Name: ?? Williams
Identity/Class: Human; unknown citizenship
Occupation: Archeologist
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: None
Enemies: Doc Samson, Wolverine, "Blue Gorilla"
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: House near an ancient temple on Koma Koi
First Appearance: Marvel Comics Presents I#142/1 (late November, 1993)
Powers/Abilities: None. He used a pistol.
(Marvel Comics Presents I#142/1) - Mr. Williams got a visit from Doc Samson and Wolverine after they had defeated the "Giger". He called to America for them and warned them that the landing of a supersonic jet could be disruptive for the eco-system and the temple that was undergoing restoration. The Blue Gorilla broke through his wall and Williams shot at him and nearly hit Wolverine by accident. Wolverine got angry with him and Williams was really sorry. Mr. Williams then placed explosives on the temple while Wolverine and the Blue Gorilla were battling in it. Doc Samson surprised Williams and wanted explanations. Williams was covertly working for developers who wanted the place cleared for a new hotel and condo tourist mecca. He wanted to blame the destruction of the temple on the battle between the heroes and the gorilla to avoid further questions. The temple exploded and everything worked fine for Mr. Williams except that Doc Samson now knew the truth.
Comments: Created by Chris Marrin & Scott Koblish
Mr. Williams probably got into trouble afterwards with the people who restorated
the temple. Could've have been a couple of international archeologists or
some cult. I'm not sure what happened to him after this story. The moral
of this chapter was that humans are more evil than alien invaders. Monkey
Mr. Williams has no known connections to
Marvel Comics Presents I#142, p4, pan4 (main)
Marvel Comics Presents I#142 (November, 1993) - Erik Larsen & Chris Marrinan (writers), Chris Marrinan (pencils), Scott Koblish (inks), Richard Ashford (editor)
First Posted: 09/19/2004
Last updated: 04/10/2023
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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