Real Name: Zorr

Identity/Class: Terrestrial (Inhuman) robot

Occupation: Agent of Maximus

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Maximus (presumptive creator)

Enemies: Fantastic Four (Human Torch/Johnny Storm, Mr. Fantastic/Reed Richards, Thing/Ben Grimm)

Known Relatives: Inapplicable

Aliases: "The Multi-Powered Primitive" (see comments)

Base of Operations: Attilan (original Himalayan location)

First Appearance: Fantastic Four I#82 (January, 1969)

Powers/Abilities: Zorr possessed superhuman strength (Class 75) and durability. Composed of a dense fireproof material, it had great mass and a low center of gravity, such that it was difficult to knock it off its feet. From its left arm, it could spray fluid that caused paralysis; with its right arm, it could rotate its wrist with whirlwind speed. Its head housed a hypnotic inducer, which slowed its foes and made them easier targets for Zorr.

Height: 10' (by approximation)
Weight: Unrevealed
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Inapplicable

(Fantastic Four I#82 (fb) - BTS) - Zorr was created by Maximus with the express purpose of defeating the Fantastic Four.

(Fantastic Four I#82) - When the three members of the Fantastic Four (see comments) traveled to Attilan to rescue Crystal from Maximus, they were attacked by Zorr. The powerful robot quickly paralyzed Reed and spun Johnny so quickly that his flame was snuffed and he was rendered unconscious. The Thing tried to slug it out with Zorr, but to no avail, and Zorr eventually dropped him as well.

(Fantastic Four I#83) - Reed, Johnny, and Ben broke free from their prison and headed for Crystal, but were again confronted by Zorr. Acting as a team, the trio struck swiftly before Zorr could counter-attack. While Johnny distracted it, Reed wrapped his arm around Zorr and spun it around. As the robot whirled helplessly, the Thing unleashed a "Clobberin' Time" special on it. Afterward, Reed examined the inert robot and revealed the hypnotic inducer that had slowed them in their first battle.

Comments: Created by Stan "The Man" Lee and Jack "King" Kirby.

A caption described Zorr as "A MULTI-POWERED PRIMITIVE," leading one to think he might be a mutated Alpha Primitive. I can't see any evidence that would make you think he was anything other than a robot.

Maybe Maximus created Zorr as a cyborg, with a robotic body and the transplanted brain/consciousness of an Alpha Primitive.

And the Invisible Girl/Susan Richards had recently given birth to baby Franklin, so she was attending to her newborn son and didn't accompany her three partners to Attilan.--Ron Fredricks

I listed Zorr's strength as Class 75, while the Thing can lift 85 tons. The reason for this was that the Thing was not originally as powerful as he now is, and this was relatively early in his career.

Also, you'd think that if the Thing couldn't upset Zorr's balance by ripping the floor out from underneath it, then Reed shouldn't have been able to forcibly spin it. I guess it was the hypnotic inducer. Dorkas Farkas

Profile by Snood.

Zorr has no known connection to:

images: (without ads)
Fantastic Four I#82, p16, pan1 (Main Image - Zorr spraying paralyzing fluid, as it battles Human Torch, Thing, and Mr. Fantastic)
Fantastic Four I#83, p14, pan4 (Headshot - defeated Zorr, with hypnotic inducer exposed)
Fantastic Four I#83, p13, pan1 (Zorr, attacked by Human Torch)
Fantastic Four I#82, p17, pan2 (Zorr's rotating wrist spins Human Torch)

Fantastic Four I#82 (January, 1969) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Jack Kirby (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks), Artie Simek (letters)
Fantastic Four I#83 (February, 1969) - Stan Lee (writer/editor), Jack Kirby (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks), Sam Rosen (letters)

First posted: 09/27/2003
Last updated: 07/19/2023

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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