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Real Name: En Sabah Nur

Identity/Class: Alternate Earth (Earth-295), human mutant, citizen of Egypt

Occupation: World conqueror

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Absorbing Man (Carl Creel), Abyss (Nils Styger), Bruce Banner, Candra's Heralds (Candra, Death, Gideon, Sabretooth/Victor Creed, War), Peter Corbeau, Dark Beast (Hank McCoy), Diablo (Esteban Corazón del Ablo), Domino (Neena Thurman), The Guthries (Amazon/Elizabeth Guthrie, Cannonball/Sam Guthrie, Icarus/Josh Guthrie), Holocaust (Nemesis), Horseman of Death (Maximus Boltagon), House of Agon (clones of Black Bolt/Blackagar Boltagon, Crystal/Crystalia Amaquelin, Gorgon, Karnak, Lockjaw, Medusa/Medusalith Amaquelin, Rhino, Triton), Impossible Man, Infinites (Vanisher and unidentified others), Magma (Amara Aquilla), Mr. Sinister (Nathaniel Essex), Madri (Jamie Madrox), Mudir Rictor (Julio Richter), Pale Riders (Damask/Emma Steed, Deadman Wade/Wade Wilson, Danielle Moonstar), Prelate Delgado, Prelate Alex Summers, Prelate Scott Summers, Prelate Unus, Pretty Boys (Dead Eye, Mangle, Donald Pierce, Vultura), Mikhail Rasputin, Rex, Sebastian Shaw, Shadow King, Sugar Man

Enemies: Angel (Warren Worthington III), Bishop, Destiny (Irene Adler), Gateway, Generation Next (Chamber/Jonothon Starsmore, Colossus/Peter Rasputin, Husk/Paige Guthrie, Know-It-All/Claudia, Mondo, Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde, Skin/Angelo Espinosa, Vincente/Vincente Simetta), Karma (Xi'an Coy Manh), Robert Kelly, Mystique (Raven Darkholme), Nanny, Illyana Rasputin, X-Ternals (Gambit/Remy LeBeau, Jubilee/Jubilation Lee, Lila Cheney, Strong Guy/Guido Carosella, Sunspot/Roberto "Bobby" da Costa), Charles Francis Xavier, X-Man (Nate Grey), X-Men (Beak/Barnell Bohusk, Banshee/Sean Cassidy, Blink/Clarice Ferguson, Dazzler/Alison Blaire, Exodus/Bennett du Paris, Iceman/Bobby Drake, Magneto/Erik Magnus Lensherr, Morph/Kevin Sidney, Nightcrawler/Kurt Darkholme, Psylocke/Betsy Braddock, Rogue/Anna Marie Lensherr, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff Lensherr, Sabretooth/Victor Creed, Silver Samurai/Kenuicho Harada, Storm/Ororo Munroe, Sunfire/Shiro Yoshida, Weapon X/Logan, Wild Child/Kyle Gibney, Wolfsbane/Rahne Sinclair, Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff-Lensherr)

Known Relatives: Holocaust (alleged son)

Aliases: "The dark lord" (nickname used by Madri)

Base of Operations: Apocalypse Island, New York;
    formerly mobile aboard Ship;

First Appearance: X-Men II#41 (January, 1995)

Powers/Abilities: Apocalypse was an exceptionally long-lived mutant who had full control over his atomic structure and was able to alter his form at will. Powered by the Celestial Death-Seed, he also had super strength, did not seem to require sustenance of any kind and could recover from devastating physical injuries. Apocalypse had access to advanced alien technologies, including those derived from the Celestial Ship he controlled. It is rumored he had to move his energy and consciousness into new bodies due to the extraordinary amount of energies he had under his control. This would also explain his unnaturally long lifespan.

Height: 6'8" (variable)
Weight: 300 lbs. (variable)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black


(Astonishing X-Men III#61 (fb) ) - The Egyptian mutant En Sabah Nur gained the power of a Celestial Death Seed.

(X-Man I#-1 (fb) - BTS) - Over one hundred years ago, Apocalypse encountered the ambitious British geneticist Nathaniel Essex. He secured his services and used his powers to change him into the being known as Mister Sinister.

(X-Men II#41 (fb) - BTS) - Mister Sinister advised Apocalypse on the slow rise of homo superior. Essex estimated that the proliferation of strong mutants might take at least another 20 years.

(X-Men II#41 (fb) ) - Apocalypse was biding his time in one of his hidden lairs when he witnessed footage of Erik Magnus Lensherr fighting a timelost David Haller over the skies of the Israeli town of Haifa. Seeing strong mutants fight for dominance convinced Apocalypse that Sinister had miscalculated: the time was ripe to start his war for the survival of the fittest.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men - Age of Apocalypse 2005 I#1) - Apocalypse declared war on mankind just as Magnus Lensherr was starting to assemble a team of mutants in honor of his deceased friend Charles Xavier. The telepath dreamed of a world where humans and mutants would live together peacefully. Erik began to gather a mutant army to fight off En Sabah Nur.

(X-Men Chronicles I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Among Apocalypse's earliest followers were the Externals Candra and Gideon and his horsemen War and Death. For a time, he considered recruiting the feral Canadian mutant known as Weapon X, but he ultimately decided to pick the equally brutal Sabretooth who quickly rose through the ranks to lead the Externals and the Horsemen in the field. Operating out of the massive, sentient vessel he had claimed from the Celestials, Apocalypse used these five followers as his advance guard, often sending them in as shock troops while he began to foment mutant hysteria among the general population with a series of brutal attacks.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men - Age of Apocalypse 2005 I#1) - While Magnus was assembling his students, Apocalypse also gathered a legion of mutant followers who believed in his survival of-the-fittest mantra. Among them was the ambitious, death dealing Nemesis who claimed to be En Sabah Nur's son. Apocalypse encouraged competition within his ranks, forever preaching his "survival of the fittest" mantra.

(X-Men Chronicles I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Apocalypse tried and failed to recruit the young power siphoning mutant Rogue. She was kept safe by her foster mother Mystique.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men - Age of Apocalypse 2005 I#1) - He appointed numerous lieutenants who were all too eager to prove themselves in the eyes of the undying one. Apocalypse also secured the services of the Shadow King, allowing the malevolent entity to indulge his perverted whims in return for his loyalty. By the time Lensherr had gathered his team, christening them "X-Men" in honor of his fallen friend, Apocalypse had started to gain more and more control over substantial sections of North America.

(X-Men Chronicles I#1 - BTS) - Apocalypse sent Nemesis on a solo mission to prove himself: he was to find and attack the X-Men's hidden base in Transia.

(X-Men Chronicles I#1 - BTS) - Apocalypse took his horsemen aboard Ship and flew the massive craft to New York City. There, he had Candra serve as his herald: she appeared as a giant hologram over the city, announcing to the terrified human population that the time of humanity had come to an end. He then flew them to Cape Citadel in Florida where the United States' stockpile of nuclear weapons was stored. He ordered Sabretooth to lead the Horsemen on a mission to secure the weapons. The attack on the base was monitored by Magneto who concluded the time had come to take his X-Men and actively oppose Apocalypse.

(X-Men Chronicles I#1) - The Horsemen easily entered the base. When Sabretooth contacted Apocalypse to announce the success of the mission, he was shocked when his master gave new orders: they were to launch the missiles. Sabretooth did not want to cause so much death and destruction, leading Apocalypse to turn on him on the spot. While Gideon worked on getting the launch codes, Candra and the others took Sabretooth outside for execution. Before they could carry out the orders, they were opposed by the newly arrived Magneto and his X-Men. Magneto managed to defeat Gideon before the missiles were launched, forcing Apocalypse to beat a strategic retreat, but not before trying to kill the X-Men by firing his vessel's main cannon at them. Magneto managed to deflect the blast in time.

(X-Men Chronicles I#1 - BTS) - Apocalypse returned to Manhattan and had little trouble conquering the island. He had his forces begin work on his new, massive citadel headquarters.

(Tales from the Age of Apocalypse I#1 (fb) - BTS) - When he took over New York, Apocalypse had the Statue of Liberty replaced with a giant likeness of himself as a symbol for the new world order he was planning to bring about. 

(Factor-X I#3 (fb) -BTS) - To indulge Mr. Sinister's fascination with genetics, he allowed Essex to construct and oversee the Pens: a giant prison complex and research lab where Sinister and his assistant Hank McCoy were allowed free reign to experiment on human and mutant test subjects.

(X-Man '96 I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Apocalypse made it a point to target the human population of North America. He began culling the herd by instigating multiple famines. Those fortunate enough to survive starvation were then subjected to the deadly plague of penitence which got introduced into the water supply.

(Amazing X-Men I#4 (fb) - BTS) - During the early days of Apocalypse's reign, young Jamie Madrox's cloning powers were noticed by Mr. Sinister and Hank McCoy who were always looking to improve the potential of homo superior. En Sabah Nur saw a practical use in Madrox's abilities to create numerous copies of himself that were pliable yet able to act independently. He ordered Sinister and Beast to work on Madrox. Their genetic tampering led to Madrox being able to spawn thousands of clones. Apocalypse schooled his new clone army to embrace his philosophies on the survival of the fittest. As a result, they formed the extremist religious sect known as the Madri.

(Age of Apocalypse I#7 (fb) - BTS) - Apocalypse had his forces hunt down Reed Richards, known as the world's foremost authority on the Celestials. Apocalypse feared the scientist might find a way to use this knowledge against him. After his troops killed Richards, they tried to find his handwritten research journals, but Reed's associates Ben Grimm and Sue Storm took them when they left for Europe.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men - Age of Apocalypse 2005 I#1) - Under orders from Apocalypse, Mr. Sinister and the talented but perverted mutant scientist Hank McCoy devised a way to process humans and genetically inferior mutants into Infinites. These servile, heavily armored cyborgs formed the backbone of his army.

(X-Man I# -1 (fb) - BTS) - Apocalypse ordered work to start on the construction of a Great Sea Wall to completely close off the North America continent. At the same time, his mutant elite began a nationwide campaign to ship the genetically inferior to newly-constructed "processing plants" where they were either killed or used to construct new Infinites. To facilitate that process, the Infinites ran gene-pens on the local level to sort the strong from the weak prior to processing.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men - Age of Apocalypse 2005 I#1) - Apocalypse capitalized on the worldwide upheaval caused by his rise to power. The continent of Africa was in disarray, except for a small nation ruled by the weather manipulating mutant Ororo, worshipped as the Windrider. He took his forces to Africa and decimated the country, taking the weather witch prisoner and ordering Sinister and Beast to turn her into one of his warriors.

(Tales from the Age of Apocalypse I#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Inhuman dissident Maximus Boltagon proved himself useful to Apocalypse, which resulted in him becoming his latest Horseman Death.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men - Age of Apocalypse 2005 I#1) - For a time, Apocalypse turned his attention away from North America to launch a series of surprise attacks against targets in Europe and Asia. Taking his Horsemen and an army of Infinites to Moscow, he decimated the Soviet Super Soldiers except for their leader Mikhail Rasputin who managed to kill War. Impressed by Rasputin's strength and tenacity, En Sabah Nur personally oversaw the Russian mutant's torturous transformation into his latest Horseman.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men - Age of Apocalypse 2005 I#1) - During the blitzkrieg attack on Japan, Silver Samurai tried his best to evacuate as many people as he could while Apocalypse caused the death toll to rise to staggering numbers.

(Astonishing X-Men I#2 (fb) ) - Apocalypse and Nemesis easily overpowered Japan's national hero Sunfire. While Nemesis restrained Yashida, Apocalypse rose from a nearby pool filled with the blood of his family and friends. Grinning, Apocalypse grabbed his neck and began to squeeze the life out of Sunfire while drowning him in the pool.

Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men - Age of Apocalypse 2005 I#1) - Apocalypse's attempt on his life caused Sunfire to overload his powers. He unleashed a nuclear level blast that scorched a huge area of Japan. Though it destroyed most of the Infinites, Apocalypse and Nemesis survived.

(Tales from the Age of Apocalypse I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Apocalypse had to recover from recent injuries. For his own safety, he took his Celestial vessel to the Blue Area of the Moon where he entered a restorative sleep while guarded by his horseman Death (Maximus). Apocalypse remained unaware that the X-Men had attacked the ship. They caused massive destruction, killing Death and freeing Sunfire in the process

(Uncanny X-Force I#11 (fb) - BTS) - Apocalypse lured a Celestial Gardener to Earth and killed the being to claim the Celestial Life Seed it had come to plant inside the Earth. The seed was given to Henry McCoy who stored it in a secret lab on Apocalypse Island.

(Amazing X-Men I#3 (fb) - BTS) - Apocalypse nearly died when Magneto forced his Celestial ship to crash from the skies. He survived, delighted that as a result of this failed attempt on his life his biggest enemy had permanently lost half of his magnetic powers.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men - Age of Apocalypse 2005 I#1) - After having conquered most of North America, Apocalypse decided he would let his Horsemen lead a quarter of his empire while he retained direct control of the eastern seaboard. To make sure only the worthiest of his underlings were selected, he instigated the Horsemen's War of Succession. For a time, all of Apocalypse's lieutenants fought for dominance, actively killing each other to secure their place among the elite. Nemesis, in his new form as Holocaust, became a Horseman when he killed Candra. When the dust settled, Apocalypse welcomed his new fearsome foursome: Bastion, Holocaust, Mikhail Rasputin and Mr. Sinister.

(Blink I#1 (fb) ) - When the alien Impy from the planet Poppup arrived on Earth, he was taken to Apocalypse who promptly threw hem in the Pens. Hank McCoy had a field day examining the alien's DNA.

(Gambit and the X-Ternals I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Over time, Apocalypse acquired massive amounts of of advanced, esoteric technologies that he kept locked away in a gigantic subterranean storehouse underneath his citadel. He forced the genius scientist Peter Corbeau to serve as his librarian. Corbeau dutifully catalogued the Science Vault's contents.

(Generation Next I#1 (fb) - BTS) - To make sure no one would attempt time travel to undo his rise to power, Apocalypse had standing orders to locate and terminate any and all chrono-variant mutants.

(Factor-X I#2 (fb) - BTS) - When the Gorgon had to inform Apocalypse that the operation in Brazil had turned into a fiasco, En Sabah Nur killed him on the spot.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men - Age of Apocalypse 2005 I#1) - Apocalypse was content to let Holocaust lead the attack on Canada. He took an army of Infinites to stop the steady stream of human refugees trying to escape Apocalypse's reign by sneaking across the border. During the Canadian campaigns, Holocaust and the Infinites murdered Beta Flight, only keeping the bestial superhuman operative Wild Child alive to serve in Apocalypse's army. With no active forces left to oppose them, construction began on the Wall of Apocalypse.

(Hulk: Broken Worlds I#2 (fb) ) - On behalf of Apocalypse, Mikhail made an alliance with the human scientist Bruce Banner who offered access to his research if he was allowed to satisfy his thirst for knowledge. While working for Apocalypse, Banner designed a gamma bomb missile for him. The warhead was encased in adamantium to make it invulnerable to electromagnetic pulses.

(Amazing X-Men I#2 (fb) - BTS/
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men - Age of Apocalypse 2005 I#1) - When the young mutant Nils Styger managed to escape the Pens underneath Apocalypse's citadel, he did not flee. Instead, he entered the high lord's headquarters looking for revenge. Apocalypse was impressed when Styger managed to kill the horseman Bastion, allowing Styger to become his youngest Horseman Abyss.

(X-Facts I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Over the course of Apocalypse's reign, the map of the world drastically changed. Following the Canadian campaigns, the Wall of Apocalypse was completed to keep the human population bottled up. Meanwhile the frequent use of atomic weapons had reduced Middle America to a smattering of small islands. The northern parts of South America were also devastated by nuclear blasts and were now known as the Atrocity Zone. As a result of counterstrikes against the Eurasian Human High Council, France was mostly gone as well. Apocalypse surrounded his realm with security perimeter platforms while the High Council had its Sentinel fleet patrol Europe and the settlements of human refugees in North Africa.

(X-Men Alpha I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Former senator Robert Kelly and the Eurasian High Council presented Apocalypse with the Kelly Pact: a treaty designed to end the growing threat of global war, provided En Sabah Nur would agree to stop culling the human population within the borders of his empire. To lull his enemies into a false sense of security, he signed the treaty while quietly preparing a full-scale offensive.

(X-Men Alpha I#1) - Apocalypse summoned his four horsemen to his citadel to discuss his plans to purge and cleanse the entire world of the genetically weak. He was disturbed by the fact Mikhail Rasputin ignored his summons, but he assured the other three Horsemen that they would find him as they were sifting through the ashes of the Earth. Apocalypse openly mocked the Kelly Pact, claiming humans rarely disappointed him when it came to naivete. However, he would not hear any of Sinister's attempts to persuade him from launching a genetic civil war. Apocalypse would not be deterred from a plan twenty years in the making: he didn't care if four or four billion died: in the end, the strongest and the fittest would survive.

(X-Men Alpha I#1 - BTS) - Mr. Sinister decided to completely abandon Apocalypse's cause because he feared the coming war would pretty much wipe out the genetic breeding stock he had so carefully worked to cultivate.

(X-Men Alpha I#1) - Apocalypse was enraged when he realized Mr. Sinister had flown the coop, destroying his lab and research in the process.. Holocaust assured his father that operatives were already sent out to locate and capture the turncoat.

(Astonishing X-Men I#1) - Rex went down to Apocalypse's throne room to report that prelate Delgado had located the X-Men's base in the Dead Zone. He found Apocalypse sitting on his throne surrounded by hundreds of thousands of human skulls. He explained to his nervous, babbling assistant that he found the aroma to be soothing. After Rex told him of Delgado's success in narrowing down the location of the X-Men's base, he was astounded to see a disturbing look on his master's face. Apocalypse assured him everything was fine: he was simply smiling.

(X-Calibre I#1) - Apocalypse learned from Pale Riders member Danielle Moonstar that the fabled human-mutant refuge Avalon was in the Antarctic. When he was told the X-Man Nightcrawler was headed there on a mission from Magneto, he personally ordered the Pale Riders to track down Nightcrawler and locate the place for future reference.

(Weapon X I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Apocalypse ordered his lava manipulating operative Magma to launch a preemptive strike on the Human High Council in London.

(Weapon X I#3 - BTS) - Apocalypse ordered the cyborg Donald Pierce and his Pretty Boys to guard the X-Men's abandoned headquarters on Mount Wundagore in case any of the "renegade gene-traitors" might return there.

(Age of Apocalypse: The Chosen I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Apocalypse kept meticulous files on who he considered worthy of surviving in his new world order and who were destined to be forgotten.

(Weapon X I#1) - Apocalypse was meeting with Holocaust and Abyss when Weapon X and Jean Grey rode a Sentinel onto the Great Sea Wall to retrieve classified intelligence. They received reports of prelate Alex Summers' attempts to stop them and were present when Summers became fused to a Sentinel hand after a teleportation mishap that required Hank McCoy to use a bonesaw. They were joined by Scott Summers who grew enraged when he learned Logan was involved, the man who had cost him his eye. Apocalypse had no patience for their petty squabbles, assuring them these couriers posed no real threat because he had already dispatched someone to deal with the Human High Council.

(X-Man I#1) - Apocalypse was meeting with prelate Scott Summers to discuss the disappearance of Mr. Sinister. When Summers admitted his mentor might have turned against them, Apocalypse proudly boasted no one had power like his. He was then corrected by the Shadow King who chimed in to report that he had sensed a telepath (Nate Grey) somewhere in the midwest whose might rivaled his. Intrigued, Apocalypse summoned his personal assassin Domino and ordered her to put together a band of hunters to find and recruit this new mutant. If the telepath refused, they were ordered to kill it.

(Astonishing X-Men I#2) - Apocalypse was furious when he received reports that Abyss had failed to stop the Human High Council's Sentinel fleet from evacuating humans. He killed the people who brought him the news, prompting Rex to stay hidden until Apocalypse called him out by name. He wanted some good news and demanded to know if Rex knew where the X-Men's base was yet. Fearing for his life, Rex was delighted when he received a report on the base's exact location. He showed it to Apocalypse who ordered Rex to prepare his entourage, for he would be dealing with them personally.

(Factor-X I#2) - Prelates Scott and Alex Summers were summoned before Apocalypse to discuss the ramifications of Sinister's defection. Scott expressed surprise at the fact En Sabah Nur seemed so calm about it all. But Apocalypse explained he had long since suspected Sinister's imminent betrayal because of his obsession with genetics. Apocalypse appeared undisturbed by the possibility Sinister might use the intimate knowledge he has against him. When Scott continued to speak his mind even when Apocalypse raged against him, the high lord was impressed and even suggested Summers might be a worthy future Horseman and successor to Sinister.

(X-Calibre I#2) - Apocalypse contacted the Pale Riders while they were still pursuing Nightcrawler on his way to Avalon. Speaking to the group's leader Damask, En Sabah Nur gave the group new orders: no longer were they to simply locate Avalon, he now wanted the place destroyed. He announced he had already sent a secondary expedition force after them to help finish the job (he had sent the disembodied Shadow King who could make it to the Arctic in a fraction of the time).

(Amazing X-Men I#2) - Apocalypse attended the interrogation of the mutant operative Karma. She was brought to his attention by his ally Sebastian Shaw who claimed she and her boss Warren Worthington had ties to the X-Men. Figuring she must have information on the X-Men's defenses, Karma was tortured by Rex who even threatened to have the Shadow King ravage her mind. By then, the torture no longer amused Apocalypse. He announced they would be moving in on the X-Men's base to take the fight to Magneto once and for all.

(Factor-X I#3) - When Apocalypse received word that prelate Alex Summers had taken over for his brother as commander of the Pens, he summoned Rex to relay new orders to him. The only reason Apocalypse agreed to the Pens in the first place was to indulge Sinister. With Essex gone, Apocalypse ordered the facility shut down immediately and all the test subjects culled.

(Astonishing X-Men I#3 - BTS) - Perimeter defenses around the Xavier Estate picked up Apocalypse's approaching strike force. The robotic Nanny, constructed by Magneto to protect his son Charles, immediately took the child into the safety of the sewers. This left the mansion's remaining occupants Bishop and Magneto to prepare for En Sabah Nur's imminent arrival.

(Amazing X-Men I#3) - Apocalypse allowed the Infinite Vanisher to teleport in a squadron of Infinites to keep Magneto and Bishop busy. Just as they got done dealing with the initial wave, Apocalypse surprised them with his arrival. He smashed onto the scene, briefly knocking out Magneto who was saved when Bishop blasted the villain aside. Unimpressed, Apocalypse increased his size until he dwarfed the time-tossed mutant. Apocalypse landed several thunderous blows with his massive fist until Bishop was out. He was then faced by Magneto who threatened a suicide attack by overloading Bishop's energy blaster. Apocalypse cleverly called the master of magnetism's bluff, telling him that Vanisher was already looking for his son Charles. Not wanting to die before knowing his child was safe, Magneto allowed himself to be captured by his greatest enemy.

(Astonishing X-Men I#4) - Magneto was taken to Apocalypse's citadel in the heart of the former New York City. There, with his assistant Rex looking on, En Sabah Nur began to torture his opponent, showing him footage of his wife who was still on a mission to stop Holocaust. Magneto proved defiant and tried to strangle his foe, but Apocalypse happily reminded him of all his recent victories: from capturing him and Bishop to Mikhail using the powers of the mutant Empath to cripple the Human High Council's Eurasian resistance.

(X-Man I#4) - Apocalypse was furious when Shadow King reported that Nate Grey was still alive. He vowed to deal with the young telepath himself, but first he focused on personally overseeing the torture of Magneto.

(X-Man I#4 - BTS) - X-Man tried to reestablish his psi-link with Magneto, which led to him having a vision about Magnus' torture at the hands of Apocalypse. He immediately flew off to New York to free the master of magnetism.

(Weapon X I#4)  - Apocalypse took a break from torturing Magneto, allowing Rex to update him on the latest intelligence reports. Rex told him the Human High Council's airship armada had left London, but bad weather events over the Atlantic made it hard for the fleet of bombers to cross the ocean. Rex followed his master down to the labs while he informed him about Donald Pierce and Mikhail Rasputin's sketchy activities. He was surprised to hear Apocalypse didn't care to take any precautions, En Sabah Nur felt that all the players were in place for the endgame. He then assured Rex that Pierce and his band of altered humans were more adaptable than you might think. To prove his point, he showed his startled assistant another experiment from the vats that birthed Pierce and his ilk: a monstrous techno-organic hybrid of two humans and a plasma pistol trying to become a single being. The startled Rex commented that ugliness was not a power.

(Age of Apocalypse: The Chosen I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Apocalypse caught one of the Madri trying to access his restricted files to find out whether or not his order was counted among the Chosen. The Madri was overjoyed to find they were, only for Apocalypse to appear behind him and kill the priest on the spot for his transgression. The High Lord then promptly changed the Madri's designation to "Forgotten".

(Gambit and the X-Ternals I#4  (fb) - BTS) - The X-Ternal traitor Guido Carosella personally delivered both young Charles Lensherr and the shard of the M'Kraan crystal that Magneto had ordered Gambit and his team to retrieve. After being informed of its uses, Apocalypse decided to put both the boy and the shard to good use.

(Gambit and the X-Ternals I#4) - Apocalypse took his time debriefing Mudir Julio Esteban Richter, who had returned to his Citadel after having failed to stop Gambit and his X-Ternals. Apocalypse confronted his terrified underling with all his mistakes and had judgement calls before presenting him with both the boy and the crystal. Apocalypse allowed Guido to watch as he finished Richter's debriefing by snapping his neck.

(X-Men Omega I#1 - BTS) - Apocalypse kept the original sliver of M'Kraan for himself, but found an even a small piece of crystal kept growing on its own. It soon filled a room in his citadel, allowing glimpses into various other realities.

(X-Men Omega I#1) - Apocalypse watched Holocaust torture Magneto, noting that the master of magnetism's resolve was weakening. Apocalypse then checked with his assistant  Rex to confirm that the trap had been set. Magneto boastfully proclaimed that the X-Men would continue without him, but Apocalypse then calmly told him he was aware of Magnus' masterplan because the Madri had read Bishop's mind. He then presented him with the M'Kraan crystal. Before knocking Magneto out, Apocalypse told him the X-Men would be coming for the crystal in an attempt to wipe out this timeline and he was ready for them.

(X-Men Omega I#1 - BTS) - Warren Worthington sacrificed his life to blow up the forcefield generator protecting Apocalypse's citadel. As a result, Nate Grey and the X-Men were free to move about the base. At the same time, Jean Grey and Scott Summers led the prisoners cooped up in the Pens to safety. Without the forcefield, Apocalypse's citadel was vulnerable to the Human High Council's nuclear bombs already on their way.

(X-Men Omega I#1) - Apocalypse was briefly startled when Rex confirmed the Shadow King's shocked announcement that the Human High Council had managed to sneak their bombs past the Atlantic Defense wall. As a result, the entire midwest was now a radioactive crater. Apocalypse ordered to strike back, telling Rex to expand the Sea Wall defense grid across the Atlantic so it would become an offensive weapon. Seconds later, he was pushed to the floor by Nate Grey's telekinesis. This caught Apocalypse and Holocaust off guard long enough for Grey to liberate Magneto and hand him his helmet.

(X-Men Omega I#1 - BTS) - Holocaust took over the fight, allowing Apocalypse a moment to recover. While X-Man fought Holocaust one on one, Magneto reunited with his X-Men. He instructed Destiny and young Illyana Rasputin on their mission: they had to enter the M'Kraan crystal and reset the timeline with Bishop's help.

(X-Men Omega I#1) - Apocalypse allowed himself to watch real time footage of his heavily armored Sea Wall defenses approaching the Human High Council's London headquarters. His revelry was interrupted when Rogue and Magneto confronted him, looking for their son. While Apocalypse gloated, Rogue had no patience and knocked out Guido who was holding young Charles.

(X-Men Omega I#1 - BTS) - Apocalypse used the Lensherr family reunion to sneak away. He retrieved the original M'Kraan shard and planned to use the crystal as his personal escape route. He figured he could travel to another world and start his plans for conquest anew.

(X-Men Omega I#1) - X-Man caught up with En Sabah Nur. The powerful youth grabbed the shard and gave the villain a proper kick for having caused the death of his mentor Forge. Magneto joined the fight, combining his magnetic assault with Nate Grey's relentless telekinetic barrage. Nate was taken out of the fight by Holocaust who he stabbed with the crystal shard which led to the both of them vanishing. This unexpected turn of events gave Apocalypse time to recover. He grabbed Magneto by the throat and began to strangle him, disappointed the master of magnetism didn't even seem to fight back. Instead, Magneto concentrated his power and tore En Sabah Nur apart. The damage to his body was so severe, he could not recover.

(X-Men Omega I#1- BTS) - Magneto walked over the corpse of his mortal enemy, wondering what kind of world they could have created if they'd been on the same side.

(Astonishing X-Men III#61 (fb)  - BTS) - After his demise, the Celestial Death Seed that empowered En Sabah Nur for millennia eventually found its way to Weapon X who became Apocalypse's successor: Weapon Omega.

Comments: Created by Louise Simonson & Jackson Guice;
    adapted by
Scott Lobdell & Mark Waid, Roger Cruz, Steve Epting, Tim Townsend & Dan Panosian.

Considering Earth-295's divergence point from Earth-616 is the death of Charles Xavier, this means that technically Earth-295's Apocalypse should largely have the same past as his Earth-616 counterpart right up until he decided to start his war on humanity two decades earlier than expected. However, since most of this has not (yet) been confirmed on panel, it's not included in the profile.

Apocalypse's affiliations and associations must have been vast. This profile only lists the people he's interacted with on panel.

With some 30+ years of retroactive continuity added to the history of the Marvel universe, it would be interesting to see the early days of Apocalypse's rise to power. Back in 1995, it was established lore that there weren't any active superheroes around prior to the formation of the Fantastic Four.

By now, we know the Monster Hunters and the First Line from Marvel: The Lost Generation were active during that era. I'm not saying Black Fox and his team of glorified acrobats would have been much use against a virtually indestructible mutant flying around in a stolen Celestial ship... But they sure would have tried. Also, the use of Space Gods technology could have gotten the Eternals and Deviants involved.

It may have been called the "Age of Apocalypse" but it really felt like an age before En Sabah Nur got off his butt to actually do something. His Horsemen and the Madri ran the empire, Rex handled the day-to-day business and he was mostly content to sit in his citadel on his pile of corpses savoring the scent. And the way he gets quickly disposed off in the final pages of X-Men Omega also boggles the mind. After days of brutal torture and with half his strength gone, Magneto simply tore him apart... Even as Apocalypse was choking him? You mean he never had the opportunity to do this in all the years they'd been fighting?

Because Apocalypse is such a central figure, most everyone on Earth-295 is either affiliated with him or considers him their enemy. For clarity's sake, this profile mostly focuses on characters he has directly interacted with or refer to him on panel.

All locations mentioned are Earth-295, unless otherwise specified.

Profile by Norvo

Apocalypse of Earth-295 should not be confused with

Images: (without ads)
X-Men Alpha I#1, p29, pan1 (main)
X-Men II#41, p10, pan3 (rise of Apocalypse)
X-Men Chronicles I#1, p41, pan2 (summons Horsemen)
X-Man I#-1, p14, pan1 (Apocalypse's America)
Blink I#1, p12, pan2 (meets Impossible Man)
Astonishing X-Men I#1, p11, pans5&6 (smiling)
X-Man I#1, p12, pan1 (learns of Nate Grey)
Amazing X-Men I#3, p10, pan3 (captures Magneto)
Gambit and the X-Ternals I#4, p22, pans1,2,3 (with crystal and child)
X-Men Omega I#1,p35, pans3&4 (versus X-Man)
X-Men Omega I#1, p42, pans2&3 (dies)

X-Men II#41 (February, 1995) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Andy Kubert & Ron Garney (pencils), Matt Ryan (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Men Alpha I#1 (February, 1995) - Scott Lobdell & Mark Waid (writers), Roger Cruz & Steve Epting (pencils), Tim Townsend & Dan Panosian (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Men Chronicles I#1 (March, 1995) - Howard Mackie (writer), Terry Dodson (pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Kelly Corvese (editor)

Astonishing X-Men I#1 (March, 1995) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Joe Madureira (pencils), Dan Green & Tim Townsend (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Amazing X-Men I#1 (March, 1995) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Andy Kubert (pencils), Matt Ryan (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Gambit & the X-Ternals I#1 (March, 1995) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Tony Daniel (pencils), Kevin Conrad (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Generation Next I#1 (March, 1995) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Chris Bachalo (pencils), Mark Buckingham (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Calibre I#1 (March, 1995) - Warren Ellis (writer), Ken Lashley (pencils), Phil Moy, Bud LaRosa, Tom Wegrzyn (inks), Suzanne Gaffney (editor)
Weapon X I#1 (March, 1995) - Larry Hama (writer), Adam Kubert (pencils), Karl Kesel, Dan Green, Chris Warner (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
X-Man I#1 (March, 1995) - Jeph Loeb (writer), Steve Skroce (pencils), Mike Sellers, Cam Smith, Bud Larosa, Will Conrad (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Age of Apocalypse: The Chosen I#1 (April, 1995) - Ian Churchill (pencils), Scott Hanna (inks), Jaye Gardner & Kelly Corvese (editors)
Factor-X I#2 (April, 1995) -John Francis Moore (writer), Steve Epting (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Kelly Corvese (editor)
Factor-X I#3 (May, 1995) - John Francis Moore (writer), Steve Epting, Terry Dodson (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Kelly Corvese (editor)
Weapon X I#3 (May, 1995) - Larry Hama (writer), Adam Kubert (pencils), Dan Green & Mike Sellers (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Astonishing X-Men I#3 (May, 1995) - Scott Lobdell & Jeph Loeb (writers), Joe Madureira (pencils), Dan Green & Tim Townsend (inks), Bob Harras (editor)
Gambit & The X-Ternals I#4 (June, 1995) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Salvador Larocca (pencils), Al Milgrom (inks), Bob Harras (editor)

X-Men Chronicles I#2 (June, 1995) - Howard Mackie (writer), Ian Churchill (pencils), Scott Hanna, Al Vey, Bob Wiacek, Steve Moncuse (inks), Kelly Corvese (editor)
X-Men Omega I#1 (June, 1995) - Scott Lobdell, Mark Waid (writers), Roger Cruz (pencils), Bud LaRosa, Tim Townsend, Karl Kesel, Harry Candelario, Scott Hanna, Al Milgrom (inks), Bob Harras (editor)

X-Man Annual '96 (December, 1996) - Terry Kavanagh (writer), Alan Davis (pencils), Mark Farmer & Robin Riggs (inks), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Tales from the Age of Apocalypse I#1 (December, 1996) - Scott Lobdell & Ralph Macchio (writers), Joe Bennett (pencils), Joe Pimentel (inks), Mark Powers, Jason Liebig (editors)
X-Man I# -1 (July, 1997) - Terry Kavanagh (writer), Roger Cruz (pencils), Bud LaRosa, Wellington Diaz (inks), Jaye Gardner (editor)
Blink I#1 (March, 2001) - Scott Lobdell (writer), Trevor McCarthy (pencils), Tyson McAdoo (inks), Mark Powers, Pete Franco (editors)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: X-Men - Age of Apocalypse 2005 (March, 2005) - Mike Raicht (writer), Jennifer Grunwald (editor)
Hulk: Broken Worlds I#2 (July, 2009) - Marc Sumerak (writer), Jonboy Meyers (pencils), Mark Irwin (inks), Mark Paniccia (editor)
Uncanny X-Force I#11 (August, 2011) - Rick Remender (writer),  Mark Brooks (pencils & inks), Andrew Currie (inks), Jody Leheup (editor)
Age of Apocalypse I#7 (November, 2012) - David Lapham (writer), Renato Arlem (pencils & inks), Nick Lowe (editor)
Astonishing X-Men III#61 (June, 2013) - Marjorie Lu (writer), Renato Arlem, Klebs Jr., Matteo Buffagni, Raul Valdes (pencils), Carlos Cueavas (inks), Jeanine Schaeffer (editor)

First Posted: 01/06/2025
Last Updated: 01/06/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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