were Mossad agents. The Punisher questioned Manny while Lou tried to reach for his knife to take him out, but the Punisher punched him in the face, taking him out instead. Manny told them about Ahmed, and that the Revolutionary Jihad planned to use the plutonium at the Gallagher building to take down the building as well as a nearby theatre where Mr. Mecozzi was present alongside the mayor and the secretary general of the UN.

While Mr. Mecozzi was in the theatre watching the premiere of the "1776" play, the Revolutionary Jihad attempted to bring down the theatre as well as the Gallagher building. He was saved when the Punisher and Rose Kugel thwarted their plans.

Comments: Created by Mike Baron, Davis Ross and Kevin Nowlan.

by The Beetle


Last updated: 09/18/03

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