
Real Name: Loki (last name presumably Laufeyson - see comments)

Identity/Class: Alternate reality/extradimensional (Reality-18201) Asgardian god/magic user

Occupation: Multiversal guardian;
    former All-Father

Group Membership: The Multiversal Avengers (America of Earth-44141, Ant-Man/Tony Stark of Earth-818, Black Knight of Earth-33326, Captain America/Steve Rogers of Earth-8101, Captain Carter/Peggy Carter of Earth-22226, Galactus/Galan of Reality-616, Gorilla-Man/Ken Hale of Earth-616, Hercules of an unidentified alternate reality, Infinity Thing/Ben Grimm of Earth-818, Longbow/Clinton Barton of Earth-398, Moon Knight/Mariama Spector of Earth-818, Ms. Marvel of an unidentified alternate reality, Old Man Phoenix/Logan of Earth-14412, Shellhead the Iron Ant of Earth-818, Star Panther/T'Challa of Earth-41766, Thor of Reality-56337, Ursa Major/Mikhail Ursus of Earth-616, Vision of Earth-818, War Widow of Earth-40538, Wonder Man/Simon Williams of Earth-818, numerous others)

Affiliations: The Carol Corps (Multiverse), Deathloks (Deathlok/Miles Morales of Earth-807128, numerous others), the Howling Commandos (Multiverse) (Captain America/Steve Rogers of Earth-8101, Steve of Earth-41699, Steve Rogers of Earth-19181, Weapon America/Steve Rogers of Earth-20504, numerous other Steve Rogers and Captain America counterparts), the Goddesses of Thunder of Reality-14412 (Atli, Ellisiv, Frigg), the Multiversal Avengers, Thor (Jane Foster of Earth-73256);
    Earth-616 natives: Avengers (Captain America/Steve Rogers, Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers, Echo/Maya Lopez, Iron Man/Tony Stark, Namor the Sub-Mariner/Namor McKenzie, Nighthawk/Kyle Richmond simulacrum, Starbrand/Brandy Selby, Thor/Thor Odinson, Valkyrie/Jane Foster), the Avengers of 1,000,000 B.C. (Agamotto, Iron Fist/Fan Fei, Moon Knight, Odin, Phoenix/Firehair), Galactus (Galan), Ka-Zar (Kevin Plunder)

Enemies: Captain America, the Celestials, the Council of Red (Mephisto of Reality-616, numerous other unidentified Mephisto counterparts), Dark Phoenix of Earth-14412, Doom Supreme (Victor von Doom of Earth-22215), Galactus, Ghost Rider, the Kree, Loki of Reality-88041, the Red Skull, Tony Stark, Thanos, Wakandans

Known Relatives: Odin (adoptive father), Thor (adoptive brother, deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Avengers Tower, the God Quarry, inside of a black hole

First Appearance: (seen in shadow) Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk#1 (October, 2021);
    (fully seen but entire body obscured by robes) Avengers Forever Infinity Comic I#4 (April, 2022);
    (fully seen but face obscured by helm) Avengers Assemble Alpha#1 (January, 2023);
    (fully seen, face and all, and revealed as a Loki counterpart) Avengers Forever II#13 (March, 2023)

Powers/Abilities: Avenger Prime is an extremely powerful sorcerer, the most powerful in his reality. As such, he can perform magical acts including but not limited to creating portals to traverse other realities, projecting mystic force blasts, dissolving fabrics such as cloth suits, moving large metal objects such as steel beams without touching them and generating objects such as swords or protective shields out of mystic energy.

    He always wears his reality's counterpart to the Eye of Agamotto artifact.

    Within his Avengers Tower base of operations, Avenger Prime has access to numerous artifacts and technology from across the entire Multiverse including counterparts of Thor's hammer, axes and armored belts, Beta Ray Bill's hammer, Captain America's shields and suits of armor worn by counterparts of Doctor Doom, Ant-Man, Iron Man and Thor. Avengers Tower is also capable of broadcasting messages from the Tower to Avenger Prime's agents wherever they may be in the Multiverse.

Height: Unrevealed (presumably 6'4")
Weight: Unrevealed (presumably 525 lbs.)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black

(Avengers VII#65 (fb) - BTS) - Loki's earliest memories were of trying to strangle his brother Thor from his crib as a baby.

(Avengers VII#65 (fb)) - After years of trying to kill his brother Thor, Loki witnessed what appeared to be a meteor hitting Asgard and when he went to investigate, Loki found the now-deceased Thor's hand clutching his hammer. Learning that Thor had died attempting to tame his sentient hammer, Loki considered it the happiest day of his life. Before he was old enough to grow chin whiskers, Loki supplanted Odin as Asgardian All-Father when Odin had difficulty dealing with Thor's death and Loki attempted to provide more joy to himself by selling Odin into slavery to the Jotunheim Frost Giants but he found the act only managed to provide him a small chuckle at most. He then spent time alone pondering why he felt so empty, ultimately deciding to seek the counsel of the only person he respected: himself. Summoning various counterparts of himself from other realities, Loki was met with one betrayal after another. After disposing of the corpse of yet another of his counterparts that had betrayed him, Loki pondered why Lokis seemed to be such despicable characters and he opted to search the Multiverse for answers, disguising himself behind a hood as he observed other Lokis. Seeing nothing but failure as the other Lokis he observed were beaten, usually by a group calling itself the Avengers, Loki learned that he was an anomaly in the sense that he was a Loki that had gained a throne and that in most realities, his counterpart was responsible for bringing the Avengers together in the first place. Determined to prevent the formation of the Avengers in his own reality, Loki returned to Reality-18201 and immediately took steps to prevent a new thunder god by chaining Thor's hammer down. He then arranged for the frozen Captain America to be placed in Jotunheim guarded by Frost Giants so that he would never be thawed and he had his reality's Tony Stark placed within a cell with bottles of alcohol to ensure he would never become Iron Man.

    Making it his mission to prevent any Avengers from standing in his way in his own reality, Loki then completely sacked Wakanda and began killing any Kree half-breeds he could locate. Whenever a Ghost Rider emerged, Loki had them immediately placed in the brimstone mines of Muspelheim and his obsession led him to kill anyone who might remotely feel the need to avenge, becoming Earth's sole protector and guardian. Eventually, Loki realized too late that he had left his reality open to other threats that the Avengers might have gathered to fight. As Earth's sole protector, Loki became embroiled in a seemingly neverending battle against cosmic threats such as Galactus, Thanos and the Celestials, and Earth-born threats like the Red Skull. In order to continue protecting Earth, Loki pushed his magic skills beyond any level he had ever imagined but the price to obtain such a level was nothing short of the lives of every being in his universe. Realizing that his success brought him no joy, Loki decided to hurl himself into the sun but found he failed even at that when he was transported to the Multiversal God Quarry instead of being destroyed. Feeling as if he deserved to be turned to stone like all other lost gods within the God Quarry, Loki prayed to the power of the Quarry itself that he be allowed to join the other deceased gods there. He was met with the answer that he could not join the other deceased gods there until he had served a penance for his past actions by gathering Avengers together. Loki agreed and he began recruiting Avengers from other realities to help construct a tower from which he based himself in his mission to summon the mightiest Avengers in the entire Multiverse. Upon the construction of Avengers Tower, Loki confessed his past crimes to his Multiversal Avengers and while some wanted him dead, others thought he should serve an eternal penance within Avengers Tower.

(Avengers Forever Infinity Comic I#4 (fb) - BTS) - Having went through all of his hard experiences, Loki earned the title and identity of Avenger Prime. Over time, he became known as being able to accomplish magic despite seemingly insurmountable odds.

(Avengers VII#65 (fb) - BTS) - Avenger Prime's Multiversal Avengers had a rotating roster that came and went over the seeming eons he spent at the God Quarry. When dealing with Thor counterparts, Avenger Prime found it best to prove himself to them with gifts.

(Avengers Assemble Alpha#1 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Avenger Prime encountered Earth-616's demonic Mephisto and proved sufficient at protecting himself from the demon. Over the years, Avenger Prime had been known to say the words "Avengers Assemble" as if it were a prayer.

(Avengers VII#53 (fb) - BTS) - Still based out of Avengers Tower in the God Quarry, Avenger Prime became known as the Avenger of all other Avengers across the Multiverse. At some point, Avenger Prime discovered the tortured soul of a man lost in the God Quarry and gave the man a new purpose as a cyborg Deathlok, tasked with looking after several universes in the Multiverse.

(Avengers VII#56 (fb) - BTS) - From his base in the God Quarry, Avenger Prime stood guard in Avengers Tower, preparing for an impending battle for the fate of the entire Multiverse.

(Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk#1 (fb) - BTS) - Avenger Prime eventually employed a small army of Deathloks from across the Multiverse, giving them each a chance at redemption by serving the greater good.

(Avengers VII#51 (fb) - BTS) - Avenger Prime tinkered with each of the Deathloks so their brains would be shielded from telepathic intrusion.

(Avengers VII#65 (fb) - BTS) - The Deathloks became the most trusted soldiers of Avenger Prime.

(Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk#1) - Upon registering chronal collapse shockwaves throughout multiple realities on his watch, Avenger Prime activated a Priority Omega Alert and ordered all of his agents into the field at once. Numerous Deathloks soon gathered together and Avenger Prime communicated his desires for reconnaissance reports from every charted reality and warnings delivered to the Avengers of each reality they investigated. Reminding the Deathloks that they weren't sure what was causing the shockwaves, Avenger Prime warned each of the Deathloks to watch themselves. The Deathloks then saluted Avenger Prime, who wished them godspeed as they ventured off into the Multiverse.

(Avengers VII#53 (fb) - BTS) - Prior to sending Deathloks to Earth-616, Avenger Prime informed them that the Avengers there would likely mention how they had no reason to trust a random Deathlok they had just met.

(Avengers VII#50 - BTS) - When one of the Deathloks arrived on Earth-616 and was found in front of the former Avengers Mansion, it was brought to a nearby morgue where it sat upright and announced itself as an interdimensional agent of Avenger Prime.

(Avengers VII#51 - BTS) - A small group of Deathloks arrived in Reality-616's Asgard, pursued by the Multiversal Masters of Evil, and Earth-14412's Dark Phoenix gloated that while Avenger Prime had shield the Deathloks from her telepathic intrusion, she could sense the blankness of their minds to track them. Reality-616's Thor and Iron Man fought back against the Multiversal Masters and when Iron Man asked one of the Deathloks why the Masters were after them, the Deathlok replied that they had been dispatched to warn all the realities of the Multiversal Masters of Evil's intended atrocities on orders from Avenger Prime at the God Quarry. Despite the Masters destroying many of the Deathloks, the surviving Deathloks continued with their warning to Earth-616's Avengers, announcing themselves as interdimensional agents of Avenger Prime sent there to warn of Multiversal massacre.

(Timeless I#1 - BTS) - When Deathloks threatened to overrun the time-traveling Kang's Oracle Base, Kang remarked to his companion, Earth-616's Dr. Anatoly Petrov, that he would have to deal with the Deathloks' master, Avenger Prime, soon enough.

(Avengers Forever II#2 - BTS) - While captured in the dungeons of Earth-21798's Black Skull, a Deathlok reminded the tortured Earth-616 Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes) of his mission as a cyborg soldier of Avenger Prime tasked with preventing the destruction of the Multiverse.

(Avengers VII#53 - BTS) - When the Multiversal Masters of Evil began an assault on Avengers Mountain, headquarters of Earth-616's Avengers, one of the Deathloks that had been sent there suggested to Black Panther that he be allowed to interface with the Celestial Avengers Mountain in an effort to assist against the Multiversal Masters, noting that Avenger Prime himself had told him that the Avengers of Earth-616 would not yet have reason to trust a random Deathlok that they had only recently first met. Continuing, the Deathlok informed Black Panther that Avenger Prime was the Avenger of all Avengers who had sent the Deathloks across the Multiverse and that Black Panther would know the Deathloks spoke true. After being delivered to the brain of the Celestial Avengers Mountain, the Deathlok interfaced with the Mountain, remarking on how Avenger Prime had once given him new purpose as a Multiversal Guardian and how he was willing to lose himself again if it ended the slaughter of the Multiversal Masters of Evil.

(Avengers Forever II#3 - BTS) - As Earth-616's Ghost Rider and the Deathlok were being rescued by Earth-818's Ant-Man, the Black Skull attacked and demanded to know from the Ghost Rider who Avenger Prime was.

(Avengers Forever II#4 - BTS) - When Earth-818's Moon Knight and Vision were transported to the God Quarry, they were greeted by the divergent Captain Carter, who remarked to her allies, Earth-398's Longbow and the armored War Widow, that Avenger Prime would be pleased to add a Moon Knight and Vision to his army.

(Avengers Forever Infinity Comic I#4) - While monitoring the Deathlok with Earth-616's Ghost Rider alongside his agent, a divergent reality's Captain Peggy Carter, Avenger Prime was told that the Multiverse's saviors appeared to be quite a ragtag group, to which Avenger Prime responded that he had made magic with less. When Captain Carter admitted she was sure he had, having earned the name Avenger Prime, Avenger Prime replied back that Captain Carter had no idea what he had to do to earn such a title, further admitting that it had occurred so long ago that he sometimes forgot what he had went through to earn it. Carter commented back that it would take a battle unlike anything ever fought for him to keep his title as Avenger Prime. Agreeing, Avenger Prime proclaimed that they would need more soldiers like Captain Carter from across the Multiverse and the Avengers would have to assemble like never before. Carter assured Avenger Prime that they were trying before asking how much time they had to assemble such a group, to which Avenger Prime replied not enough. He then further explained that they had as much time as it would take for the enemy to reach his tower in the God Quarry. When Carter next commented that they would need more of just about everyone and everything, Avenger Prime replied in the affirmative, noting that they would need more hammers, more Riders, more Starks, more pillars and, most importantly, more of the spirit of resilience and defiance in the face of despair that had started the Avengers.

(Avengers VII#56 (fb) - BTS) - Avenger Prime informed Earth-73256's Thor (Jane Foster) about Earth-616's Ghost Rider driving from reality to reality to recruit more Avengers into Avenger Prime's armies.

(Avengers VII#56 - BTS) - While rescuing Earth-616's Valkyrie (Jane Foster) from the Multiversal Council of Red, Earth-73256's Thor mentioned how Avenger Prime had told her about Earth-616's Ghost Rider.

(Savage Avengers II#4 (fb)) - Specifically choosing Earth-807128's Deathlok from his soldiers, Avenger Prime tasked him with tracking down the time-displaced Hyborian era barbarian Conan and erasing him from the timeline as punishment for Conan's interferences in the timestream. When giving Deathlok-807128 his mission, Avenger Prime warned that the Deathlok must find Conan or everything the Deathlok knew would die.

(Avengers Forever II#11 - BTS) - When the Deathlok alongside Earth-818's Ant-Man and Earth-616's Ghost Rider received the call from the God Quarry's Avengers Tower that their time had run out for recruiting new allies, Ant-Man remarked that he would finally get to meet this Avenger Prime that Deathlok was always talking about. Deathlok responded by expressing concerns that they had not recruited enough to face what was coming despite his complete trust in Avenger Prime. Noticing that Ghost Rider seemed to be losing more of his humanity the longer he stayed in his Spirit of Vengeance form, Deathlok and Ant-Man then confronted Ghost Rider, with Ant-Man noting Deathlok's claims that Avenger Prime could help him, but Ghost Rider instead departed to fight alone. The Deathlok and Ant-Man followed and stopped Ghost Rider from sacrificing his life to defeat Earth-22215's Doom Supreme, with Deathlok instead announcing himself as a soldier of Avenger Prime before sacrificing his own life to cover Ghost Rider and Ant-Man's escape.

(Avengers Assemble Alpha#1 - BTS) - Eons after he had first assumed the role of Multiversal protector, Avenger Prime decided to leave his Avengers Tower.

(Avengers VII#65 (fb)) - Thinking back at how all of his Deathloks were now gone, Avenger Prime looked over trophy room of Avengers costumes and armor as he thought about how he would make first contact with the Avengers of Earth-616. He ultimately decided on the armored helm of a Thor and, as he placed the helm upon his head, Avenger Prime smiled, hoping that perhaps Reality-616's Thor could take a joke.

(Avengers Assemble Alpha#1) - Fully donning the armored helmet of Thor, Avenger Prime opened a mystic portal and stepped through it to the prehistoric past of Earth-616, where he was greeted by Earth-616's Mephisto. When Mephisto jokingly asked what brought Avenger Prime to his reality, Avenger Prime sarcastically responded that he was there to watch Mephisto do what he did best: lose. A short time after the modern day Avengers also traveled back and began attacking their prehistoric counterparts thanks to a misunderstanding, Mephisto turned his attention towards Avenger Prime, brandishing a dagger in preparation of killing Avenger Prime. Swatting Mephisto with mystic force bursts, Avenger Prime warned that Mephisto was not strong to face him one-on-one, at which point Mephisto gloatingly asked who had said anything about one-on-one. Another Mephisto then stabbed Avenger Prime in the back with a dagger and the rest of Mephisto's Council of Red joined in the attack on Avenger Prime. After taking several more daggers in the back, a weakened Avenger Prime was on his knees as Mephisto gloated about wishing to take the very firmament from which realities grew. He then had the Council of Red pick up the injured Avenger Prime and opened a portal back to the God Quarry, unleashing the Council of Red upon the First Firmament. In Avengers Tower, Avenger Prime's Multiversal Avengers wondered where Avenger Prime had gone as the Mephistos neared the Tower's doorstep.

(Avengers VII#65 (fb)) - Still injured, Avenger Prime managed to down nearly all of the Council of Red members surrounding him and when one proclaimed that, no matter how many Mephisto counterparts Avenger Prime downed, the entire Multiverse would fall to the Council of Red, the wounded Avenger Prime remarked that he couldn't hear that particular Mephisto over the sound of thunder. The Council of Red then demanded Avenger Prime remove his helmet and reveal his identity and Avenger Prime agreed to do so, noting that he needed to explain something first.

(Avengers Forever II#12 - BTS) - As more of the Council of Red engaged with Avenger Prime's armies at the God Quarry, Earth-818's Ant-Man wondered where the mysterious Avenger Prime was. Earth-818's Moon Knight and Vision informed Ant-Man that Avenger Prime was not there and they had no idea where he had gone or if he had been captured.

(Avengers Forever II#13) - The Multiversal Avengers soon sent the Council of Red into retreat and when some suggested they go after the fleeing Council members, Earth-32132's Carol Danvers warned that the retreat could be a trap and they couldn't leave Avengers Tower undefended until they heard from Avenger Prime. When Earth-22215's Doom Supreme arrived with an army of Multiversal Doctor Doom counterparts to attack Avengers Tower, Reality-14412's Old Man Phoenix suggested they needed a sorcerer to counter Doom Supreme and Avenger Prime made his dramatic entrance onto the battlefield, apologizing for being tardy due to an attack from Reality-616's Mephisto as he blasted aside various Dooms. When Earth-818's Ant-Man appeared surprised at Avenger Prime's appearance, Avenger Prime reassured Ant-Man, removing his helmet and revealing himself as a counterpart of the Asgardian god Loki. He then joked that there could not be an Avengers without a Loki to bring them together.

(Avengers VII#65) - More Doctor Doom counterpart rushed at Avenger Prime, announcing death and ruin in the name of Doom, but Avenger Prime downed them all, noting that the name Doom had no power there. He then summoned the power of the Winds of Watoomb from Reality-818, Reality-4559, Reality-93748 and Reality-199452 to completely obliterate the Doom counterparts in his presence, prompting a shocked Ant-Man-818 to again question whether Loki was really Avenger Prime. As Reality-14412's Goddesses of Thunder questioned why they should trust a Loki, Avenger Prime revealed a demonic knife in his back and explained how he had been attacked by the Council of Red, admitting that he had asked himself the question of how he had continued to survive over the eons. Still skeptical of trusting a Loki, the Goddesses of Thunder reminded Avenger Prime of how they had watched their father Thor yearn to redeem his brother Loki and questioned how they could be sure Avenger Prime truly was a redeemed Loki. Avenger Prime joked that he found it easier to deal with thunderers by presenting gifts. When more Doom counterparts appeared, Avenger Prime opted to present his Multiversal Avengers with the gift of more Avengers as he opened a portal to summon Earth-616's modern era and prehistoric Avengers.

(Avengers Forever II#14) - As more Doom counterparts swarmed the Multiversal Avengers and Earth-616's Avengers, Avenger Prime and Reality-14412's Old Man Phoenix battled Doom Supreme. After downing Earth-616's Agamotto by turning the air in his lungs to acid, Doom Supreme prepared to focus his attention on Avenger Prime, suggesting he cast aside his Avenger Prime identity and die as the "backstabbing worm" he was. Grinning, Avenger Prime instead suggested Doom Supreme turn around and Doom turned to receive a fierce punch from Earth-616's Namor the Sub-Mariner. Avenger Prime then went to thank Namor for the save but Namor grimly warned that if their entire alliance was one of Loki's elaborate lies and he had plans to betray the other Avengers, Namor would tear Avenger Prime to screaming shreds. Accusing Namor of being terrible at pep talks, Avenger Prime turned his attention towards a returning Doom Supreme and the two heroes teamed up against the Earth-22215 sorcerer supreme. When Doom Supreme began gloating about the power beneath them in the First Firmament, Avenger Prime realized Doom Supreme and Earth-616's Mephisto had destroyed numerous Earths in order to weaken the boundaries between the current Multiverse and the First Firmament. Avenger Prime warned that Doom and Mephisto knew not what they were doing but Doom claimed he knew exactly what he was meddling in, exclaiming that nothing on the rock could stop him. Before the two could continue their battle, a flood of molten blood from a planet-sized Doom counterpart spilled into the area, separating Avenger Prime from Doom Supreme, who was punched from within the blood by a swimming Namor.

(Avengers VII#66) - When a gigantic Mephisto-616 arrived on the battlefield, having absorbed the Council of Red into himself, Ant-Man-818 reported back to the still-fighting Avenger Prime to inform him that the Avengers' Carol Carrier had fallen to Mephisto. Avenger Prime replied back that he was a bit busy battling Doom Supreme, who gloated that the dying Avengers screamed for Avenger Prime and that Avenger Prime would soon scream himself. Sarcastically reporting back to Ant-Man that he had to go, as he was about to start screaming, Avenger Prime assured Ant-Man that more Avengers had been called into battle and asked Ant-Man to keep an open mind about them. Moments later, Reality-616's Ka-Zar and Galactus, as well as the Deathlok-controlled Avengers Mountain, arrived on the scene and the Multiversal Avengers rallied together for a final push, with Avenger Prime and all of the others yelling the battle cry of "Avengers Assemble!"

(Avengers Forever II#15) - Avenger Prime battled side-by-side with the prehistoric Agamotto of Earth-616 and Earth-616's modern era Namor the Sub-Mariner, reiterating the "Avengers Assemble!" battle cry as he invoked the roots of the Omni-Orchard and the mystical might of all the Multiverse in a spell. Trapping Doom Supreme in mystic chains, Avenger Prime reminded his foe that his army was falling and Doom Supreme's planet-sized Doom counterpart was being digested by Reality-616's Galactus. Avenger Prime then assured Doom Supreme he was finished but Namor rushed into attack once more, feeling as if he himself would not be finished while Doom Supreme still had teeth and bones in need of splintering. Doom Supreme gloated that the heroes were too late to stop Mephisto-616's plans and he unleashed a massive mystic burst, forcing Avenger Prime to erect a mystic shield to protect himself and Namor. The two heroes then witnessed Earth-14412's Dark Phoenix arrive on the scene to attack Doom Supreme, only for the two to embrace one another. Mephisto was eventually able to crack the First Firmament, causing the liquefied remains of the previous Multiverse to leak out, and Avenger Prime warned that it was too late and there would be nowhere for the Avengers to run in any reality. As the flood of entropy leaked from the First Firmament, Avenger Prime prepared another spell, again exclaiming the "Avengers Assemble!" battle cry.

(Avengers Assemble Omega#1) - Avenger Prime immediately began working with the prehistoric Earth-616 Agamotto to seal the breach in the God Quarry and while the two were working to hold back the breach, Ant-Man-818 reported to Avenger Prime that they had stopped Doom Supreme and questioned what they should do with the laughing Mephisto-616. Avenger Prime frantically replied back that they must seal the breach to the First Firmament despite the power of the First Firmament defying the mystic arts of two sorcerers supreme. Upon seeing the Deathlok-controlled Avengers Mountain, Avenger Prime was amazed that the last of his Deathlok soldiers had returned to his post, noting that the Multiverse always seem to have a way of providing what was needed. Greeting the Deathlok, Avenger Prime warned that, even if Celestial form, the First Firmament's power could mean the end of him, to which the Deathlok replied that he'd already died once before and it didn't stop him then. The Deathlok/Avengers Mountain then plunged his hand into the First Firmament breach, plugging in, but Avenger Prime quickly noted that the power had immediately begun tearing the Deathlok's Celestial body apart. After Earth-616's Ghost Rider took over the deceased planet-sized Doom counterpart and hurled it into the breach to plug it, Mephisto gloated that the breach was not something they could plug like a leaky dike and Avenger Prime agreed, noting that the God Quarry was composed of the same bedrock as the First Firmament and that nothing on their side of the breach could hold back the First Firmament's power for long. Avenger Prime subsequently witness Ghost Rider volunteer himself to enter the breach and seal it from the other side. Ghost Rider was successful at sealing the breach and Avenger Prime confirmed comments that they had just won the battle. With the remaining Doom counterparts in custody and the injured tending their wounds, Avenger Prime questioned what would become of those whose worlds were lost to the Multiversal Masters of Evil during the lead up to Mephisto's attack on the God Quarry.

    Following the halt of the First Firmament's power, Earth-616's Orb informed Mephisto, serving his penance by being forced back into his position as a Hell-Lord, that Avenger Prime no longer stood watch over the Multiverse alone. At that moment, a more relaxed Avenger Prime ordered his Multiversal Avengers to perform reconnaissance checks on the realities restored by the prehistoric Phoenix and modern day Starbrand after the breach was sealed. Summoning the Multiversal Carol Corps and Howling Commandos into action, Avenger Prime told the soldiers to watch themselves out in the Multiverse and as the Carol Corps and Howling Commandos departed for their various realities, Ant-Man-818 asked what the remaining Multiversal Avengers should do. Avenger Prime replied that Ant-Man needn't worry, as they never wait too long for a day unlike any other.

Comments: Created by Jason Aaron, Bryan Hitch, Andrew Currie and Alex Sinclair.

    For the purposes of clarification, all characters listed in Avenger Prime's Group Affiliations, Affiliations and Enemies are Earth-18201 counterparts except where specifically noted as being from other realities.

    Avenger Prime's height and weight are presumed to be the same as his Earth-616 counterpart, Loki.

    While we are never told who Loki's true father was, we do know that he was the adopted son of Odin, so it seems likely that Loki's father is Laufey, as is the case in numerous realities including Reality-616. With that in mind, Loki's last name is likely Laufeyson.

Profile by Proto-Man.

Earth-18201's Avenger Prime
should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
Avengers Forever II#15, p20, splash page (Avenger Prime casting a spell, main image)
Avengers Forever II#14, p12, pan2 (Avenger Prime, headshot)
Avengers VII#65, p1, pan3 (Loki as a child)
Avengers VII#65, p2, pan1 (Loki as All-Father)
Avengers VII#65, p4, pan2 (Loki in hooded disguise)
Avengers VII#65, p12, pan3 (Loki constructing Avengers Tower)
Avengers Forever Infinity Comic I#4 (Avenger Prime in obscuring robe)
Avengers Assemble Alpha#1, p4, pan1 (Avenger Prime in a suit & Thor helmet)
Avengers Forever II#13, p20, splash page (Avenger Prime shedding suit to reveal Loki armor)
Avengers Forever II#14, p14, pan2 (Avenger Prime wielding mystic sword)
Avengers Assemble Omega#1, p56-57, pan2 (Avenger Prime in a suit with a coffee cup)

Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk#1 (October, 2021) - "The Tower at the Center of Everything" story - Jason Aaron (writer), Iban Coello (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VII#50 (February, 2022) - "An Earth Unlike Any Other (Just Like All the Rest)" story - Jason Aaron (writer), Aaron Kuder, Carlos Pacheco, Rafael Fonteriz, Ed McGuinness, Javier Garron (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VII#51 (February, 2022) - Jason Aaron (writer), Juan Frigeri (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Timeless I#1 (February, 2022) - Jed McKay (writer), Kev Walker, Greg Land, Jay Leisten, Mark Bagley, Andrew Hennessy (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers Forever II#2 (March, 2022) - Jason Aaron (writer), Aaron Kuder, Carlos Magno (pencils), Scott Hanna, Roberto Poggi, Cam Smith (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VII#53 (April, 2022) - Jason Aaron (writer), Juan Frigeri (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers Forever Infinity Comic I#4 (April, 2022) - Jason Aaron (writer), Kev Walker (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers Forever II#3 (May, 2022) - Jason Aaron (writer), Aaron Kuder (pencils), Cam Smith, Scott Hanna (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers Forever II#4 (May, 2022) - Jason Aaron (writer), Jim Towe, Guru-eFX (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VII#56 (July, 2022) - Jason Aaron (writer), Javier Garron (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Savage Avengers II#4 (October, 2022) - David Pepose (writer), Carlos Magno (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers Assemble Alpha#1 (January, 2023) - Jason Aaron (writer), Bryan Hitch, Andrew Currie, Alex Sinclair (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers Forever II#11 (January, 2023) - Jason Aaron (writer), Jim Towe, Frank Martin (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers Forever II#12 (February, 2023) - Jason Aaron (writer), Aaron Kuder, Mark Farmer, Frank Martin (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers Forever II#13 (March, 2023) - Jason Aaron (writer), Aaron Kuder, Mark Farmer, Frank Martin (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VII#65 (April, 2023) - Jason Aaron (writer), Javier Garron (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers Forever II#14 (April, 2023) - Jason Aaron (writer), Jim Towe, Frank Martin, Chris Sotomayor, Morry Hollowell (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers VII#66 (May, 2023) - Jason Aaron (writer), Javier Garron (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers Forever II#15 (May, 2023) - Jason Aaron (writer), Aaron Kuder, Mark Farmer, Frank Martin (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Avengers Assemble Omega#1 (June, 2023) - Jason Aaron (writer), Aaron Kuder, Dexter Vines, Ivan Fiorelli, Javier Garron, Jim Towe, Alex Sinclair (art), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First posted08/21/2024
Last updated: 08/21/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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