Vigil of Vontsalvant
Real Name: not revealed
Identity/Class: Extra-dimensional, extra-terrestrial technology user possibly a mutate see comments
Occupation: protecting the Crystals of Vontsalvant
Affiliations: Thing (Ben Grimm)
Enemies: Annihilus
Known Relatives: Not revealed, all deceased
Aliases: Mistakenly called Virgil by the Thing
Base of Operations: Vontsalvant, the Negative Zone
First Appearance: Marvel Comics
Presents#105/4, (February 1992)
Powers/Abilities: The Vigil of Vontsalvant had superhuman strength (class 75) and durability. He used a staff that could project energy blasts. He is the guardian of the Crystals of Vontsalvant, a vast source of power which he may or may not use... see comments.
History: (Marvel Comics Presents#105/4 (fb)) - At one time Vontsalvant had a peaceful and productive society powered by the Crystals of Vontsalvant. However the supply of crystals dwindled and conflict broke out. The man who would become the Vigil of Vontsalvant gained possession of the remaining crystals but by that time his world was devastated. Finding himself unworthy of the power the crystals contained, he stock-piled the majority of the crystals away where they could not be detected. He began leaving one out as a lure and, pretending it was the sole crystal, he would judge any who sought it on the strength of their character. Three times he fought Annihilus and found him unworthy.
(Marvel Comics Presents#105/4) - Reed
Richards detected a power source (one of the crystals) in the Negative Zone
and sent Ben Grimm after it. Ben found the crystal and was immediately approached
by the Vigil of Vontsalvant. They battled for the crystal, and Ben took the
Vigil's staff. When the roof caved in Ben saved the Vigil's life, proving
himself worthy. The Vigil gave him the crystal and waited till Ben had left
to replace it with another from his stock-pile.
The source of Vigil's strength and the power in his staff is not stated. He does state that he is unworthy of the power of the crystals but does that necessarily mean he never uses that power? Here are some possibilities:
Profile by Changeling
The Crystals of Vontsalvant have no connection to:
The Vigil of Vontsalvant has no connection to:
The Crystals of Vontsalvant
The crystals are a vast source of power and
where once abundant on Vontsalvant. Their constant use as a power source
dwindled the supply and the Vigil's stock-pile is not common knowledge, the
general population of the Negative Zone who are aware of Vontsalvant are
led to believe there is only one. While the extent and nature of their power
is not defined, for Annihilus to be interested in one it must be more powerful
than his own cosmic control rod (whose destructive power is equivalent to
10 megatons of TNT).
Last updated: 05/09/03
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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