Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Supernatural being
Occupation: Mystic champion of the Slorenians, Supreme Commander of the Slorenian government
Affiliations: Black Brigade, the Tabissara, Targoth
Enemies: Ember, Force Works, Locomotive Breath, War Machine
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Comrade Supreme Commander, the Eternal One
Base of Operations: Slorenian Parliament Compound
First Appearance: (as "Comrade Supreme Commander") Force Works #5 (November, 1994); (as Volkhvy) Force Works #11 (May, 1995)
Powers/Abilities: Volkhvy possessed superhuman strength and, with the aid of The Program, was capable of transforming humans into Targoth and controlling them. Any other powers remain unrevealed.
Equipment: Volkhvy sometimes wore armor and carried a black sword that glowed with an unknown energy.
Volkhvy was Embers opposite number, mystic champion of the
Slorene race. Choosing to rule in secret as the true power behind
the Slorene government, Volkhvy had abandoned whatever mystic
artifact empowered him, choosing the power granted to him by The
Program instead. The vampiric Volkhvy looked upon humanity as
mere cattle, existing only to feed and serve him.
Who Volkhvys human host was remains unknown as does how he came to power in Slorenia (although it was said that country had endured generations of Slorene tyranny, even under the Communists, suggesting that Volkhvy had been the power behind the throne for many years).
Dr. Irena Renko on the Slorenian conflict and Volkhvy:
"Thousands of years ago, a racial feud turned into
an eternal conflict
when it became
infected with mystical power.
Now neither side can
win. As one side grows in power, the other
shrinks...then the balance
is reversed. Until one side lays down
its arms, we are doomed to
"That which does not truly live, cannot die."
(Force Works #5)- After meeting with Force Works and planning to hunt down Ember, Black Brigade and Boshlovor reported to Volkhvy in his underground chamber, informing him of their progress. He ordered Black Brigade to let Force Works lead him to Ember to then destroy him, no matter who came in his way.
(War Machine #14)- Black Brigade called Volkhvy away from his work on The Program to inform him that Locomotive Breath had returned to Slorenia and brought War Machine with him, seeking access to The Program. Volkhvy explained that both he and Locomotive Breath relied on The Program for its life-giving power, that Locomotive Breath was the one who had built it, and then sent Black Brigade to keep them away from The Program at all costs.
(Force Works #11)- Boshlovor reported to
Volkhvy on the progress of the meeting on a trade agreement with
Tony Stark and gave him one of Starks combination
watch/miniature televisions. Volkhvy explained how Starks
technology could enable them to improve The Program and make it a
thousand times more efficient. Weakened, Volkhvy required
Boshlovors aid to renew his strength through The Program,
and he also sent Black Brigade to take a squad of Targoth and
harvest more Dudak to power The Program.
Tracking the Tabissara through the watches, Stark and Spider-Woman, posing as Stark's aide, realized that ten of them were above ground, with one more below. Spider-Woman managed to sneak under the Slorene Parliament building into Volkhvys underground bunker where she was confronted by Volkhvy, who informed her that she had seen too much.
(In-between issues) BTS - Volkhvy defeated Spider-Woman and imprisoned her in The Programs pod-banks beside a number of Dudak prisoners.
(Force Works #12)- Planning to use Spider-Woman to boost his own power, Volkhvy explained to her that he was the lord-champion of the Slorene race, about his feud with his opposite number Ember, and the nature and purpose of The Program.
As he prepared to feed, Ember broke through a wall and attacked Volkhvy, who defended himself with his sword. Ultimately, Ember proved too powerful for him, shattering his armor, then draining his life force, killing him, at least until his inevitable return.
Comments: Volkhvy (as Comrade Supreme Commander), created by Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Paul Ryan; Volkhvy (fully seen/named) created by Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning & Jim Calafiore.
So, I'm not the only one who saw preview pics of the cover of Avengers #37, saw that black sword and thought "Hey, Volkhvy's back!", am I?
Here's a mini-profile on an individual named Volkhy who may (or may not) have anything to do with how they came up with the name Volkhvy.
byGauntlet: Dark Rider
Volkhvy should not be confused with:
Last updated: 07/12/03
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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