Real Name: Bêlit (see comments)
Identity/Class: Human;
Hyborian era;
Shemite citizen
Occupation: Pirate
Group Membership: Black Corsairs (Ajonga
(possibly aka Ajongo), Asambi, Awogmu, Baktu, Basara, Bataga, B'Tumi,
Chama, Datira, Laboto, Laranga (possibly aka Lasanga +/- Laranaga
+/- Lasunga, Matawa, M'Gora, N'Yaga, Odongo, Ohanu, Tabak, Yalonga, Yasunga, (presumably aka Yarunga +/- Yasanga +/- Yaranga), Zula); formerly Awogmu and Kawaku)
Affiliations: Aluna, Astarta, Bal-Yamm (Asgalunum priest of Ishtar), Conan of Cimmeria, Florannus and his Argossean crew, Karanthes, M'Gora (see comments), N'Yaga, N'Yami (daughter of Watambi chief Ombassa) and other women imprisoned as mates for Ajaga, Publio, Red Sonja of Hyrkania, Sholo, Ta-No, Uriaz (she saved his life), Watambi tribe (Ombassa), Zula;
on good terms after meeting with Kull, Brule, and the Black Legion of the City of Wonder from the pre-Cataclysmic era;
the sea god associated with Aluna destroyed Kelka, the city of her enemies, but also interfered with her looting of the city;
briefly and of convenience with Imbalayo and his
Stygian warriors and a group of Hyrkanians formerly employed by
she certainly revered Bel, god of thieves;
among the other gods she referenced/considered were
Adonis, Ashtoreth, Ishtar, Kimri, Morfi, Kushite god of sleep, and his mate, Kimra;
formerly Awogmu, Kawaku and other Black Corsairs who mutinied against her, Neftha (later Ctesphon III),
Enemies: Ajaga and his warriors (notably Krato & Beeya) and his leopard familiar, Akkheba and the brutish warrior-men of Kelka (including Wharto), Amra of Aquilonian descent, the Argus' crew, Awogmu, Barachan pirates (notably Auro), Bekhet, King Ctesphon I, King Ctesphon II, King Ctesphon III (Neftha), devil-crabs/crab-men/man-crabs, Dwellers in Darkness, Ghomli and his warriors, giant-king, Hath-Horeb, Hawk-Riders of Harakht (notably Kamut and their trainer, Ator), Hor-Neb
of Harakht, Kawaku and other traitorous Black Corsairs, Prince Khauman of Stygia, Makeda, unidentified Man-Serpent, Mound-Dwellers, moth-creature, Nim-Karrak, Ptor-Nubis, Riders of the River-Dragons, sea-witch, Serpent Men, Set,
a shoggoth, snow-skins (Ta-No's race), Stygians in general,
Tezcatlipoca of the Isle of Mists and his pygmy agents and gaunt
servant, Thoth-Amon, Tito, Uriaz (she forced him into an unwanted kingship), Uzumi, winged horror; unidentified sorcerer of the Black Ring, unidentified sabre-toothed tiger, unidentified sea serpent (resembling a long-necked
aquatic dinosaur, such as a plesiosauroid);;
the sea god associated with Aluna destroyed Kelka, the city of her enemies, but also interfered with her looting of the city;
formerly Karanthes, Red Sonja of Hyrkania, Sholo;
she was jealous of Aluna, N'Yami (daughter of Watambi chief Ombassa), and Ta-No (of the people of the Frozen Land);
she never even met or heard of Anya of Luxur or
Bardylis of Attalus, but she would not have liked them, and Conan may
or may have had relations with them while he was away from Bêlit;
unidentified pirates who abducted her; unidentified priests of Ishtar
Known Relatives: Atrahasis (father, deceased), Nim-Karrak (paternal uncle);
Derketa (alleged mother)
Aliases: Queen of the Black Coast, "Goddess" (translation of name in Shemite), Mistress of the Tigress, Chieftain of the Silver Isles, She-Devil;
"Hellion" (from Stygian Priest); "Shemite Hellcat" (from Stygian galley crewman);
an unidentified priest in the Temple of a Thousand Gods made her appear to be Derketa (at least to Conan)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly mobile aboard the Tigress ship;
perished in a lost city along the river Zarkheba;
formerly unidentified southern isles, south of Kush;
formerly Asgalun, Shem
First Appearance: Weird Tales#23/5 "Queen of the Black Coast" (May, 1934);
(Marvel; mentioned only) Giant-Size Conan#1 (September, 1974);
(Marvel, seen) Conan the Barbarian I#58 (January, 1976)
Powers/Abilities: Bêlit was an experienced pirate, ship captain, and sailor.
She was a fierce warrior, using both spear and dagger, as well as bow
and arrow. She would also punch, kick, and scratch in a fight.
Unafraid of male warriors much larger than her, she could throw a man over her back.
She was a woman of extreme passions, with avarice, vengeance, love, and jealousy her main driving forces.
Her strength of love for Conan was so great that she
was able to briefly return from death to save him from death at the
hands of the creature that had slain her.
She was also a seductive dancer
Height: Unrevealed (approximately 5'8")
Weight: Unrevealed (approximately 135 lbs.)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
(Conan the Barbarian I#58 (fb) - BTS / Conan
the Barbarian I#59 (fb) - BTS) - For generations, Bêlit's forebears were kings in the northern Shemite city-state Asgalun.
the Barbarian I#59 (fb)) - Motherless (see comments),
Bêlit -- whose name means "goddess" in the Shemitish tongue -- was
raised by her loving father, King Atrahasis, who taught her sailing and
a passion for the sea aboard his ship, the Tigress. 
the Barbarian I#59 (fb)) - Bêlit's non-royal education was conducted by Atrahasis' informal advisor, N'Yaga, who found her to be open, loving, and
N'Yaga taught her mainly about love and responsibility.
the Barbarian I#59 (fb)) - Playfully climbing out of bed one night, Bêlit observed as Atrahasis and his most faithful
retainers were slain by Stygians smuggled into the city by Atrahasis' brother, Nim-Karrak.
the Barbarian I#59 (fb)) - Via good fortune and with a handful of royal
guardsmen, N'Yaga fled with Bêlit, sparing her from her father's fate,
and escaped aboard the Tigress, which he had ordered
ever-ready to sail. Traveling south of Kush, they arrived in the Silver
Isles in which N'Yaga had grown up.
Although the others from the Tigress were slain by
local warriors atop their birds-that-run, N'Yaga got the warriors'
attention via using the priests of Shem's fire-casting powders. The
warriors recalled N'Yaga's
name, and he told them that Bêlit was the daughter of the death goddess
Derketa. Although Chief Uzumi was skeptical, he begrudgingly allowed
them into their village.
Keeping a low profile, N'Yaga raised Bêlit, who
proved to be a powerful warrior.

the Barbarian I#59 (fb)) - <Three
years before the main story> - As an adult, when Bêlit insisted she
one of the tribe's warriors, Uzumi sent her on a seemingly
doomed mission to retrieve the Eye of Dagon from the nearly blind
man-worms known as
the Mound-Dwellers. Despite N'Yaga's advice that she flee, Bêlit
insisted on completing the mission, and N'Yaga secretly slipped a vial
of liquid
silver (mercury?) into her side-pouch so that she might use it to
replace the shiny Eye she would steal from the Mound-Dwellers.

Bêlit stole the Eye without using the silver, but when she returned to
village and warned of the pursuing Mound-Dwellers, Uzumi condemned her
for bringing this threat. Grabbing Uzumi by the throat, Bêlit
apparently intimidated him into proclaiming her the daughter of
Derketa; not satisfied with this, she poured the liquid silver down his throat
and then leapt away as the Mound-Dwellers erupted through the ground. The Man-Worms then pulled Uzumi
back to their lair, apparently planning to tear the silver from his
N'Yaga subsequently proclaimed Bêlit's success to be a
result of her being the daughter of Derketa, and former sub-chieftain
M'Gora supported this and convinced the others to hail her as Chieftain
the Silver Isles, after which she vowed to lead them to become pirates
on the open sea, punishing those who had previously raided them; she
further noted her goal of becoming queen of Asgalun.
(Conan the Barbarian I#72) (fb) - BTS - Bêlit sought to raise funds to pay for mercenary troops to reconquer Asgalun,
(Conan the Barbarian I#58 (fb) - BTS) - Bêlit ranged the sea from the coasts of Zingara to the fires of the ultimate south.
(Conan the Barbarian I#58 (fb) - BTS) - Bêlit and her
Black Corsairs harried the shipping along Kush and the rest of the
Black Coast, sending many a tradesman to the bottom of the sea.
(Conan the Barbarian I#73 (fb) - BTS) - Bêlit stored her gathered treasures on an
unidentified island, beneath an ornate slab within the
Temple of the Toad, near the Well of Skelos. Only M'Gora and "a few chosen others" were allowed to accompany her into the island's jungles.
(Conan the Barbarian I#58 (fb) - BTS) - Bêlit and her
Black Corsairs developed a reputation as savage and deadly warriors,
with Bêlit considered a She-Devil by many, including the captain of the
(Conan the Barbarian I#100 (fb)) - Bêlit led the
Black Corsairs in pursuit of a Stygian galley that fled up the mouth of
the Zarkheba river. Considering the poison waters and the jungle so
foreboding, Bêlit had the Tigress wait there, figuring they would turn
back. Days later, the galley came floating back out, with its decks
bloodstained and deserted except for one man who was stark, stairly
madly, and he died gibbering. The cargo was intact.
(Conan the Barbarian I#100 (fb)) - The Black Corsairs presumably claimed the cargo and departed the region.
(Conan the Barbarian I#100 (fb) - BTS) - Bêlit heard tales of giant towers and walls in a city on the river Zarkheba.
(Conan the Barbarian I#58 (fb) - BTS) - Bêlit and her Black Corsairs slaughtered a group of tribesman on the coast of Kush.
(Conan the Barbarian I#58) - Aboard the Tigress, Bêlit and her Black Corsairs
approached the ship Argus as it sailed along the coasts of Kush.
Fearing Bêlit's reputation, Master Tito ordered his crew to row to
escape. A mile from the shore, the first arrow from the Tigress struck
down one of the Argus' crew. The Tigress soon caught up to the Argus,
and Bêlit stood on a raised platform, commanding her crew. As arrows
bounced harmlessly off his armor, Conan drew an arrow, but some whim or
qualm caused him to target the warrior at Bêlit's side, rather than
Bêlit herself. The Black Corsairs then dove from the Tigress onto the
Argus and began to slaughter its crew, leading Conan to drop his bow
and arrow and join the fight with his sword.
While Conan's armor helped him resist swordstrikes,
a Black Corsair shot Tito in the arm, and another, Odongo, finished him
with an axe. Conan then broke free and scrambled onto the Tigress' deck
and slew multiple crewmen before being cornered by numerous spearmen.
Bêlit called to her men (calling them "sea-wolves") to halt so she
could speak with this savage one. She asked Conan who he was and from
whence he had come; prepared for treachery, Conan nonetheless
recognized the light that burned in her dark eyes. When he told her he
came from Argos (which is where he boarded the Argus), Bêlit noted that
he was no soft Hyborian and that she had never seen his like: "You are
fierce and hard as a gray wolf!"
Bêlit decided to test this "wolf" against a "coal
tiger," and instructed Conan -- at the threat of her spear-tossers --
to face her large warrior Odongo, each armed only with a dagger. She
watched as Conan ultimately threw Odongo overboard where he was
apparently torn apart by sharks. Instructing Conan to look at her, she
noted that he was as cold as the snowy mountains that bred him, his
eyes were never dimmed by city lights, and his thews were never softened
by life and marble walls. She told him to become her king (as she was a
queen by fire, steel, and slaughter), to crush her with his fierce love
and to go with her to the ends of Earth and sea.
Realizing that Bêlit's crew considered her a goddess
and drawn to her vibrant nature (as well as considering he had no other
good options), Conan agreed to sail with her. Bêlit then instructed
N'Yaga to dress her wounds; and, with the plunder aboard, she
instructed the rest of the crew to prepare to cast off.
As the Tigress moved southward, Bêlit commanded her
crew to behold "the love dance of Bêlit, whose fathers were kings of
Asgalun." After performing her dance, she let out a wild cry as she
threw herself at Conan's feet; overcome with desire, Conan pulled her
to him, crushing her panting form against his armored shirt as they
kissed passionately.
the Barbarian I#59) - Bêlit led Conan and the Black Corsairs in
slaughtering the crew of a Stygian galley that had hoped to raid the
coasts of Kush; after she had personally slain at least a couple
crewmen, a Stygian priest stopped her from slaying a warrior,
surrendering their ship
and their treasure, after which he levied a curse on Bêlit and himself.
Bêlit thought it curious that the priest had focused more on Conan than
on herself, after which she let her passion for Conan soothe her rage,
and she invited him back to their room, after she had had a chance to
bathe, cleaning the Stygian blood from her skin.
the Barbarian I#59 - BTS) - Conan subsequently asked N'Yaga why Bêlit hated the Stygians so much,
and N'Yaga related their history together.
the Barbarian I#59) - Although Conan
suspected N'Yaga was embellishing the tale, he soon saw that Bêlit
still possessed the Eye of Dagon.
the Barbarian I#60) - Aboard the Tigress, though they had frightened
ships from sailing the region, Bêlit interrupted Conan's making sport
of teaching her men to wrestle and instead challenged Conan to a
swordfight. As Conan was a far more experienced swordsman, Bêlit became
frustrated and attacked ever-more-furiously; even when Conan offered to
teach her, she became more enraged. Finally, Conan restrained and
calmed her after he had dodged a potentially lethal-strike.
Noting that she had a hard time accepting her
limits, Bêlit asked Conan if there was ever a woman who could compare
with the best of men in swordplay. When Conan told her about Red Sonja,
Bêlit became jealous. Conan kissed her passionately, but they were
interrupted by notation of passing the poisonous river Zarkheba, which
Bêlit noted meant death.
They continued south and
entered another river to meet with the Watambi. After Bêlit described
her giving them the gift of life in exchange for their ivory, Conan
suggested she could gain more ivory by trading some of the lesser things they had
obtained. When Ombassa, chief of the Watambi, noted that they had no
ivory, Conan stopped Bêlit from slaying him, and
he related how their ivory had been stolen by the Riders of the
River-Dragons. When Ombassa invited them back to their village to watch
and strengthen their ritual to ward off the Riders, Bêlit brought Conan, N'Yaga, and
her men with her while sending M'Gora to take half of their men back to
the Tigress.
More accustomed to the rituals of gods like Ishtar
and Ashtoreth, Bêlit disliked the ritual, and when the ritual --
involving the chief's daughter, N'Yami, engaging in mock battle against
those acting as the Riders' -- became violent and led Conan to
intervene to save N'Yami, Bêlit again became jealous. When she asked
N'Yaga for more of the Watambi's brew, N'Yaga added some crushed powder
to relax her. When Conan returned, Bêlit expressed her sleepiness and
had him carry her back to their tent.
Conan was awakened when the Riders of the
River-Dragons arrived, and he left the tent to investigate and then
battle the attackers.
the Barbarian I#60 (fb) - BTS) - As Bêlit slept under the influence of
drugs, she was abducted by other members of the Riders of the
the Barbarian I#60 - BTS) - Conan led the Watambi to drive off the
Riders of the River Dragons, after which he found Bêlit missing and
vowed to lead the Watambi against the Riders to recover Bêlit and/or
send all of the Riders to Hell.
the Barbarian I#61) - Bound atop the mount of Tindaga, the leader of the Riders
of the River Dragons, Bêlit learned of their fear of Amra before
freeing herself, swimming to the shore, and escaping into the jungle
before the Riders could follow. Exhausted, she slept at the base of a
tree until being attacked by a giant moth-creature; although she fought
back, she was eventually bound by its sticky threads and might have
been devoured by it until it was decapitated by Amra, who -- beside
Sholo -- shouted his name.
the Barbarian I#61 - BTS) - Meanwhile, Conan was accompanied by perhaps
three Watambi tribesmen, followed Bêlit's trail, eventually
encountering and slaughtering the Riders of the River Dragon and
capturing their leader.
the Barbarian I#62) - Recognizing Amra by name and appreciating --
based on his knowledge of the Riders having been bringing her to him --
that Amra had been trailing them from the start, Bêlit refused Amra's
instruction to become his mate. When she insisted he direct her back to
the Watambi village, Sholo mistook this for a challenge and prepared to
attack her until Amra's monstrous growls, strong grip, and direct
orders had caused Sholo to leave them alone. When Bêlit tried to
depart, Amra grabbed her hand, pulled her close, and kissed her.
Although briefly considering that his strength matched Conan's and
imagining she was back in Conan's arms, Bêlit resisted and struck
Amra's facing, leaving the enraged Amra to punch her and knock her out.
He then carried her down the hill.
the Barbarian I#62 (fb) - BTS) - Amra bound Bêlit's arms and lit a fire.
the Barbarian I#62) - Awakening, Bêlit recalled N'Yaga's advice to
sheath her temper when it would do her more harm, and -- vaguely
recognizing his accent, she led Amra to tell her his origins. After he
repeated that she would become his bride, she again denied this,
stating her name and noting that she was revered as a goddess. Having
heard the legends of Bêlit, Amra nonetheless considered that this would
make her a fitting mate for the Lord of the Lions.
Amra then brought Bêlit to the Lair of the Lions,
and then showed her its chamber of treasures, at which point Makeda,
formerly prized among Amra's mates, attempted to attack her. Bêlit
kicked Makeda back, and then Amra banished her from the Lair.
the Barbarian I#62 (fb) - BTS) - Before departing the Lair, Makeda
vengefully performed a spell to unleash the spider-like
Dwellers-in-Darkness who had been trapped beneath the Lair long before.
the Barbarian I#62 - BTS) - Saving the departing Makeda from a leopard,
Conan learned of the white-skinned woman within the Lair, with Amra, as
well as the threat that Makeda had unleashed.
the Barbarian I#63) - Amra brought Bêlit to the lion altar and spoke to
the god of the maned ones, but when Bêlit reiterated that she already
had a mate who would cut him to ribbons, Amra grabbed her by the hair,
leading her to call him a jackal and further enrage him. As Bêlit
struggled against her bonds, a drop of blood fell to the ground,
leading one of the lions to leap to the attack. After Amra slew the
lion, Bêlit worried whether even Conan could stand against him.
The Dwellers-in-Darkness subsequently opened a trap beneath Bêlit and carried her away.
Eventually, both Conan (alongside the Watambi Anaki
and Otari) and Amra reached Bêlit, who used a jagged stone to sever her
bonds and to join the men in fighting against the creatures. After the
creatures fled, Amra forced a confrontation with Conan over Bêlit,
which ultimately led to Amra's death. The Lair of the Lions
subsequently collapsed, and Bêlit escaped alongside Conan, Anaki, and
Otari. They were subsequently confronted by Sholo, who bowed,
apparently acknowledging Conan as his master, leading the Watambi to
proclaim Conan as the new Amra.
(Savage Sword of Conan I#107/2) - Bêlit led the Black Corsairs aboard
the Tigress to assault a ship belonging to priests of Ishtar, which she
was confident would be returning to Asgalun with tribute collected from
the isles. After Conan leapt from a height and slew a spear-wielding
sailor from the targeted ship, appreciating that the bright sun would
blind the man, Conan advised Bêlit that this was an old trick in the
hills of Cimmeria and that she could learn something from him.
Conan battled and overwhelmed the priests of
Ishtar's immense warrior, Olgo, who was eventually commanded by a
priest to dive overboard with the ship's treasure chest to prevent the
thieves from attaining it. After Conan dove after Olgo, retrieved the
chest, and found it empty, Bêlit showed him the real chest and noted
this to have been an old trick in these waters. Conan appreciated that
he had much to learn, as well.
(Conan the Barbarian I#73 (fb) - BTS) - At some point,
Bêlit had Conan join her in storing her hidden treasures. 
(Conan the Barbarian I#65) - As no other
merchants in Argos would deal with the Black Corsairs due to the
history of Ahmaan the Merciless and his Black Corsairs who raided the
Hyborian cities 100 years before, Bêlit made plans to deal with Publio
despite his reputation for treachery.
Before they could reach Argos, however, they were confronted by at
least four Stygian ships, who had presumably been watching out for
them, and they were forced to flee farther out into the ocean despite
her Black Corsairs fear of the curse of Dagon in those water.
Arriving at the "Isle of Mists," Bêlit stopped to
gather food and supplies but instead found the corpse of Ahmaan, whose
axe Conan claimed although no others could lift it. However, they were
then subdued by a gong and Conan, Bêlit, N'Yaga, and Baktu were brought
before the master of the isle, Tezcatlipoca, who had slain Ahmaan a
century before. Thinking to sacrifice Bêlit to prolong the life of
himself and his servants, Tezcatlipoca had Conan imprisoned and then
sacrificed the Black Corsair Baktu. After Tezcatlipoca complained of
loneliness, Bêlit convinced him to free her and be lonely no more, but
she instantly used the knife to stab Tezcatlipoca, seemingly slaying
him. After she freed N'Yaga, she freed Conan, who used that same knife
to decapitate the feathered serpent that attacked him.
Tezcatlipoca subsequently confronted the pair,
unharmed by any of their attacks, until N'Yaga seemingly reanimated
Ahmaan, distracting the sorcerer so that Conan could reach Ahmaan's axe
and slay him. As the temple crumbled, Bêlit, Conan, and N'Yaga fled
back to the Tigress.
(Conan the Barbarian I#66) - Paying off dock
guards Flavian and Tempus, Bêlit entered Messantia, Argos peacefully
alongside Conan, M'Gora, Ajonja, Lasunga and one other Black Corsair.
One of the Corsairs was slain by masked assassins before the others
drove them off. Meeting with Publio -- who claimed the killers to have
been from a rival merchant -- and pressuring him to pay fairly in
Shemite gold, they also took a job from him to recover a page from the
Iron-Bound Book of Skelos, which was within the Temple of a Thousand
Gods. There a priest made Bêlit and Conan believe they were fighting
animated statues of Dagon and Derketa when they were actually fighting
each other. After Conan realized the truth, the priest allowed the
spell to fade and gave them passage to obtain the page, but they then
encountered Red Sonja, who had also come seeking the page...
(Marvel Feature II#6 - BTS) - ...sent there by Karanthes.
(Conan the Barbarian I#67) - As Sonja and then
Conan related the events that had brought them there, mutual taunts led
to a swordfight between Bêlit and Sonja. When Sonja proved the better
swordswoman, Bêlit cast aside her sword and challenged Sonja to a knife
fight, but Sonja instead sliced the room's torch, casting it into
darkness, and fled with the page they had all sought. Conan led Bêlit
back out front to Sonja's horse, preventing her escape, after which he
sent Bêlit back to her ship, as the men had been ordered to sail at
dawn if she had not returned.
(Conan the Barbarian I#67 - BTS) - Bêlit briefly met with her Black Corsairs before returning to Messantia.
(Conan the Barbarian I#67) - Bêlit returned to
stab through the chest a Messantian guard trying to stab Conan from
behind, having assaulted him after his liberation of his friend Yusef
from their dungeon. Before departing with his lover Tara, Yusef told
Conan of the old man
who had died after telling him how he had stolen a page from
Thoth-Amon's copy of the Book of Skelos, as well as something about the
Black Legions of Valusia.
After Sonja took advantage of the distraction to
reclaim her horse and flee the city, Bêlit cursed the "Hyrkanian hussy"
and noted that she wished she had had her bow and arrow. 
(Marvel Feature II#7) - Pursuing Sonja, Conan and
Bêlit were hindered by a Karanthes-caused rockslide from which Conan
saved Bêlit. Subsequently coming to a fork in the road, Conan and Bêlit
split up and continued their pursuit.
(Conan the Barbarian I#68) - Bêlit caught up to Conan and Sonja -- who had made peace and united in pursuit of the unidentified Black Ring sorceror
who had stolen the page from Karanthes. Hearing their mutual praises,
Bêlit grew jealous and challenged Sonja again, but Conan broke up the
fight, assuring Bêlit that his relationship with Sonja was purely as
comrades-in-arms. Bêlit suspected that Karanthes had cast a spell upon
Conan and Sonja that now engulfed her as well, allowing them to keep
pace with the flying sorcerer.
Riding in silence for hours, they eventually came
upon the City of Wonders -- transported forward in time from the
pre-Cataclysmic era by the Black Ring sorcerer as part of a plot to
establish his own power base -- wherein they encountered King Kull. As
the Black Ring sorcerer (in the form of the pictish shaman Gonar)
provoked conflict, Conan and Kull met in battle, and Bêlit and Sonja
stood back with swords drawn, ready to prevent Kull's Black Legions
from interfering. Ultimately, after Kull mentioned the fire-jewel that
was missing from his crown, Conan produced the fire-jewel given to him
by Karanthes. When Kull replaced it, the Black Ring sorcerer's spell
was disrupted, revealing his true form, and Conan slew the sorcerer
with an arrow before he could fully transform into his more powerful
bat-thing form; as he fell, however, the Skelos-page burnt into ashes.
At Conan's urging, he, Bêlit, and Sonja exited the
castle before it had vanished back to its own time, and they returned
to Karanthes. Not receiving any payment from Karanthes due to the loss
of the page, the trio refused his offer to retrieve an entire Book of
Skelos from Thoth-Amon's stronghold in Stygia. As Sonja headed back
toward her original destination of Venzia, Bêlit wished the gods of
Shem to guide her there and noted that Sonja was not the ogre she had
originally thought. Sonja replied, "Thanks, Neither are you...probably."
(Conan the Barbarian I#69) - Seeing Conan
practicing archery, she mocked his difficulty due to the rolling sea
and fired a perfect bullseye. When she noted that she would like to see
Red Sonja due that, Conan again assured her that Sonja thought no more
of him than she did of her horse. Demonstrating his proficiency, Conan
told her of his previous adventure involving the Western Sea, involving
the Demon out of the Depths. She wondered how he knew of the creature's
weakness and need to return to the sea, and he suggested that the ocean
itself may have told him.
(Conan the Barbarian I#70) - Beset by a powerful
storm, Bêlit chastised her crew and Conan, ultimately getting them
through it and ending up discovering an island, the nearby rocks of
which damaged the Tigress' hull. With N'Yaga having injured by a
treasure-laden chest during the storm, Bêlit checked on him and left a
skeleton crew on the Tigress while she, Conan, and the others went
When the brutish male inhabitants of the towering city of Kelka
rushed out to the attack, Bêlit and the others drove them back inside,
after which Aluna, handmaiden of Astoreth (actually Astarta), convinced
them to consider a barter. Akkheba, priest of "Ashtoreth" offered gold
if they would protect them from the Barachan pirates who would soon
arrive to forcibly claim their yearly tribute.
Bêlit agreed, but she
forbade any of the men from entering the city, which contained numerous
beautiful women. As the Black Corsairs repaired the Tigress, Conan
spoke to Aluna, and Bêlit was clearly jealous.
Soon enough, the Barrachan pirates, led by Auro,
arrived, but the fierce assault led by Conan and Bêlit, forced them to
flee. Afterward, Conan convinced Bêlit to accept Akkheba's offer of
hospitality, but at the subsequent celebration, Bêlit, Conan, and the
Black Corsairs present all fell victim to drugged wine and were
captured with the plan of being sacrificed to "Ashtoreth."
(Conan the Barbarian I#71 (fb) - BTS) - Bêlit, Conan, and the Black Corsairs were imprisoned in stone dungeon.
(Conan the Barbarian I#71) - After Conan pulled
free a loose large stone from the cell wall (which he suspected to have
been placed there by the city's original builders), Bêlit and the Black
Corsairs escaped with him, and Bêlit sent the Black Corsairs back to
the Tigress. She and Conan then returned to the city, intending to loot
its gold and to rescue Aluna, also planned for sacrifice; although
Bêlit orignally opposed this due to jealousy, a kiss and a strong
affirimation of his love convinced her.
Arriving too late to save Aluna, Bêlit and Conan
discovered and freed "Ashtoreth," who was actually a woman named
Astarta granted immortality by her unidentified sea god husband who had
long been both an object of worship for the people of Kelka and an
instrument of power for the priests.
With the Barachan pirates having returned to storm
the city with aid from the treacherous Black Corsair Kawaku, Conan and
Bêlit fought their way to Akkheba, whom Bêlit slew with her spear. With
Akkheba dead, his magic that prevented Astarta from calling to her sea
god husband faded, and the sea god then apparently generated waves to destroy the city.
Conan and
Bêlit fled, as did Auro and the Barachan pirates, and they returned to
their ships. When Conan wondered whether Astarta had survived and been
carried off by the sea like the bride she was, Bêlit mocked that
carrying a bride tradition until Conan picked her up and carried her
back to her cabin; she then decided that there were some customs about
which she had a thing or two to learn.
(Savage Sword of Conan I#86/2 (fb) - BTS) - A one-eyed pirate abducted Bêlit, intending to ransom her.
(Savage Sword of Conan I#86/2) - Conan led the
Black Corsairs to board the pirate ship, slaughter the pirates, and
free Bêlit. Back aboard the Tigress, Conan and Bêlit shared a night of
(Conan the Barbarian I#72) - After raiding a
Shemite ship and chastizing Kawaku for slaying a man after he
surrendered, Bêlit learned that N'Yaga was getting worse, and only an
herb hidden in Asgalun's royal bedchamber could save him.
As a result,
Conan and Bêlit entered Asgalun, posing as a weapons-maker and his
wife. Finding the city overrun and unofficially controlled by the
Stygians, Conan had to trip Bêlit and then pretend that they were
acrobats to play it off when she moved to assault the Stygians.
They were invited to the royal palace, where
Bêlit grabbed a sword, presumably intending to slay the puppet-ruler
Nim-Karrak (who did not recognize her), but his "advisor," Black Ring
sorcerer Ptor-Nubis touched her forehead, ensorcelling her. Thus
controlled, she fiercely fought Conan at swordpoint until Nim-Karrak
halted the fight, sending Conan to the army and claiming Bêlit as his
Playing along, Bêlit entered Nim-Karrak's
bedchambers and recovered the desired herbs, after which she revealed
her identity and prepared to slay Nim-Karrak, who desperately told her
that her father had survived and was held in Luxur.
However, Ptor-Nubis
interfered, and Bêlit was forced to flee. Escaping in a stolen chariot
with Conan, she asked him to join her in traveling to Luxur to rescue
her father, knowing that Conan would follow her to the ends of the
(Conan the Barbarian I#73) - Bêlit and Conan
returned to the Tigress only to find that Kawaku had engineered a
mutiny, using a vial of liquid from Kelka to drug M'Gora and the loyal
Black Corsairs. Overwhelmed, Conan was stunned senseless, after which
Kawaku announced his goal of plundering Bêlit's hidden treasure store. After Bêlit defiantly spit in Kawaku's face, he swatted her down and prepared to kill her, but Conan agreed to lead Kawaku to the treasure store if he spared Bêlit.
Furious at this idea, Bêlit nonetheless convinced
Kawaku to adminster the herbs she had acquired to save N'Yaga, whose
abilities Kawaku felt he may need in the future. After Kawaku released
other Black Corsairs (not including M'Gora) to man the ship, Bêlit
urged them to rise up and overthrow Kawaku's forces. However, Conan
silently instructed the others against this, and Bêlit was frustrated
by the loss of her power.
(Conan the Barbarian I#73 (fb)) - While Conan and
the rest of the Black Corsairs disembarked and traveled to the sought
after island, Bêlit used her razor sharp nails to cut through the ropes
holding her and then used a spear to slay the two Kawaku-loyal Black
Corsairs who had been guarding her. Alongside M'Gora, Laranga, Yasunga,
and Ajonga, she traveled to the island.
(Conan the Barbarian I#73 - BTS) - Conan duped
Kawaku and his allies into bypassing the hidden slab under which the
treasure was buried and instead led them to the Well of Skelos where
they were assaulted by a monstrous toad thing. Kawaku and others
perished in the conflict, while Conan was left slipping into the well
after knocking the creature back down into it.
(Conan the Barbarian I#73) - Bêlit, M'Gora, and
Laranga arrived in time to save Conan, after which they deposted a
jewel-chest beneath the carved stone. As they returned to the Tigress,
Bêlit ordered that those disloyal crewmen who had fled into the jungles
to be left to die from the isle's poison fruit and water, while she and
Conan departed on their next mission.
(Conan the Barbarian I#74) - Bêlit had a dream
about her childhood and that ended with a vision of herself returning
to Asgalun alongside her father, Atrahasis.
(Conan the Barbarian I#74) - Bêlit led the Black
Corsairs to assault a Stygian galley they encountered. Hoping to learn
of Luxur (where Atrahasis was allegedly being held), they questioned
the sole surviving noble, Bekhet, who instead dove on Conan's sword
rather than give them any information. Bekhet's former slave, Neftha,
granted them information on Luxur and was allowed to claim Bekhet's
Set-charm necklace, although Bêlit was jealous of Conan's interest in
her singing.
As Bêlit, Conan, Neftha, M'Gora, and other Black Corsairs
approached Khemi at Neftha's guidance in a trio of longboats, they were
assaulted by some sort of "sea serpent" (resembling a long-necked
aquatic dinosaur, such as a plesiosauroid), drawn their by Set-priests.
Apparently unappreciated by Conan and the others, the Set-charm
apparently caused the creature to spare the ship carrying Neftha and Conan, but it crushed
M'Gora's ship. As it approached Bêlit's ship, Conan dove into the
water, scaled the creature's neck, and shoved a dagger into its right
eye, causing it flee out to sea.
After distracting the Stygians by setting fire to
their warships, Bêlit, Conan, and Neftha sneaked into Khemi, while the
Black Corsairs returned to the Tigress with a plan to rendezvous with
their captain at a different time and place.
(Conan the Barbarian I#75) - Guided by Neftha,
Conan, Bêlit, and her met with a tradesman in Khemi and forced him to
transport them aboard his ship to Luxur, with Bêlit and Neftha wearing
dusky skin paint. En route, they were assaulted by the Hawk-Riders of
Harakht, who slew the tradesmen. Bêlit slashed a giant attacking hawk
but was swept up by another and taken to Harakht.
(Conan the Barbarian I#76) - Upon landing just
outside Harakht, Bêlit punched down Kamut, took his knife, and
threatened the other Hawk-Riders, only to be knocked out by a blunt
weapon to the back of her head by the Hawk-Riders' trainer, Ator, who
carried her into the city. As she regained consciousness, she was
joined by Neftha, who had surrendered to Montu rather than face the
crocodiles, and the two women were forced to shower by the guards,
revealing their true skin color. They were brought before King Hor-Neb,
but conflict arose when his brother Mer-Ath, high priest of the Hawk
God, arrived and challenged him; ultimately, Mer-Ath accepted Neftha
while Hor-Neb kept Bêlit. However, Bêlit soon heard a commotion, saw
Conan on the ground, and called to him as Amra (allowing Hor-Neb to
recognize her as Bêlit).
Although Conan cowed his challengers by pushing over
the statue of their hawk god at them, Hor-Neb -- with two servants
restraining her arms -- threatened to slice Bêlit's throat, forcing his
surrender. Bêlit refused Hor-Neb's offer to add her Black Corsairs to
his armies, and Conan willingly leapt into the Pit of Shadows when she
began to reconsider after Hor-Neb threatened him.
(Conan the Barbarian I#77) - Bêlit attacked
Hor-Neb's men for throwing Conan to his seeming death, and when he
offered her again to join her forces with him, she clawed his face.
Hor-Neb had his men take her away.
(Conan the Barbarian I#77 (fb) - BTS) - Bêlit was
drugged into a stupor with lotus, bound, and placed in a chamber
outside a gladiatorial arena (she was placed in one of two chambers,
the other of which contained a sabre-toothed tiger; Conan was given the
choice of doors to rescue Bêlit; see comments).
(Conan the Barbarian I#77) - Conan located and
freed Bêlit and then saved her from the sabre-toothed tiger (which he
had encountered first and to which he had thrown Hor-Neb), after which
she recovered.
During the fight, Hor-Neb's giant, Gol-Thir, had
aided Conan against Hor-Neb, both because Conan had previously spared
him and because Bêlit reminded Gol-Thir of his late wife.
(Conan the Barbarian I#79 (fb)) - Bêlit was present as Mer-Ath asked Conan to exchange Harakht's Eye of Set with its twin in the city of Attalus; in exchange for safe passage to Luxur, Conan agreed.
(Conan the Barbarian I#80-81 - BTS) - Conan's feelings for Bêlit presumably kept him from romancing Bardylis of Attalus.
(Conan the Barbarian I#84 (fb) - BTS) - At some
point during the two weeks Conan was away, Mer-Ath had a dream in which
Harakht collapsed and burned, and a voice told him that it was because
he had aided to Bêlit. Believing this to be the word of the gods,
Mer-Ath had her roused at swordpoint and brought before him.
(Conan the Barbarian I#84 (fb)) - When Bêlit
refused to deny that she sought to harm Stygia's king Ctesphon, Mer-Ath
ordered her to be imprisoned for life (he held back on having her slain
due to Conan's having made him sole king of Harakht). Bêlit's fierce
resistance overwhelmed Mer-Ath's guards, and she caught Mer-Ath with a
knife to his throat, forcing him to grant her safe passage from the
city. To further assure her safety, Bêlit took Neftha with her and
departed in Mer-Ath's chariot.
(Savage Sword of Conan I#97
- BTS) -
Taking Anya -- whom he had shared an extended adventure while returning
her to her father in Luxur -- into his arms, Conan confirmed he was
returning her to her
father but he told her that they could take a slow, leisurely route
back to Luxur and that she could flee after he had delivered her
there...as long as she did not try to follow him when he went to rejoin
Bêlit and the Corsairs.
(Conan the Barbarian I#84 - BTS) - When Conan
returned to Harahkt, he was ambushed, overwhelmed, and imprisoned. He
escaped with aid from Zula of the Zamballahs.
(Conan the Barbarian I#84) - Neftha led Bêlit via
secret passages into the outskirts of Luxur. Encountering giant
pythons, Neftha gave Bêlit the snake charm she had taken from Bekhet,
and then she spoke a prayer to Set, which caused both her and Bêlit to
lapse into a stupor.
((Conan the Barbarian I#84 / Conan the Barbarian I#85 (fb) - BTS) - The spell of Set caused Bêlit and Neftha to transform into smaller pythons and slip down
through a grate in the floor.
(Conan the Barbarian I#85) - Bêlit awakened,
relating what she thought she had dreamed, but Neftha explained that it
had really happened via Set's spell. At Bêlit's query, Neftha explained
that the snake charm had originally been given to her by a mighty
sorcerer who had told her it could be used only once. Although
suspicious of all of that, Bêlit considered that Neftha could have
killed her while she was sleeping, and so she decided to continue
trusting her. Neftha then confirmed that they were far below the palace
of King Ctesphon II, and Bêlit said they would confront the King and
find out if he knew her father's whereabouts...which he had better if
he wished to live.
(Conan the Barbarian I#88 (fb) - BTS) - Neftha
told Bêlit of another entrance into the palace that was better known to
the Stygians.
(Conan the Barbarian I#88 (fb)) -
Neftha led Bêlit into the palace, but when Belt tried to confront
Ctesphon II, she was captured and ultimately incapacitated by his
wizard, Hath-Horeb.
(Conan the Barbarian I#86 (fb) - BTS / Conan the Barbarian I#88 (fb)) - Having previously revealed that Neftha was Ctesphon II's sister, Hath-Horeb had Bêlit locked within a
sarcophagus and sent down a tributary of the River Styx and into the
Great Stone Mound to be consumed by the Devourer of the Dead.
(Conan the Barbarian I#86) - After Conan and Zula
had battled the Devourer of the Dead, Bêlit heard Conan's voice and
called to him, after which he freed her. Bêlit then told him that
Neftha was the feared sister of Ctesphon II.
(Conan the Barbarian I#88) - After telling Conan
and Zula how she had ended up in the sarcophagus, Bêlit led them
through the alternate palace entrance. After Bêlit recovered her own
clothing, they encountered Neftha, and Bêlit saved her by stabbing the
executioner as hie was in her way to the king. She pursued him up that
stairs and demanded to know about Atrahasis; recalling the name,
Ctesphon II revealed that while his father, Ctesphon I had imprisoned
Atrahasis, after succeeding his father, Ctesphon II had had all of the
prisoners executed to make room for those he wished to imprison.
Ctesphon II offered his crown and the rulership of Stygia, but Bêlit
kicked him over the railing and he fell to his death.
Neftha was then crowned as King Ctesphon III, and
she ordered Bêlit's death and condemned Conan and Zula to the dungeons.
After Zula mesmerized the guards, making them unable to see or hear
their targets, Bêlit hurled a spear and slew Hath-Horeb before he could
counteract this spell. Bêlit than fled with Conan and Zula, requesting
Conan to remain silent when he started to offer his sympathies.
the Barbarian I#89) - Slaying six guards they encountered, Bêlit,
Conan, and Zula escaped down the passage stone Bêlit had used to enter
the palace alongside Neftha. When Bêlit could not recall which of three
passageways they used, they fled down one of them to escape more
guards, and Thoth-Amon prevented the guards from following, wishing to
dispatch of them himself.
Learning one of those Bêlit sought vengeance upon
was Ptor-Nubis, Zula agreed to delay his pursuit of Shu-Onoru to join
their quest.
(Conan the Barbarian I#89 - BTS) - Thoth-Amon met
with King Ctesphon III and was accepted as her advisor, after which he
told her he had already seen to the deaths of Bêlit, Conan, and Zula.
(Conan the Barbarian I#89) - After becoming lost
in the serpentine passageways, Conan stood watch while Bêlit and Zula
slept, but one of the Man-Serpents entranced and summoned Bêlit while
apparently clouding Conan's senses to prevent his noticing her
departure. Resisting the Man-Serpent's mind control, Zula saved Bêlit
and eventually slew the Man-Serpent when Conan's arrival distracted it.
Savages (presumably directed by Thoth-Amon) cast boulders down at the
trio, separating Conan from Bêlit and Zula.
(Conan the Barbarian I#89 - BTS) - Serpent Men in the forms of Bêlit and Zula attempted to slay him but were slain instead.
(Conan the Barbarian I#89) - When Bêlit and Zula
located Conan, he confirmed their identities via having them voice the
phrase "Ka Nama ka Lajerama," which no Serpent Man could speak or
withstand (information he had learned from Red Sonja). More Serpent Men
in the forms of the Black Corsairs then seemingly came to their rescue,
and while Bêlit initially believed them, Conan exposed their true
nature with the same phrase, causing them to flee. Bêlit, Conan, and
Zula then located a passageway leading them outside Luxur's walls as
well as ship they felt could lead them to Khemi and the Western Sea.
(Conan the Barbarian I#90 (fb) - BTS) - Bêlit,
Conan, and Zula forced the Stygians to transport them down the River
Styx toward Khemi.
(Conan the Barbarian I#90 - BTS) - Meanwhile, Thoth-Amon warned Ptor-Nubis of Conan and Bêlit's approach and intent.
(Conan the Barbarian I#90) - Seeking to avoid
further conflict in Khemi, they stopped short of the city and headed
across land. An earthquake led them into an underground cavern where
they encountered the skeleton of an unidentified giant-king from an
elder race circa 100,000 years ago. When one of the Stygians attempted
to escape with the giant-king's diadem, the giant-king was restored to
flesh and attempted to devour those within the cavern. Evading the
giant-king until sunset, Bêlit followed Conan's lead to drop to the
ground as thousands of bats they had previously observed flew out the
newly opened passageway (with their previous exit point now covered).
With the giant overwhelmed, they escaped to the surface with the one
surviving Stygian.
(Conan the Barbarian I#91) - Alongside Conan and
Zula, Bêlit met up with her Black Corsairs south of Khemi, and she was
very happy to the the decks of the Tigress beneath her feet again and
to see that N'Yaga had recovered. That evening, she danced as her
sailors played music, and she soon shared some romance with Conan. The
next day, M'Gora, who had secretly scouted out Asgalun and had also
fallen under the influence of Ptor-Nubis (without even M'Gora's
knowledge), rushed back to the Tigress, and Bêlit, Conan, and Zula
saved him from a pack of giant swamp rats (see comments).
M'Gora then shared the current intrigues in Asgalun, but Bêlit ignored
any advice to the contrary and insisted that she would return to
Asgalun, slay Nim-Karrak and claim the throne, even if she had to go
alone; she argued that as the Stygians planned to annex Asgalun, they
could not afford to wait. Having vowed to help Bêlit gain her
vengeance, Conan accompanied her, as did Zula and M'Gora.
M'Gora, with inside help from Yasunga, posing as one
of the Stygian ally Imbalayo's warrior, gained the group access into
Asgalun, with M'Gora claiming to have been sent on a mission by
Imbalayo and with the cloaked Bêlit, Conan, and Zula allegedly being
advisors for Imbalayo. Unwittingly following Ptor-Nubis, M'Gora
led the group on a path to gain entrance to the palace to catch
Nim-Karrak unaware, but waiting Stygians ambushed them, catching them
in nets. While Bêlit wished to keep fighting, Conan convinced her to
surrender, hoping that they could learn more from the situation.
Acknowledging Ptor-Nubis' manipulation, Bêlit forgave M'Gora, but
Ptor-Nubis subsequently touched Bêlit, Conan, and Zula, putting
them under his command as well, and then -- as Thoth-Amon watched
(presumably via his mystic mirror) and laughed remotely -- had them (as
well as M'Gora) released so that they could fight to the death.
(Conan the Barbarian I#93) - As the ensorceled
Bêlit and Conan fought, Zula's mystic prowess allowed him to throw off
Ptor-Nubis' control and then slay the wizard, restoring Bêlit, Conan,
and M'Gora's minds and allowing them to slay the Stygian guards. At
Bêlit's instruction, M'Gora and Zula posed as Kushites and spread the
word that Atrahasis' daughter had returned to claim her throne. She
subsequently discussed with Conan that the Asgalunum did not care who
ruled them as long as that person was a Shemite, and that only she, the
fat hedonist Uriaz, and the wandering madman Akhirom had royal blood.
She further considered that perhaps should have made a pact with
Akhirom, but that it was too late now.
(Conan the Barbarian I#93 (fb) - BTS) - Slaying
some Stygians and stealing their cloaks, Bêlit and Conan infiltrated
Prince Khauman's forces, and Conan eventually donned the hooded garb of
his executioner (whom Conan and/or Bêlit presumably slew as well).
(Conan the Barbarian I#93 - BTS) - As Nim-Karrak
fled into hiding from approaching Stygians, including his would-be
replacement, Prince Khamun (or Khauman), other Stygian forces captured
(Conan the Barbarian I#93) - When
Khauman attempted to have Uriaz executed as part of his crowning, Conan
instead slew Khauman and exhorted Bêlit as their rightful queen as she
shed her robes. Although some Shemites backed Bêlit and were attacked
by the Stygians, most held back. M'Gora and Zula led the Black Corsairs
(Yasunga & Laranga) who had infiltrated Imbalayo's troops to assault
the Hyrkanians (who had been hired by Nim-Karrak to protect him from
the impending Stygian attack), leading them to side with the Shemites
against the Stygians and Kushites; this, in turn, led the reluctant
Shemites to join the fight against the Stygians.
Despite Conan's urging to stay back, Bêlit fought
furiously against the Stygians. As she stood underneath one of the lion
monolith's atop the castle, Nim-Karrak attempted to ambush her from
behind, but Zula caught Nim-Karrak's glance, mesmerizing him and
causing him to fall to his death. Although Bêlit initially lamented
being unable to claim vengeance herself, as the tide turned against the
Stygians, Imbalayo had his troops turn against the Stygians as well,
hastening their surrender.
Bêlit prepared to claim the crown, but after
Bal-Yamm, priest of Ishtar, who could legitimize her claims, advised
her that if she donned the crown, she would be slain if she ever
relinquished it, she instead crowned Uriaz.
Bêlit, Conan, and Zula (presumably alongside the
unseen M'Gora, Laranaga, and Yasunga) then departed Asgalun -- noting
the people already fighting for who would lead them and seeing the
approach of Akhirom's forces -- and headed back to reunite with her
Black Corsairs aboard the Tigress.
(Conan the Barbarian I#94) - As Zula prepared to
part company with Bêlit and Conan, Bêlit allowed a group of perhaps
five Black Corsairs -- including Ajonga, Lasanga, and Yarunga -- to go
with them as per their wishes; Bêlit noted her gratitude to Zula for
saving her from Nim-Karrak's ambush. Back aboard the Tigress, Bêlit
wondered whether Conan had desired to go with them as they headed
north, and she was pleased when Conan told her, "the
day I want to leave, or you want me to...I shall go girl. Until then,
let's have no more talk of any desires of mine, save the one I feel for
As they headed south, they found devastated
villages, and they eventually sought out the Watambi, where Ombassa
related the rise to power of Ajaga, to which Ombassa's witch-man and
N'Yaga added that he had likely learned the language of the ancient
Jhebbal Sag. Bêlit and Conan led a number of Black Corsairs into Abombi
to take out Ajaga, but Ajaga's baboons tackled Conan over the edge of
the cliff, knocked out Bêlit, and slew or forced the surrender of the
remaining Black Corsairs.
(Conan the Barbarian I#95) - Ajaga's baboons
carried the unconscious Bêlit back to his abode. Awakening, she warned
Ajaga that her mother, the death-goddess Derketa, would call down
hellfire on him if he did not bring Conan and her Black Corsairs to
her. Not believing in Derketa, Ajaga was unimpressed, and when Bêlit
assured him that she would never join him, he clarified that he
intended to kill her. Bêlit charged Ajaga, but his leopard servant
intercepted her, knocking her down. Despite urgings from his servants
Kratos and Beeya to slay her outright or give her over to them, Ajaga
had her thrown into a dungeon so that the Black Coast would know who
was its true sovereign. Inside the cell, Bêlit considered that she was
still alive, which gave her a chance, but if not, it was better to be a
dead queen of memory than a living wretch as were the captive
chieftains' daughters, who had given up.
(Conan the Barbarian I#96) - From her prison
cell, Bêlit tried and failed to rally the captive women, but even
Nyami felt that if even Bêlit, the daughter of the death-goddess
Dherketa was helpless, that they had no hope. As she struggled
fruitlessly against the outside bars, she was surprised when Sholo the
lion -- who had followed the call of Jhebbel Sag via Ajaga --
licked her hand. Appreciating that Sholo recognized her as Conan's
mate, she guided him to rip out a bar, though which she escaped,
although the other women still refused to escape with her.
Following Sholo's lead toward Ajaga, Bêlit
eventually found Conan bound before Ajaga and his men on the altar of
(Conan the Barbarian I#97) - Despite the arrival of panthers, baboons, serpents, crocodiles, and
other animals summoned via the call of Jhebbal Sag, as Ajaga prepared to
sacrifice Conan, Sholo and Bêlit leapt to his rescue. Bêlit's
kick knocked Ajaga back, and his head smashed into a rock, stunning him. She called for Sholo to was halted from
getting any closer to Conan via the symbol of Jhebbal Sag that Ajaga
had sketched into the ground.
Bêlit nonetheless freed
Conan as Ajaga's warriors approached, but after Conan washed away the
symbol of Ajaga, the animals
devoured the dazed Ajaga. As Ajaga's warriors stared aghast, Bêlit slew
one with her spear, re-igniting the battle. When Ajaga's former leopard
familiar leapt at Bêlit, Sholo caught it in flight and brought it down,
presumably killing it.
While the other animals turned on each other, Sholo
unfortunately perished in the process of killing Krato. Beeya rallied
the remaining warriors against Bêlit and Conan, who vowed that their
foes -- who greatly outnumbered them -- would pay heavily for the cost
of their lives. However, they were saved by the arrival of the Black
Corsairs and, as the tide turned, Beeya fled.
After Conan buried Sholo, Bêlit noted that Sholo had
served him well, and then they freed the women still remaining in the
prison cell. They apologized to Bêlit, who told them to say no more of
it, as some were born fight, others not. As they departed, Bêlit
considered that those girls would return to their tribes and spread the
word of the invincibility of Bêlit, after which they returned to the
Tigress and departed.
(Conan the Barbarian I#98)
- When a mysterious woman approached the Tigress standing atop what
seemed to be a huge lily pad, Bêlit denounced her as a sea-witch, but
N'Yaga (apparently influenced by the woman) convinced her to bring the
woman aboard. As soon as the woman was aboard, however, N'Yaga felt
weak and went to his quarters. The woman began to use her siren powers
to seduce the men aboard the ship. Conan resisted her influence long
enough to instead deliver his amour to Bêlit, but B'Tumi succumbed and
was found missing the next day. Bêlit subsequently ordered everyone to
stay below deck, but Asambi disobeyed her order and fell victim to her
wiles. Conan attempted to attack the woman but fell under her power as
well until Bêlit called to him. Her voice gave him the strength to
resist the sea-witch's power, and he dragged her back aboard the
Tigress, but when he reached the deck, he found that his hands held
only seaweed. When Bêlit greeted Conan as her lover, he told her that
he was not just her lover, but her love.
(Conan the Barbarian I#99
(fb) - BTS)
- Despite raids and battles having thinned the pirate-ship's crew,
leaving scarcely enough spearmen to work the Tigress, Bêlit continued
to lead the Black Corsairs in raids.
She refused to take the time to return to the
Southern isles to recruit more men or to at least give her current crew
a rest.
(Conan the Barbarian I#99 (fb) - BTS)
- For many miles inland, women whispered Bêlit's name to affright unruly children, "Be
quiet, lest Bêlit, the daughter of Derkheta, come for you -- either
she or her mate, Amra, who can turn himself into a lion."
Bêlit smiled to hear such tales.
(Conan the Barbarian I#99)
- Conan warned Bêlit that continuing to push the Black Corsairs beyond
their breaking point might lead to a mutiny. Bêlit replied that she had
given up one royal treasury and that she would not rest until she had
gained another. N'Yaga shared Conan's concerns, and Conan acknowledged
that, although Bêlit's will matched his own, he would do what he could.
Days later, Bêlit spotted an Argossean ship moored
in a rocky inlet and led Conan, M'Gora, and a few of the Black Corsairs
via longboats to investigate. Therein they found Khitain jewels and
statuary as well as crewmen tore limb from limb. Finding some of the
treasure missing, Bêlit insisted they investigate, and they discovered
a society of man-crabs/crab-men/devil-crabs and the imprisoned
Argosseans (including, notably, their leader, Florannus). Conan
orchestrated breaking the Argosseans free and then guided the others to
push a boulder off a cliff to shatter a boulder sealing a steam vent,
and the devil-crabs were all killed by the steam.
Bêlit allowed the Argosseans to keep half of their
treasures but subsequently clarified that she had done this so that
more ships from Argos and Zingara would ply these sees to travel to the
far east, there would be more shipping to loot. Conan mocked that she
was too ashamed to admit that she had an unselfish impulse now and
then, but Bêlit then had her men return to the caverns for any
remaining loot.
(Conan the Savage#2/2) - Bêlit led the Black
Corsairs to assault and slaughter the crew of a Stygian ship sent by
their overlords in Khemi to guard against the Black Corsairs. In the
process Conan saved Ta-No (although her name was not known and she
spoke an unfamiliar language), an ivory-skinned woman from a land south
of the Dark Continent, from the captain, and he convinced the reluctant
Bêlit to agree to take her with them to the silver isles where they had
planned to obtain supplies and crew replacements. Bêlit even agreed to
allow the woman to stay chained up in their chambers to keep her away
from the rest of the crew, and her presence did not dissuade her from
romancing Conan therein.
However, weeks later, when they reached the Silver
Isles, they were attacked by the men who now served Ghomli (who had
taken over in her absence). When Bêlit warned Ghomli to stand down, he
knocked her to the ground with a backhanded slap. In response, Conan
assaulted Ghomli and gained the advantage...
(Conan the Savage#3/2 (fb) - BTS) - until Ghomli scratched Conan with drugged claws.
(Conan the Savage#2/2) -
Bêlit watched in shocked horror as the weakened Conan fell before
Ghomli. After Ghomli pronounced Conan dead, N'Yaga examined him...
(Conan the Savage#3/2 (fb) - BTS) - and gave a drug to make him seem dead to prevent further assault on his helpless form.
(Conan the Savage#2/2) -
Bêlit cursed Ghomli as a treacherous cretin and charged him again, but
was struck down again. Dragging Bêlit with him, Ghomli ordered his men
to bring the "ivory-skinned wench" as well, noting that he might as
well add two more wives to the dozen he already owned.
(Conan the Savage#3/2) -
Despite Bêlit's instruction not to tell Ghomli anything, N'Yaga argued
that the albino woman came from the frozen land/isle of ice, and that
her jewels indicated that it contained great riches. When Ghomli
commented that he did not need her aid to know which way was south,
Bêlit mocked that he would sink the Tigress long before he saw the
fabled Mountains of Madness.
Back in his tent, as Ghomli tried to make Bêlit
grove before him, she spit in his face, and when he tried to force
himself on her, Conan -- who had recovered from N'Yaga's enchantment --
attacked; however, fearing hurting Bêlit, Conan failed to skewer
Ghomli. As a sentry rushed in upon hearing Ghomli's calls, Bêlit
tripped him into the raging firepit, after which she fled with Conan,
N'Yaga, and the albino woman, choosing to save the imprisoned M'Gora
and other Black Corsairs over finishing off Ghomli.
After Ghomli roused his men, Bêlit and her allies
fled back to the Tigress, aiming south to avoid Ghomli's ship, which
pursued them. Bêlit asked Conan if he desired the albino woman, and
Conan advised her that when he stopped desiring women he saw, she could
bury him, but while she was his mate, the albino was as safe as if she
looked like N'Yaga.
After several days, the Tigress arrived at the
frozen land, hoping to replenish their supplies and hide out from
Ghomli. The albino woman offered to lead Bêlit's people to her people's
jewelry if they would take her with them, and Bêlit replied that if she
led them into a trap, the woman would lose her head. Following
exhausting days of upward travel, they found the cavern to the girl's
people, who surrounded them with weapons raised. Although Bêlit
initially instructed her Black Corsairs that they would slash their way
out, Conan convinced her that they were greatly outnumbered, and they
(Conan the Barbarian I#100 (fb) - BTS / Conan the Savage#4/2 (fb) -
BTS) - At some point, Bêlit began to have dreams of the river Zarkheba
and the towers therein; her dreams told her that the towers contained
(Conan the Savage#4/2) - After
apparently days of travel through downward tunnels, the local tribe
brought Conan and his allies down into an immense city.
When the tribal queen sentenced Conan and his allies
to death, Ta-No (the albino woman who had accompanied them and the
queen's daughter) argued against this, insisting she wanted Conan as
her mate. An angry Bêlit stated that she knew she should have gutted
Ta-No back when they had the chance, but Conan -- appreciating that at
least feigning acceptance would save the others -- seemingly agreed and
headed with Ta-No to a bed-chamber.
Bêlit and the Black Corsairs were rounded up for
execution. Hearing this commotion and realizing his actions were not
saving them (see comments),
Conan pushed Ta-No aside and leapt toward at stalactite, seeking a
weapon to use against the snow-skins. The ancient rock shattered and
plummeted to the ground below, crushing several local warriors, and
Bêlit and the Black Corsairs took advantage of the distraction to fight
back against their captors.
However, Ghomli and his people his warriors then
arrived and slew the snow-queen and slaughtered her people in the
process of confronting Bêlit (as Ghomli could not feel comfortable on
the throne while she lived), who was upset when Conan saved Ta-No, but
they all fled from Ghomli's tribesmen into deeper tunnels. As they
reached a city in ruins, they found one of the "star-heads" frozen in
ice. Bataga and Laboto subsequently found a massive gem stockpile, and
Ta-No warned of "the death that flows" and urged everyone to go back.
Conan advised Ta-No that she would not scare Bêlit away from gems, but
they soon found multiple Black Corsair sentries with their heads torn
off. When Ghomli's men charged them, Conan had the Black Corsairs throw
the gems at them; and as the greedy warriors stopped to gather them,
Conan led his warriors against them.
Hearing the sound of the approaching creature of
which Ta-No had warned (which had presumably slain the Corsair
sentries), Conan led the Black Corsairs to escape through a tunnel
while Ghomli's men collided with and were assaulted by the creature.
Conan subsequently slew the creature.
As the caverns began to collapse around them, Bêlit
and her allies escaped to the mountain surface. When Ghomli ambushed
Conan, Ta-No attacked him but was thrown off the mountainside, after
which Conan cast Ghomli to the same fate. Bêlit noted genuine sorrow
about Ta-No's fate, but Conan felt that Ta-No had wanted to perish by
her people.
As the Tigress sailed north again, Bêlit discussed
her dreams of Zarkheba and her desire to recover the treasures therein.
Conan admitted his content to let her make the plans that he carried
out, as well as his desire to continue to sail and fight together --
regardless against whom -- as he found their life good and hoped it
would last a long, long time.
(Conan the Barbarian I#100) - Bêlit led the
Tigress down the Zarkheba, despite warnings to the contrary from
N'Yaga, during which time she shared her previous experience with the
river. They head an inhuman voice call out at one point, but Bêlit said
it was but the cry of an ape.
That evening, Bêlit discussed the gods
with Conan, and Bêlit told Conan that her love was stronger than any
death; she considered her heart and soul to be welded to his, and she
vowed that even in death, she would come back to aid him if he were
fighting for his life, "...all the gods and their eternities shall not sever us!"
They were interrupted by the screams of Laboto on lookout as he was
snared by a giant serpent; Conan mortally wounded the creature with his
sword, but it pulled Laboto with it as it fell beneath the waves.
N'Yaga then begged Bêlit to turn back from this Hellish place that
contained an unknown, powerful evil.
Though she declined to do so,
Bêlit offered her crew the chance to depart the mission, but they all
agreed to stand with her; as a result, N'Yaga remained, as well.
The next morning, they came upon the remnants of a
city, and despite spotting an apparent winged ape (the "winged horror")
flying above, Bêlit had the Tigress docked there.
(Conan the Barbarian I#100 - BTS) - Bêlit was
subtly changed upon sighting the lost city, and she became obsessed
with the treasure.
(Conan the Barbarian I#100) - Bêlit
identified an altar for blood sacrifice to mysterious Old Ones, and she
had her soldiers lift it to seek hidden treasure beneath. Suspecting
the site to boobytrapped, Bêlit called Conan away, and an immense tower
crumbled as the altar was lifted, crushing four of her corsairs; Conan
sensed that Bêlit had changed upon seeing the city, as she had never been so uncaring of her loyal corsairs.
After clearing the rubble, Bêlit was elated to find
a vast store of precious gems, and she was most impressed with a
long-string of crimson stones. They were interrupted when one of the
Black Corsairs spotted the winged horror rising from the Tigress'
Although Bêlit cared little and instead instructed the others to
build litters to bear the gems back to the Tigress, Conan rushed back
to the ship and found that the creature had shattered all of their
casks of fresh water.
While Conan took M'Gora and a few other corsairs
into the jungle to seek out fresh water, Bêlit --who was
blankly-staring as she wore and rubbed her string of crimson stones --
resolved to get the loot aboard. |

(Conan the Barbarian I#100 (fb) - BTS) - The
winged horror sent its were-hyena servants to slaughter the Black
Corsairs, although 20 of the 40 creatures perished in the process. The
winged horror (presumably) slew Bêlit, wrapped the string of gems
around her neck, and hanged her from the Tigress' yardarm.
(Conan the Barbarian I#100) - Rushing back to the Tigress after M'Gora and the
other Black Corsairs had perished, Conan found the Black Corsairs who
had remained with the Tigress and Bêlit dead, torn apart by
were-hyenas, and the corpse of Bêlit hanging (possibly naked) by the
neck with the crimson stones wrapped around the Tigress' yardarm.
(Conan the Barbarian I#100 (fb) - BTS) - Conan
cast the riches of Zarkheba beneath the poisoned waters and then
wrapped Bêlit in his scarlet cloak and set her atop the Tigress' deck
on a pyre of benches, spear shafts, and leopard skins, with her sea
plunder heaped high above her.
the Barbarian I#100) - The winged horror caused a temple to collapse,
and it approached Conan as he was trapped beneath rubble.
Bêlit then appeared, wrapped in a scarlet dress and wielding her sword,
and she stabbed the winged horror in the chest.
Conan recalled her vow to return from death for him, and Bêlit glanced
back at him, although the creature continued to fearfully struggle
against something above it.
Freeing himself, Conan then charged and slew the horror, after which he
cut adrift the Tigress (with Bêlit's corpse in its pyre where he had
left her) and set it aflame. He stood and watched until the burning
ship was no longer visible.
(Conan the Barbarian I#100 - BTS) - Both the Tigress and Bêlit were almost certainly consumed in fire.
Comments: Created by Robert E. Howard;
adapted to Marvel by Roy Thomas, John Buscema, and Steve Gan.
According to Conan the Barbarian
I#58, her name is pronounced Bay-Leet. I can't help but pronounce it
Bee-Litt in my head.
The letter page to Conan the
Barbarian I#59 includes a discussion of the information Roy used to
generate an origin for Bêlit, as she never had much of an origin from
Robert E. Howard.
It also discussed that he changed the original name N'Gora into M'Gora
to better distinguish the character/name from N'Yaga.
Bêlit has been described as
motherless. I believe N'Yaga came up with the story of her being the
daughter of Derketa, and there is no mention of an actual mother in
Bêlit's history. Presumably she has a human mother, but we just don't
know any details about her, and she had no significant role in Bêlit's
Kush was a portion of what would become Africa in subsequent millennia following additional Cataclysms.
Conan the Barbarian I#65's story is supposed to be "freely adapted" from the REH story "The Thunder Rider"
- From what I find online, it seems to be about a Comanche
warrior Iron Heart, with warring among various Native American tribes,
and with some elements of Aztec mythology.
- I believe this story was not released in REH's life and was later finished and published by others in the 1970s?
- The Conan story features a sorcerer named Tezcatlipoca, and there
is a feathered serpent that Conan slays, so presumably these are from
the Aztec mythology in that story...
- But, what else from Thunder-Rider goes into CtB#65?
Earth-77574 Bêlit returned triumphantly to Asgalun alongside her father,
Atrahasis. Conan the Barbarian #74 (1977)
Conan the Barbarian I#77's choice of doors was reminiscent of "The
Lady, or the Tiger?" a short story by Frank R. Stockton, published in
1882 in the magazine "The Century."
Conan the Barbarian I#78 reprints a story from Savage Sword of Conan#1. #87 is a reprint, too...
#79's "The Lost Valley of Isklander"
Lost Valley of Iskander" is an El Borak short story by Robert E. Howard.
It was not published within Howard's lifetime, the first publication was in the
FAX Collector's Editions hardback The Lost Valley of Iskander in 1974. Its
original title was "Swords of the Hills".
this story, El Borak discovers a legendary valley in which live Greek
descendants of Alexander the Great invading army. Meanwhile, the vital package
he carries must be carried to British India before the Hungarian, Hunyadi, can
stop him or thousands will die.
The swamp rats from Conan the Barbarian I#91 were ROUSes...Rodents Of Unusual Size, of course...
Conan the Barbarian I#91's letter
page featured a text discussing the recent acquisition of the rights to
Hawks over Shem and the characters therein.
It was cool to read another adventure with Bêlit and the Black
Corsairs in Conan the Savage#2/2-4/2, and it was fun to visit the Frozen
Land/Isle of Ice and learn of Ta-No's people.
On the negative side,
Conan fled from Ghomli before killing him, and then, even with the
Black Corsairs, they kept fleeing from Ghomli and his people. Seems out
of character and just plot-device; even if they were greatly
outnumbered, Conan and Bêlit should have taken down Ghomli and forced
the people of the Silver Isles back into serving her again.
They still
could have resolved to go the Frozen Lands to seek the gemstones
there...Bêlit was certainly greedy enough for that without other
reasons needed.
Would Conan have gone the
distance with Ta-No to save Bêlit and the others (or at least to act as
if he needed to do so) if he had not heard the commotion as they were
prepared for execution? Certainly possible.
In the Conan stories from
2016-2023, we were blessed with Marvel being able to publish Conan
again; however, the Age of Conan: Bêlit stories are clearly a different
continuity than Bêlit-616. That Bêlit's father was a pirate, he was
taken down by those he had slain by those he had previously wronged,
and Bêlit gave him a mercy killing. That Bêlit departed Asgalun and
grew up as a pirate before eventually slaying her mentors and taking
over their crews...and she was all about hunting monstrous sea
creatures. There are many more contradictions, but the writer of those
stories re-imaged Bêlit and did not make any effort to follow the
previous Marvel Bêlit's continuity.
Anyway, I designate that reality as Earth-19558.
Big thanks t o Marvelousluke for providing the spectacular main image, cleaned-up from the cover of Conan the Barbarian I#58!
Following this profile, I will get
started on a profile on N'Yaga, and then M'Gora, and then Kawaku and
any other more unique members, and then a profile on the Tigress and
eventually the Black Corsairs...
Profile by Snood.
Bêlit should be distinguished from:
- BEL - Shemite god of thieves--Savage Sword of Conan I#211
- BELLIL of the Hyborian era - demon, dwells in Khaa,
assaults those sent there by the Demuzaar, battled Conan, slew King Jumel and
his men--Savage Sword of Conan I#114
- other "Bel" characters...
images: (without ads)
Conan the Barbarian I#58 cover - charging with sword);
pg. 13, panel 1 (on Tigress, with Black Corsairs);
pg 19, panel 3 (love dance);
#59, pg 5, panel 1-2 (with father in place and aboard the Tigress);
pg. 8, panel 5 (montage with leopard, baboon, bow & arrow; Nim-Karrak centrally);
pg. 16, panel 6 (proclaimed Queen of the Black Coast);
#60, pg. 4, panel 1 (sparring against Conan);
#61, pg. 15, panel 2 (attacked by moth-thing);
#67, pg. 5, panel 2-3 (vs. Red Sonja);
#69, pg. 2, panel 5 (with bow and arrow);
#71. last page, panel 6 (held in Conan's arms);
#72 cover (battling monstrous creatures alongside Conan);
#88 cover (with Conan and Zula);
#89, pg. 4, panel 5 (kissing Conan);
panel 7 (face);
#97, pg. 6, panel 1 (leaping down alongside Sholo);
#100, pg.5, panel 4 (face, love >> death);
pg. 11, panel 3 (kneeling in gems);
pg. 12, panel 2 (blank stare);
pg. 22, panel 3 (hanging corpse);
panel 4 (pyre);
pg. 29, panel 3 (Bêlit returning from dead against winged horror);
pg. 30, panel 1 (stabbing winged horror);
panel 3 (gazing back at Conan);
pg. 33 (Tigress burning);
Savage Sword of Conan I#86/2, pg. 8 (captured by pirates)
Conan the Savage#3/2, pg. 14-15 (Bêlit & Black Corsairs in furs)
Weird Tales#23/5 "Queen of the Black Coast" (May, 1934) - Robert E. Howard (writer)
Giant-Size Conan#1 (January, 1974) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), Gil Kane (penciler), Tom Sutton (inker)
Conan the Barbarian I#58-63 (January-June, 1976) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), John Buscema (penciler), Steve Gan (inker)
Conan the Barbarian I#64 - reprint
Conan the Barbarian I#65-67 (August-October, 1976) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), John Buscema (penciler), "The Tribe" (inkers)
Marvel Feature II#6 (September, 1976) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), Frank Thorne (artist)
Conan the Barbarian I#65-67 (August-October, 1976) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), John Buscema (penciler), "The Tribe" (inkers)
Marvel Feature II#7 (November, 1976) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), Frank Thorne (artist)
Conan the Barbarian I#68 (November, 1976) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), John Buscema (artist)
Conan the Barbarian I#69 (December, 1976) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), Val Mayerik (penciler), "The Tribe" (inkers)
Conan the Barbarian I#70-71 (January-February, 1977) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), John
Buscema (penciler), Ernie Chan (inker) - loosely adapted from REH's
Marchers of Valhalla, part of the James Allison series.
Conan the Barbarian I#72-75 (March-June, 1977) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), John
Buscema (penciler), Ernie Chan (inker)
Conan the Barbarian I#76-77 (July-August, 1977) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), John
Buscema (penciler), Ernie Chan (inker), Archie Goodwin (consulting editor)
Conan the Barbarian I#79-81 (October-December, 1977) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), Howard Chaykin (penciler), Ernie Chan (inker), Archie Goodwin (consulting editor)
Conan the Barbarian I#84-85 (March-April, 1978) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), John
Buscema (penciler), Ernie Chan (inker), Archie Goodwin (consulting editor)
Conan the Barbarian I#86 (May, 1978) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), with a co-plotting thanks to Ed Summer; John
Buscema (penciler), Ernie Chan (inker), Archie Goodwin (consulting editor)
Conan the Barbarian I#88-91 (July-October, 1978) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), John
Buscema (penciler), Ernie Chan (inker), Jim Shooter (consulting editor)
Conan the Barbarian I#92 - tale of Conan's youth
Conan the Barbarian I#93 (December, 1978) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), John
Buscema (penciler), Ernie Chan (inker), Jim Shooter (consulting editor) - based on the poem "Sea-Woman"
Conan the Barbarian I#94-100 (January-July, 1979) - Roy Thomas (writer/editor), John
Buscema (penciler), Ernie Chan (inker), Jim Shooter (consulting editor)
Savage Sword of Conan I#86/2 (March, 1983) - Alan Zelenetz (writer), Pablo Marcos (artist), Jim Owsley (managing editor), Larry
Hama (editor)
Savage Sword of Conan I#97 (February, 1984) - Michael Fleisher (writer), Pablo Marcos (artist), Jim Owsley (managing editor), Larry
Hama (editor)
Savage Sword of Conan I#107/2 (December, 1984) - Alan Rowlands
(writer), Tony Salmons (artist), Jim Owsley (managing editor), Larry
Hama (editor)
Conan the Savage#2/2-4/2 (September-November,
1995) - Roy Thomas (writer), Mike Docherty (penciler), Eddie DeVille
(inker), Mike Lackey (editor)
First started 04/24/2023
First posted: 01/28/2024
Last updated: 01/28/2024
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and
© 1941-2099 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you
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