Real Name: Amy (last name unrevealed)
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: None
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Thing (Ben Grimm), an unidentified homeless man (see comments)
Enemies: Unidentified bullies
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: "Kiddo," "Little Lady" (nicknames)
Base of Operations: New York City, New York, USA
First Appearance: Marvel Holiday Special 1994 (1994)
Powers/Abilities: Amy has no superhuman powers
but she is quite intelligent for a girl her age, if not a bit cynical.
She is quite brave, unafraid to
stand up to bullies.
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 3'9")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 55 lbs.)
Eyes: Light brown
Hair: Brown (see comments)
(Marvel Holiday Special 1994 / 3 (fb) - BTS) - The young Jewish girl
Amy grew cynical about the Christmas season, feeling as if the
Christmas holiday and its constant marketing made her feel as if her
own Hanukkah beliefs were somehow less important.
(Marvel Holiday Special 1994 / 3) -
Amy witnessed the Thing save the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree from
falling after a truck careened into the tree's base. As the Thing
straightened the tree back up, Amy began asking lots of questions such
as how much the tree weighed, whether or not the Thing ever pulled his
muscles and why the Thing didn't just leave the tree on the ground.
Noting that no one had ever asked the tree if it wanted to be cut down,
Amy next questioned why everyone always said "Merry Christmas" to
people even if the person didn't celebrate Christmas and the Thing
replied by noting Amy's volume of questions and her apparent dislike of
Christmas. Amy admitted that she didn't like Christmas and the Thing
attempted to cheer her up, only to be distracted when a thief stole a
nearby Salvation Army donation kettle. The Thing quickly stopped the
thief with a lamppost and both the police and the apprehended thief
berated the Thing for his actions, prompting the cynical Amy to remark
"So much for all that holiday cheer!" The Thing admitted that perhaps
he shouldn't have torn up the lamppost and asked Amy what her beef with
Christmas was. Explaining that while she was proud of her Jewish faith,
the constant barrage of Christmas made her feel somehow left out, Amy
was informed that the commercialization of Christmas wasn't truly what
the holiday was all about but Amy responded by stating that she wasn't
seeing very much peace on Earth or good will during the season.
The Thing was soon interrupted
once more when he spotted a jewelry store robbery in progress and while
the Thing was halting the robbery, Amy was accosted by some bully
children outside who stole her coat. The Thing soon returned, having
become a little cynical himself following his encounters that night,
and sought to go after the bullies who took Amy's coat. Amy stopped the
Thing, commenting that she didn't wish for him to get into any more
trouble, and as the Thing was about to give Amy his coat, the duo was
approached by a homeless man, who offered his coat instead. Amy tried
to return the coat, feeling as if she couldn't take the man's coat when
he was clearly in need himself, but the man insisted Amy could not
return a Christmas gift. The Thing then gave the man his coat and
commended him for doing such a nice thing and Amy thanked the man with
a kiss on the cheek, remarking that perhaps there was something special
about the Christmas season, even if everyone didn't show it. Amy then
gave the Thing one of her chocolate Hanukkah coins and the Thing
offered to treat them all to some hot cocoa, which Amy agreed to on the
condition that there would be marshmallows. As the trio walked off, Amy
admitted that perhaps the season was for everyone. The Thing replied
that he could've told her that but Amy noted that she liked to figure
things out on her own...except math.
Comments: Created by Greg Wright and Mike Manley.
Amy's hair appears to be mistakenly colored black in one panel of the Marvel Holiday Special 1994 and pink in another (see above main image). It's most often colored brown though, hence its color listing in this profile.
The homeless man that helps Amy is
called "Scavenger" on the online Marvel Database Wiki but he is never
identified by that name (or any name, for that matter) in Marvel
Holiday Special 1994.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Amy should be distinguished from:
Marvel Holiday Special 1994 (1994) - "Losin' the Blues" story - Greg
Wright (writer, colors), Mike Manley (art), Sarra Mossoff (editor)
First posted: 12/25/2024
Last updated: 12/25/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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