Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human, technology user (Old West Era)
Occupation: Gun dealer, robber
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Maggie Neddick, "Red" Peyer
Enemies: Rawhide Kid, Isaac Stark, unnamed alien
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Angel Rock Gulch, late 19th century
First Appearance: Marvel Holiday Special 1996
Powers/Abilities: The Wizard of the West possessed three alien firearms. One was a rifle capable of melting steel; next was a pistol able to manipulate magnetism; thirdly, a pistol able to disintegrate molecular bonds, causing targets such as cliffs to collapse.
History: (Marvel Holiday Special 1996/4 (fb))- The so-called "Wizard of the West" had been selling firearms to natives, but they were unsatisfied by his weapons and nearly killed him. He returned to his hideout at Angel Rock Gulch and was startled to find a hidden lair which contained many advanced devices. As he healed, he poured over the technology until he mastered three alien weapons. He then hired "Red" Peyer and Maggie Neddick as his partners and taught them how to use the weapons, then embarked on a series of spectacular bank and train robberies.
(Marvel Holiday Special 1996/4 (fb, BTS))- The trio used their weapons to kidnap Isaac Stark, son of the president of a railroad company, and brought him to their hideout at Angel Rock Gulch.
(Marvel Holiday Special 1996/4)- The trio were found at Angel Rock Gulch by the Rawhide Kid, but Maggie stole his guns with her magnetic pistol and they took him prisoner. Maggie wanted to make the Kid a member of their gang, but the Kid turned on them and helped Isaac escape his bonds. The Wizard of the West pursued them, destroying the rocks they attempted to hide behind but then the alien who built the weapons appeared to confront him. The alien attempted to take the Wizard of the West back to his homeworld for study because of his evil traits, but the Rawhide Kid convinced the alien to let the Wizard of the West face justice at the hands of his own people. The alien agreed, and departed with the weapons, leaving the trio in the Rawhide Kid's custody.
Comments: Created by Karl Kesel, Patrick Zircher and Scott Koblish.
CLARIFICATIONS: Maggie Neddick was one of the Wizard of the West's partners, and the lover of "Red" Peyer. She wielded the magnetic pistol. After they took the Rawhide Kid captive she wanted to make him a part of the gang as she was attracted to him, but she wound up being defeated by the Kid.
--Marvel Holiday Special 1996/4) Marvel Holiday Special 1996/4 (fb), Marvel Holiday Special 1996/4
"Neddick"-- "magnetic." Get it? "Red" Peyer was one of the Wizard of the West's partners, and the lover of Maggie Neddick. He wielded the energy rifle. Peyer was defeated by the Rawhide Kid and turned over to the authorities.
--Marvel Holiday Special 1996/4) Marvel Holiday Special 1996/4 (fb), Marvel Holiday Special 1996/4 The unnamed alien spent countless years immobile at Angel Rock Gulch, and appeared to all passerbys to be a rock in the shape of an angel, giving the site its name. He observed as the Wizard of the West abused his technology, but was impressed by the heroism of the Rawhide Kid. He wanted to take the Wizard of the West back to his homeworld with him, but was talked out of it by the Rawhide Kid, and instead departed Earth with all the technology the Wizard of the West had stolen.
--Marvel Holiday Special 1996/4 Isaac Stark was the son of the president of a railroad company, and was held hostage by the Wizard of the West's gang so that they could collect ransom. He was saved by the Rawhide Kid, and was afterward inspired by the flaming trail left by the alien's starship. Isaac wanted to use technology to help others against men like the Wizard of the West, and dreamed of building a suit of armor as powerful as his father's iron locomotives.
--Marvel Holiday Special 1996/4 Images taken from: Appearances: Last updated: 05/23/04
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Non-Marvel Copyright info
The Wizard of the West should not be confused with:
Marvel Holiday Special 1996, page 31, panel 1
Marvel Holiday Special 1996, page 31, panel 1
Marvel Holiday Special 1996, page 31, panel 1
Marvel Holiday Special 1996, page 38, panel 4
Marvel Holiday Special 1996, page 39, panel 6
Marvel Holiday Special 1996 - Karl Kesel (writer), Pat Zircher (pencils), Scott Koblish (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and © 1941-2099 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you like this stuff, you should check out the real thing!
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