Classification: Terrestrial element
Creator: Unrevealed Inhumans
User/Possessors: Damage Control (Gus, Jay,
Bart Rozum, Eugene Strausser), Trentonn the Terrible (Chad)
First Appearance: Damage Control IV#3
(January, 2023)
Powers/Abilities/Functions: Any piece of
Attilantium causes Terrigenesis mutations in any dormant Inhumans that
touch it.
(Damage Control IV#3 (fb) - BTS)
- Following the removal of the floating city of Attilan from the Hudson
River, chunks of the former city would occasionally be found and the
chunks were eventually referred to as Attilantium by the superhero
cleanup company Damage Control. Early one morning, a Trenton, New
Jersey deckhand named Chad pulled up a chunk of Attilantium crystals in
his fishing net and, unaware he was actually a dormant Inhuman, Chad
touched the Attilantium and was transformed into a gigantic
catfish-like monster. The Attilantium also affected his mind, causing
him to dub himself Trentonn the Terrible, refer to himself in the third
person and inciting within him a desire to destroy.
(Damage Control IV#3) - After Trentonn's rampage
through Trenton, New Jersey was halted by Thor, Damage Control search
and rescue agent Lenny Ballinger questioned Thor and Trentonn, learning
that Trentonn had been mutated by a glowing crystal and prompting a
further investigation of the crystal. Visiting Trentonn's former
fishing boat, Lenny and Damage Control intern Gus inspected the crystal
and Lenny confirmed the crystals were Attilantium. Warning Gus against
touching the Attilantium, Lenny went to get a winch to move the
crystals from the boat but while Lenny was gone, the ignorant Gus
touched the Attilantium and was transformed into a giant guinea pig.
(Damage Control IV#4 - recap page - BTS) - His mind affected by the Attilantium, the guinea pig Gus got into an "epic fight" with Trentonn until they eventually calmed and set back down.
(Damage Control IV#3) - Returning
to the scene, Lenny
found the beaten Trentonn and guinea pig Gus sitting on a hillside and
an annoyed Lenny immediately deduced Gus had indeed touched the
Attilantium despite his warnings.
(Damage Control IV#4) - Damage Control's Bart Rozum
introduced the transformed Gus to research and development head Eugene
Strausser as Eugene's new assistant and when Eugene questioned why his
assistant was a giant guinea pig, Rozum pulled out a container of
Attilantium and explained that Gus had touched the Attilantium. Rozum
then admitted that Damage Control hoped Eugene could determine what
exactly the Attilantium was and restore Gus to normal. Opening the
Attilantium vial, Eugene grumbled that he could restore Gus and warned
Rozum against insulting his intelligence. Later, after Eugene Strausser
succeeded in restoring Gus' humanity, he was re-inspired to become a
criminal following Gus' mentioning of a previous similar incident and
Gus grew so annoyed at Eugene for trying to also drag him into the
criminal life that he angrily suggested Eugene just touch the
Attilantium and become a monster on his own. Taking Gus' words to
heart, Eugene did just that and touched the Attilantium, which
transformed him into a giant slug monster.
(Damage Control IV#5) - While
moving Gus to Damage
Control's Deep Storage Vault, Bart Rozum brought along the contained
Attilantium and passed it over to the head of security, Jay, so that it
could be placed somewhere very deep into storage so Eugene Strausser
could never find it again. Jay opted to store the Attilantium somewhere
in the south corridor of Quadrant 7A.
Comments: Created by Adam F. Goldberg, Hans
Rodionoff and Nathan Stockman.
Profile by Proto-Man.
Attilantium has no known connections to:
images: (without ads)
Damage Control IV#3, p18, pan2 (Attilantium crystals, main image)
Damage Control IV#5, p5, pan2 (Attilantium in storage container)
Damage Control IV#3, p18, pan4 (Attilantium in
fishing net)
Damage Control IV#4, p4, pan2 (Bart Rozum holding a
storage container of Attilantium)
Control IV#3 (January, 2023) - Adam F. Goldberg, Hans Rodionoff
(writers), Nathan Stockman (art), Tom Brevoort, Wil Moss (editors)
Damage Control IV#4 (January, 2023) - Adam F. Goldberg, Hans Rodionoff
(writers), Nathan Stockman (art), Tom Brevoort, Wil Moss (editors)
Damage Control IV#5 (February, 2023) - Adam F. Goldberg, Hans Rodionoff
(writers), Nathan Stockman (art), Tom Brevoort, Wil Moss (editors)
First Posted: 08/09/2024
Last updated: 08/09/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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