Classification: Altered terrestrial virus
Creator: MODOK
User/Possessors: MODOK, while working for Advanced Idea Mechanics
First Appearance: Marvel Two-in-One#81 (November, 1981)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: Virus X was a highly radioactive strain
of virus which was delivered in a fine mist spray and caused nearly instantaneous
death in humans. A person infected with Virus X does not appear to be contagious
to others.
History: (Marvel Two-in-One#81)- MODOK developed Virus X and tested
it in a secret lab located under a New York City dock. He sent out A.I.M.
synthoids to kidnap street people from the Bowery for use as guinea pigs in
the research. One of the synthoids inadvertently encountered Ben Grimm, a.k.a.
the Thing, and rendered him unconscious. MODOK exposed Grimm to Virus X,
but there were no immediate ill effects, and the Thing broke free and freed
the imprisoned street people with the aid of the Sub-Mariner. MODOK fled
with a canister of the virus.
(Marvel Two-in-One#82)- The Thing began succumbing to a high fever and dizziness
from his exposure to Virus X. As time passed, he began to mutate into a lumpy
form, growing weaker and weaker. Through the efforts of Captain America and
Giant-Man (Bill Foster), MODOK's location at an Antarctic A.I.M. base was
discovered, and the three traveled there. An antidote was eventually located,
and administered to the by-then unconscious Ben Grimm, restoring him to his
"normal" rocky form. The lab was apparently flooded and destroyed in the
Comments: Virus X was created by Tom DeFalco, Ron Wilson, and Chic
A.I.M. had also developed an antidote for Virus X, which neutralized Virus
X by making a body temporarily immune to the effects of radiation. The antidote
was delivered via a hypo-gun.
Virus X has been seen to exist in a lab below the New York City docks, and
in an underwater Antarctic base. The Antarctic base was apparently flooded,
though the New York City lab was not destroyed. It is not known if any samples
of the virus (or the antidote) remain in either place, nor if MODOK possesses
the capability to make more.
In an alternate world seen in the first story in What If? vol. I#37, the
Thing was not cured of the effects of Virus X. The ultimate effect of the
virus was to explosively cleanse all the cosmic radiation from the Thing's
body, leaving him permanently restored to his human Ben Grimm form. The
'explosion' also had the unusual side effect of restoring Alicia Masters'
sight. The Virus X antidote there also had the ability to cure Giant-Man
of radiation poisoning.
Virus X has no known connection to
Marvel Two-in-One#81, p27, pan7 (leaking canister)
Last updated:
Any Additions/Corrections? please
let me know.
Non-Marvel Copyright
info The effect of Virus X on superhumans with radiation based powers
or origins was less clear as the virus interacted (in at least one case)
with the radiation in their systems in unpredictable ways.
Marvel Two-in-One#82, p8, pan7 (mutating Thing)
Marvel Two-in-One#82, p31, pan1 (antidote hypo-gun)
Other appearances:
Marvel Two-in-One#81-82 (November-December, 1981) - Tom DeFalco (writer), Ron Wilson (pencils), Chic Stone (inks), Jim Salicrup (editor)
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