Real Name:
Identity/Class: Extra-Dimensional (Tunnelworld);
native of the Buzzard People;
magic user
Occupation: former ruler of Ogeon
Group Membership: Leader of the Buzzard People
Affiliations: Agent of the Unnameable;
creator of the Winged Ones;
briefly allied with the Hulk (while he was under the control of
the Unnameable)
Enemies: Aeroika and the Winged Ones
(former servants);
The Defenders (Dr. Strange, Hulk, Namor), the Nya, Xhoohx
Known Relatives: unnamed nephew
Aliases: Buzzard-King, Nilffim-King,
Master of Ogeon,
Servant of the Unnamed
Base of Operations: a castle within Ogeon, Tunnelworld
First Appearance: Defenders I#79 (January, 1980)
Powers/Abilities: Ytitnedion is a
powerful sorcerer, able to project energy blasts, form shields,
perform complex and powerful spells, and detect various forms of
energy. He proved able to generate the crushing pressure of a
neutron star and the heat of a thousand suns (or, at least, he
described it as such). He fought Dr. Strange's astral self, and
might have destroyed it if not for outside interference. His
power was backed by and dependent on the Unnameable.
In addition, he led the full armies of Ogeon and had access
to much advanced weaponry, such as the Crusher.
(Defenders I#79 (fb)) - Ytitnedion, one of the Buzzard People of
Tunnelworld, somehow became a servant of the Unnameable. He may
or may not have had some magical powers before this, but upon
learning the name of the Unnameable, he came under his sway and
began to build an empire under his domain. He constructed the
citadel Ogeon, from which he led the Buzzard People and spread
the rule of the Unnameable. Resistors were captured and tortured
in his dungeons, many of them subjected to harsh experiments.
Ytitnedion created the Winged Ones as magnificent winged beings,
who lacked the ability to fly, and who were forced to serve the
hideous, hate-filled Buzzard People.
(Defenders#80) - Ytitnedion led a brief skirmish against the Defenders and Aeroika, which confirmed his suspicious as to their identities. He revealed that he knew that the Hulk had had the name implanted into his brain, and would become his ally in the near future.
(Defenders#81 (fb-BTS)) - Ytitnedion defeated and captured Xhoohx's one of the most powerful leaders of the resistance against the Unnameable.
(Defenders#81) - Ytitnedion paraded the
imprisoned Xhoohx through the streets of Ogeon, strengthening his
own support. The Defenders and Aeroika sneaked into the city, but
they got into a fight with Ytitnedion's guards, which earned them
Ytitnedion's detection. The struggle encouraged the Winged Ones
to join the resistance, but Ytitnedion revealed that he was
allowing portions of the Winged One's prophecies of freedom to
occur: He had plans to crush their resistance and thus further
crush their wills by allowing them to have gotten their hopes up.
Ytitnedion sent a large Crusher machine to battle the resistance.
The Hulk prepared to shatter the weapon, but Ytitnedion used his
power to cause the Hulk to grasp the name, which caused him to
collapse in agony. The Defenders and the resistance fought off
the Crusher and escaped, but Ytitnedion's forces captured the
Hulk, who had now fallen under the Unnameable's control.
(Defenders#82) -
Xhoohx sent the Nya to annoy the Hulk, driving him into a
rampage, but Ytitnedion recognized this and attacked Xhoohx. The
Nya halted their attack in order to save Xhoohx, and the Hulk
stopped his rampage. Ytitnedion sent the Hulk to battle the
resistance while he tried to destroy the Orb of Ommennon, the
source of Xhoohx's powers. The Orb resisted his full power, but
shattered when he hurled a wine goblet at it in frustration.
Dr. Strange invaded Ytitnedion's castle in his astral form in an
effort to free Xhoohx, but was discovered and attacked by
Ytitnedion. Strange's astral self was cornered and at risk of
destruction from the Buzzard King, when Xhoohx summoned the Nya
to blind Ytitnedion, allowing Strange to escape. Ytitnedion took
his vengeance, slaying the benevolent wizard in his captivity.
Strange returned to his allies, and he managed to imprison the
mind-controlled Hulk. Ytitnedion tried to ambush Strange, but was
knocked out by Aeroika.
(Defenders#83) - Ytitnedion was bound and
imprisoned by the resistance, but during Xhoohx's burial at the
edge of Tunnelworld, he gained new power from his master, the
Unnameable. Ytitnedion broke his bonds and struck down Aeroika,
but Strange expanded the reformed Orb of Ommennon, encompassing
all of them. Ytitnedion continued to fight the Defenders within
the Orb, but Strange succeeded in trapping the Unnameable, which
had marshaled its forces and confronted him within the Orb. With
the Unnameable defeated, and his name removed from all of his
agents, Ytitnedion found himself unable to access his power, and
was maddened at the concept. Ytitnedion leapt off the edge of
Tunnelworld into the unknown void, where he vanished in a flash
of light.
Strange claimed that there had been nothing left of Ytitnedion's
own identity, once he had foresworn it to worship the Unnameable.
Comments: Created by Ed Hannigan and Herb Trimpe.
If I hadn't double-checked the credits, I'd have been sure that the whole Tunnelworld saga had to be a product of the mind of Gerber.
None I can think of for Ytitnedion...well, maybe a few humorous
ones come to mind, but I'll spare you.
The Buzzard People have no known connection to:
The Crusher has no known connections to:
Buzzard People
They were a race of humanoid buzzards,
although they are also known as the Vulture People. Aeroika said:
"...some claim that the buzzard people's hideous forms
filled them with self-hate, and the hatred of life--others claim
that they deformed themselves on purpose, as an expression of
that hate--still others fell that they are creations of the
Unnamed himself..."
At any rate, the Buzzard People are natives of Tunnelworld,
who were based out of Ogeon, and who served Ytitnedion in his
worship of the Unnameable. They were served by the Winged Ones,
and derived great pleasure from their enslavement.
Other than strength in numbers and the use of stone, metal,
and/or wood weapons, they showed no special abilities. They
lacked wings and, thus flight. While being avian humanoids, they
did possess certain mammalian features, such as some of the
secondary sexual characteristics of human women...perhaps
that's how Ytitnedion got his name.
--Defenders I#79 (79(fb), 80-83
Also known as the Nilffimhold, the Sword, the Pike, and the Fort of Dire, this was the citadel of Ytitnedion, from which he spread the domain of the Unnameable.
--Defenders I#79 (79(fb), 81-83
Ytitnedion's guards
They may have been Buzzard People, but may also have contained any of the many other races and beings who had fallen under the Unnameable's sway. In addition to the group of specially costumed guards, Ytitnedion was served by an army of Buzzard People, and many non-costumed beings within his castle.
--Defenders I#81 (82
A powerful, giant, tank-like weapon used by Ytitnedion's forces. It carried a powerful energy blaster.
--Defenders I#81 (82
Other appearances:
Defenders I#80-83 (February-May, 1980)
Last updated: 02/03/03
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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