full bodyBal Cyphyro

Real Name: Bal Cyphyro

Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Dark Dimension) magic-user

Occupation: Hunter

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Dormammu (master), the Hosts of Hoggoth

Enemies: Stephen Strange, Mindless Ones

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: The Astral Planes, toward the borders of the Dark Dimension

First Appearance: The Mystic Hands of Doctor Strange#1/4 (May, 2010)

Powers/Abilities: Experienced in various forms of magic, Bal Cyphyro was able to launch spells with minimum gestures, without using the hands and even without any perceptible somatic component. With a shrug he could cast a spell which restrained an enemy with a magical net. The net had abjuration properties that negated magic cast by the restrained prey.

    His knowledge of the Astral Planes was so deep that he could cross the Planes through sheer exertion of his will, covering ethereal distances with a simple bow of his head.

    His defenses against magic were amazingly efficient: a simple shrug to shatter the Rings of Raggador, and a simple gesture to vanquish the Bands of Cyttorak.

    He carried weapons with which he was very proficient, up to the point his fame mentioned them: "...whose sword is a blasphemy, whose lance is despair."
    ...or did that just mean that he used blasphemy and despair as weapons?--Snood

    The knight wore an armor that changed color, probably depending on the emotion or the desire he felt in that moment.

    He rode a steed, a beast of nauseating appearance for a human being.

Height: "Twice as tall as a man" (approximately 12')
Weight: Unrevealed (eight times the weight of a man;
approximately 1600 lbs.)
Eyes: Unrevealed (hidden by armor)
Unrevealed (hidden by armor)
Voice: Like a surgeon's knife scalpel scraping a knob of bone

(The Mystic Hands of Doctor Strange#1/4 (fb)) - Bal Cyphyro came from the Dark Dimension, but he roamed the Astral Planes, which he knew very well. He traveled through them with extreme ease, bypassing the concepts of distance and speed. He hunted in those realms, and he was satisfied when he found a prey that could please his master, Dormammu. Bal Cyphyro considered his service to Dormammu to be a glory and a pride.

    When Bal Cyphyro met Stephen Strange on the Astral Plane, he easily captured him with his magical net. The spells that the human sorcerer hurled at him were easily dismissed. Bal seized the little prey on his ride and carried him through the Astral Planes, hoping that the human would be of some pleasure for his master, Dormammu.

    They reached the Dark Dimension. When they rode near the barrier that held the Mindless Ones at bay, the black armored knight made his steed turn away from the barrier. Even Bal Cyphyro did not wish contact with those destructive forces. However, his prey had been trained for nineteen months by the Ancient One, and he was an intelligent one. Stephen Strange had guessed that Bal Cyphyro moved in the Astral Plane via his force of will. After some attempts, the human sorcerer succeeded in moving all the three creatures a bit: knight, steed and prey shifted a short distance, but enough to fall beyond the barrier!

    The Mindless brutes immediately moved toward them. Bal Cyphyro managed to unsheathe his sword, but an optic blast tore his arm apart. His steed was torn asunder. His prey, still entrapped into a net, tumbled near the sword, luckily. Stephen Strange used the blade to free himself from the net, tafter which he managed to move away in the way he had learned from Bal Cyphyro.

    By the time Strange had reached a tangent realm an instant later, Bal Cyhpyro was already dead.

Comments: Created by Mike Carey and Marcos Martin.

    Doctor Strange registered his encounter with Bal Cyphyro in his journal.

Profile by Spidermay.

Bal Cyphyro
should be distinguished from:

images: (without ads)
The Mystic Hands of Doctor Strange#1/4, page 2, panel 1

The Mystic Hands of Doctor Strange#1/4 (May, 2010), Mike Carey (writer), Marcos Martin (art), Jody Leheup & John Barber (editors)

First Posted: 01/24/2025
Last updated: 01/24/2025

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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