Name: None
Identity/Class: Extra Temporal (Earth 2099) Human mutate
Occupation: Hunter/Assassin
Affiliations: United State government
Enemies: Public Enemy, Red Dogs
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Public Defender
Base of Operations: Manhattan, New York, Earth 2099
First Appearance: 2099 Unlimited#8 (April, 1995)
Powers/Abilities: The White Dog gives off a specific radiation which makes the skin of Red Dogs--which is normally extremely durable--as sensitive as normal skin. He then generates a white heat that incinerates them. In addition, he is exceptionally strong and durable, possessing at least Class 10 strength and being able to shrug off high-power ballistic weapons.
(2099 Unlimited#8 (fb)) - After the Eco-Wars--possibly 15-25
years before the era of 2099, the US Government decided to
destroyed the Red Dogs--whom they had created and had essentially
won the wars for them--because they believed they would not be
able to control them in society. To this end, they created the
White Dog. They made him so that he could release the one type of
radiation to which the Red Dogs were susceptible. At what was to
be an awards ceremony for the Red Dogs, he exterminated them all.
Only a couple were allowed to live--those who did not appear
capable of transferring the "Red Gene" to their
(2099 Unlimited#8) - After Saber Hagen, the child of two Red Dog survivors, became the Public Enemy, the White Dog was released to terminate him. Knowing that the Public Enemy would appear to punish actions of the general population, the White Dog surveyed crowds of people in his vicinity. When Hagen made an appearance, the White Dog showed up and attacked him. After proudly revealing that he had single-handedly wiped out the other Red Dogs years before, the White Dog prepared to terminate Hagen, as well. His radiation weakened Saber and kept him at his mercy, until the Public Enemy was able to bind the White Dog with a strap of Mag-Lev (a super conductor that maintains a uniform temperature), trapping his energies within him until he overloaded and exploded.
Comments: Created by Pat Mills, Tony Skinner, and Malcolm Davis.
In Philadelphia, by U of Penn, there's a bar called "The White Dog Cafe." If you're in the area, go there and have a bottle of Leg Lifter Lager. You won't regret it....mmmmm......beer....
With the exception of the Red Dogs, whom he was
created to destroy, he has no known connection to:
Last updated: 11/17/02
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