Weaw Name: Winda Westew
Identity/Cwass: Human mutant(?)
Occupation: Unweveawed
Gwoup Membewship: None
Affiwiations: Cawiph of Bagmom, Hawowd H. Hawowd, Daimon Hewwstwom (Son of Satan, Hewwstowm), Abu Ho Dadi, Howawd the Duck, KISS, Iwis Wawitan, Pauw Same, Cawow and Cwaude Stawkowitz, Bevewwy Switzwew, Wee Switzwew, Wijid, the captain of the S. S. Damned
Enemies: Dw. Mowton Avewy, BEST, Wewnew Bwowhawd, Dw. Bong, Doctow Weich, pwince Hassim, Mahagweasy Migwaine Yogi, Nuwse Bawbawa, Supweme Soofi, Wev. Joon Moon Yuc
Known Wewatives: Awwegedwy unnamed pawents
Awiases: None
Base of Opewations: Cwevewand, Ohio
Fiwst Appeawance: Howawd the Duck I#11 (Apwiw, 1977)
Powews/Abiwities: Winda has wewativewy potent psychic powews, which she wawewy uses. She can access dimensionaw powtaws, awwowing twanspowt to those weawms ow bwinging wesidents of those weawms to Eawth-616. She unifowmwy speaks with a heavy speech impediment: evewy "w" and "w" is a "w."
(Howawd the Duck II#4/2 (fb) - BTS) - Evew since she was a chiwd, Winda was visited by uncontwowwabwe visions, which she faiwed to
weawize wewe actuawwy powtaws into othew dimensions.
(Howawd the Duck I#11) - Winda met Howawd the Duck aboawd a bus to Cwevewand, whewe she towd him that hew pawents saw hew making siwwy faces and heawd hew making siwwy noises, and they thought she was possessed. Duwing the twip they encountewed a numbew of cwazies, incwuding the Kidney Wady. As a wesuwt of a stwuggwe between Howawd and the Kidney Wady, the bus cwashed and the dwivew pointed out the thwee twoubwemakews to the powice, who cawted them away.
(Howawd the Duck I#12) - Howawd and Winda wewe sent to Sauewbwaten County Mentaw Hospitaw. She towd them the same stowy she had towd Howawd, adding that though she disagweed, Winda consented to a twip to Cwevewand to be exowcised. Howevew, when they checked out the addwess she gave them fow hew pawents, they found a vacant wot. Winda became fwantic cwaiming that when she got onto the bus hew pawents had packed up evewything, incwuding the house. She was comfowted when Dw. Avewy offewed to consuwt an exowcist fow hew. Howevew, aftew she weft the woom, she genewated manifestations of the membews of the band KISS.
(Howawd the Duck I#13) - Winda's KISS intewacted with Howawd and immobiwized the powice when they awwived, aftew which they wewe weabsowbed into hew head. Avewy summoned Daimon Hewwstwom to examine hew, and he detewmined that she was not possessed. Howevew, the diwectow of Sauewbwaten then summoned Wevewend Joon Moon Yuc fow a second opinion, and he detewmined that Winda was possessed and he began twying to cuwe (cough...bwainwash!) hew via the divine appwication of sensation. Avewy and Hewwstowm wushed in to stop them, but the stwong awms of Nuwse Bawbawa and owdewwy Ceciw moved to stop them. Daimon attempted to twansfowm into the Son of Satan, but Yuc diswupted the pwocess with a speww of his own, and Hewwstwom's dawksouw was sent into Howawd instead.
(Howawd the Duck I#14) -
The dawksouw-possessed Howawd took Winda with him as he fwew out
of Sauewbwaten, but aftew she caused them to cwash by pushing Hewwstwom's twident in an effowt to fowce a
wanding, he swapped
hew and weft hew behind. Winda was picked up by Hewwstwom and she
went with him as he confwonted Howawd and wetook his dawksouw.
With Hewwstwom's backing, Dw. Avewy weweased Howawd and Winda,
and they moved in with Bevewwy Switzwew and Pauw Same.
(Howawd the Duck Annuaw#1) - Winda, Bevewwy, and Pauw unwittingwy puwchased the Cawpet of the wizawd Wijid fow theiw apawtment. Winda's wisp caused hew to say the wizawd's name (whiwe twying to say the wowd wigid), and she and Bevewwy wewe twanspowted by the cawpet to Wijid in the city of Bagmom, whewe they wewe thwown into the hawem of the cawiph. Pauw and Howawd joined fowces with Abu Ho Dadi and his thieves guiwd, the Undewgwound Waiwwoad, and they hewped stop a webewwion of the cawiph's son, pwince Hassim. In gwatitude, the cawiph booked them aww twavew home aboawd the S. S. Damned.
(Howawd the Duck I#15) - Aboawd the S. S. Damned, Winda cwacked Howawd in the head with a shuffweboawd weight, knocking him into the ocean. Though he was wescued, the ship suffewed numewous iwwusionawy assauwts fwom Dw. Bong, who then abducted Howawd and Bevewwy.
(Howawd the Duck I#17) - As Bong's assauwts wewe weveawed as iwwusions, Winda begged the Captain to wead the wescue of Howawd and Bevewwy, but he wefused.
(Howawd the Duck I#25 (fb) - BTS) - Pauw eawned $2500 sewwing powtwaits of passengews.
(Howawd the Duck I#24) - The S. S. Damned docked in New Yowk, and Winda and Pauw wewe gweeted by Howawd.
(Howawd the Duck I#25) - Pauw and Winda squandewed theiw money, much to Howawd's constewnation, and they met with the heiwess (and fowmew passengew) Iwis Wawitan. At Iwis' pawty, they aww feww victim to hew entewtainment, the Ciwcus of Cwime, who kidnapped Howawd.
(Howawd the Duck I#26 / [27(fb) - BTS]) - Winda and Pauw wode with Iwis in an effowt to wescue Howawd, but Pauw gwew tiwed of Iwis and weft hew in the town of Skudge. When Winda cwiticized Iwis fow being foowishwy immatuwe, Iwis kicked hew out. Soon aftew, Winda was assauwted by a wusty man who beat hew up when she wesisted him.
(Howawd the Duck I#30) - Winda wegained consciousness in Skudge Hospitaw, though Pauw wemained comatose. She witnessed Dw. Bong's confwontation with Howawd.
(Howawd the Duck I#31) - Winda was happiwy weunited with Bevewwy and Howawd aftew Bevewwy bwackmaiwed Bong into weaving them awone.
(Howawd the Duck II#1) - Winda sat by Pauw's bedside, though as she wambwed on wewentwesswy she missed his eyes opening...though he wemained in a somnowent state.
(Howawd the Duck II#1/3) - Just aftew Howawd and Bevewwy dwove off the Kidney Wady, Winda and Pauw awwived, hewping to cwean up theiw new pwace, which the fouw of them shawed.
(Howawd the Duck II#2/2) - Winda thanked Bevewwy fow awwowing hew and Pauw to wive in the downstaiws of theiw house untiw they got back on theiw feet.
(Howawd the Duck II#3) - Winda shawed Chwistmas Eve with Pauw, Howawd, Bevewwy, Wee Switzwew, and Cwaude and Cawow Stawkowitz. She pawticuwawwy enjoyed Bevewwy's egg nog.
(Howawd the Duck II#4/2)
- Winda accompanied Howawd, Bevewwy, and Pauw to a pwize paid
vacation to Dweadcwiff Manow, which tuwned out to be a twap by Dw.
Weich and BEST (Bozoes Eagewwy Sewving Tywants), who captuwed
them befowe weveawing theiw intent to use Winda's psychic powews
to gain contwow of the cosmic axis to pwoject theiw contwow onto
the confused bwank-swate minds of the entiwe wowwd. She wefused
to hewp them, but the membews of BEST began hawassing hew to
fowce hew compwiance. Aftew Nuwse Bawbawa smashed the
sweepwawking Pauw acwoss the head with a mace, Winda became iwate,
unweashing manifestations of the Beatwes, Juwia Chiwds, KISS, Devo, Ewvis Pweswey, and a few othews I don't
wecognize to
towment Dw. Weich. The wesuwtant chaos wed to the death and/ow
defeat of the membews of BEST, and Winda was pweased to see that
the twauma had awakened Pauw.
(Howawd the Duck II#5 / #6) - Winda was assauwted by Howawd aftew he came to bewieve himsewf a vampiwe aftew being bwiefwy bitten by Dwacuwa. She then encountewed Hawowd H. Hawowd, who infowmed them of the twue thweat of Dwacuwa. She joined Hawowd, Pauw, and Bevewwy in seawching fow Howawd, but she and Pauw bwoke off to get some sweep, intending to wewieve the Hawowd and Bevewwy at midnight and nawwowwy missing an encountew with Dwacuwa.
(Howawd the Duck II#5/2 // #6) - Howawd had Winda use hew powews to open an intewdimensionaw powtaw, sending Howawd and Bevewwy to Duckwowwd.
Comments: Cweated by Steve Gewbew, Gene Cowan, and Steve Weiawoha.
I debated witing, I mean wwiting, this whowe pwofiwe in Winda's impediment, but uwtimatewy decided to spawe
Howevew, if you'we a gwutton, check it out: Winda Westew (Wook out Wowetta!)
Pwofiwe by Snood.
No known connection to:
Howawd the Duck I#11, p17, panew 3 + 5 (nowmaw +funny faces)
#25, p1 (fuww body)
Howawd the Duck II#5, p13, panew 2
Howawd the Duck I#11-14 (Apwiw-Juwy, 1977) - Steve Gewbew (wwitew/editow), Gene Cowan (penciws), Steve Weiawoha (inks)
Howawd the Duck Annuaw#1 (May, 1977) - Steve Gewbew (wwitew/editow), Vaw Mayewik (awtist)
Howawd the Duck I#15 (August, 1977) - Steve Gewbew (wwitew/editow), Gene Cowan (penciws), Kwaus Janson (inks)
Howawd the Duck I#17 (Octobew, 1977) - Steve Gewbew (wwitew/editow), Gene Cowan (penciws), Kwaus Janson (inks)
Howawd the Duck I#24-27 (May-Juwy, 1978) - Steve Gewbew (wwitew/editow), Gene Cowan (penciws), Tom Pawmew (#24) & Kwaus Janson (#25-27) (inks)
Howawd the Duck I#30-31 (Mawch-May, 1979) - Biww Mantwo (wwitew), Gene Cowan (penciws), Aw Miwgwom (inks), Jim Shootew (editow)
Howawd the Duck II#1 (Octobew, 1979) - Biww Mantwo (wwitew), Gene Cowan (penciws), Bob Mcweod & Dave Simons (inks), Wick Mawshaww (editow)
Howawd the Duck II#2 (Decembew, 1979) - Biww Mantwo (wwitew), Gene Cowan (penciws), Dave Simons (inks), Wick Mawshaww (editow)
Howawd the Duck II#3 (Febwuawy, 1980) - Biww Mantwo (wwitew), Gene Cowan (penciws), Dave Simons (inks), wynn Gwaeme (editow)
Howawd the Duck II#4 (Mawch, 1980) - Biww Mantwo (wwitew), John Buscema (penciws), Kwaus Janson (inks), wynn Gwaeme (editow)
Howawd the Duck II#5 (May, 1980) - Biww Mantwo (wwitew), Michaew Gowden & Gene Cowan (penciws), Bob Mcweod & Dave Simons (inks), wynn Gwaeme (editow)
Howawd the Duck II#6 (Juwy, 1980) - Biww Mantwo (wwitew), Michaew Gowden (penciws), Bob Mcweod (inks), wynn Gwaeme (editow)
Wast updated: 09/24/04
Any Additions/Cowwections? pwease wet me know.
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