Name: Vron-Ikka
Identity/Class: Extraterrestrial (Kree)
Occupation: Soldier, espionage agent
Affiliations: Member of the Kree Army;
one-time lover of Rick Jones
Enemies: Skrulls and other enemies of the Kree Empire
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Veronica, "Ronnie"
Base of Operations: Mobile
First Appearance: Avengers Spotlight#25/2 (Mid November; 1989)
Powers/Abilities: Basic Kree military training, excellent espionage agent, totally loyal to the Kree Empire (she slept with Rick Jones in order to get info out of him)
(Avengers Spotlight#25 (fb) - BTS)
- Sent by the Kree Empire
to get information out of Rick Jones who has just released his
book "Sidekick," which many believed contained the secret of the
Destiny Power Jones had accessed during the Kree-Skrull War, Vron-Ikka
met him and goes home with him,
spending the night with him
(Avengers Spotlight#25)
- In the morning, Vron-Ikka was speaking with Rick Jones,
who was surprised when a number of different aliens came to Rick's
house. Her identity was learned by the skrull Kholdsor who tried to
shoot her, but
Rick Jones threw him out, not believing him to be a true skrull.
Vron-Ikka finally followed Rick Jones and Betty Banner to an intergalactic
auction over Rick's book "Sidekick," where she was revealed to be a
Kree major.
When Rick left the auction, Vron-Ikka stayed there, thanking
him for a nice time together
(Maximum Security#3 - BTS): <Potentially> Like all other Kree, Vron-Ikka was likely at least temporarily turned into a second generation Kree (Ruul; see comments).
Comments: Created by Glenn Herdling & Dwight Jon Zimmerman, Rod Ramos, and Don Hudson.
* I'm assuming that Major Vron-Ikka was turned into a second generation Kree (Ruul), like the rest of the Kree....., since as far as I know Una was one of the few Kree's who weren't turned into a Ruul
Profile by: The Beetle
Vron-Ikka has no connection to:
images: (without ads)
Avengers Spotlight#25/2
First posted: 10/03/2002
Last updated: 03/26/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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