Real Name: Fred Bouting
Identity/Class: Human, conventional weapons user
Occupation: Former member of the United States Border Patrol
Group Membership: United States Border Patrol
Affiliations: former partner of Officer LaRoue, co-worker of Captain Hitchuck
Enemies: Father Kevin Grass, Captain Hitchuck, Sanctuary Movement, USAgent
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Maverick County, Texas
First Appearance: Avengers Spotlight#31/2 (April, 1990)
Powers/Abilities: He used a knife and a variety of firearms, from handguns to automatic weapons, wore a padded uniform, including a football helmet, and was trained in armed and unarmed combat. He was fanatically dedicated to his mission and could keep fighting after taking a beating. He was intensely xenophobic, viewing all non-Americans as a corrupting influence on the USA.
(Avengers Spotlight#33/2 (fb) - BTS) - Fred Bouting was a member of the US
Border Patrol. His brother was killed in a Beirut marine bombing, after which
his own fiancé, a Chicano, dumped him a week before their wedding. He developed
an intense hatred for those who tried to sneak into America. Donning a disguise,
he began ambushing and killing people as they tried to cross the border.
(Avengers Spotlight#32/2 (fb) - BTS) - The US government sent the USAgent to stop the killings when the conventional law failed to do so.
(Avengers Spotlight#32/2 (fb) - BTS) - Bouting was on switchboard when Father Grass reported a planned illegal crossing, hoping the Border Patrol could protect them from the Xenophobic Man.
(Avengers Spotlight#31/2) - The Xenophobic Man slew several adult Mexicans attempting to cross the Rio Grande, but was stopped by the USAgent before he could kill the children accompanying them. He escaped while the USAgent took the children to safety, claiming to have overslept when he showed up late for work.
(Avengers Spotlight#32/2) - The Xenophobic Man slaughtered the
children the USAgent had saved. He forced a nurse to tell him the location of
the Sanctuary Movement before killing her as well.
(Avengers Spotlight#33/2) - The Xenophobic Man assaulted the Sanctuary Movement, killing several. When the USAgent arrived he managed to slash his calf, before having the rifle and knife knocked out of his hands by the USAgent's shield. He managed to make it up the stairs, confronting Father Grass and shooting him in the leg while accusing him of betraying America. He tried to hold off the USAgent by threatening the priest.
(Avengers Spotlight#34/2) - The Xenophobic Man shot out the base of a cross, forcing the USAgent to save the priest, but he still managed to use his shield to deflect Bouting's bullets until his gun was empty. The USAgent shattered Bouting's helmet, savagely beat him, and was on the verge of decapitating of the killer, but Grass stopped him. As the USAgent freed a Mexican girl pinned under the immense cross, Bouting targeted him with his spare rifle. However, Hitchuck arrived in time to save him by shooting Bouting through the head, killing him.
Comments: Created by Fabian Nicieza, Dan Lawlis, and Keith Williams.
Profile by Snood.
No known connection to:
The Sanctuary Movement has no known connection to:
Father Kevin Grass
The head of the Sanctuary Movement, he felt that the American Dream should apply to anyone who wanted it, not just US citizens. He was shot in the leg by the Xenophobic Man, but he later persuaded the USAgent not to kill Bouting.
--Avengers Spotlight#31/2 (32/2-34/2
Captain Hitchuck
The superior of Bouting, he was dedicated to his job of preventing illegal immigration and was frustrated by his lack of success, but he assisted the USAgent in tracking down the Xenophobic Man. He ultimately slew Bouting.
--Avengers Spotlight#31/2 (32/2-34/2
Officer LaRoue
The former partner of Bouting, he was physically ill after coming across the children slaughtered by him.
--Avengers Spotlight#31/2 (32/2
Sanctuary Movement
Located in the Church of the Christian Soldier in Quemado, the Movement was run by Father Kevin Grass, sheltering and assisting Mexicans trying to enter America illegally. Several of its participants were slain by Bouting.
--Avengers Spotlight#31/2 (32/2-34/2
Avengers Spotlight#33/2, p29, panel 9
p20, panel 2 (Hitchuck and LaRoue)
Avengers Spotlight#31/2, p30, panel 1 (Sanctuary Movement)
Avengers Spotlight#34/2, p30, panel 2 (Bouting face)
panel 1 (Grass)
Avengers Spotlight#32/2-34/2 (May - June, 1990)
Last updated: 08/03/04
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