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Real Name: Wyatt McDonald

Identity/Class: Alternate Reality (Earth-712/"Earth-S") human;
    naturalized citizen of the USA, legally deceased, no criminal record

Occupation: Adventurer, former taxi driver

Group Membership: Redeemers (Foxfire/Olivia Underwood, Inertia/Edith Freiberg, Lamprey/Donald McGuiggin, Moonglow/Melissa Hanover, Mink/Julie Steel, Nighthawk/Kyle Richmond, Pinball/Chester Freeman, Redstone/Michael Redstone, Remnant/Frank Edwards, Thermite/Sam Yurimoto);
    formerly Squadron Supreme (Ape X/Xina, Arcanna Jones (now Moonglow), Hyperion/Mark Milton, Lady Lark/Linda Lewis, Power Princess/Zarda Shelton, Shape/Raleigh Lund, Dr. Spectrum/Joseph Ledger, Tom Thumb/Thomas Thompson, Whizzer/Stanley Stewart)

Affiliations:Brain-Child (Arnold Sutton), L.L. Burbank, Adrienne Dore, Andrew, Drusilla, Katrina Jones, Philip Jones, Master Menace (Emil Zebediah Burbank), Professor Imam, Nelson Rockefeller, Howard Shelton, Madeline and Tina Stewart;
    formerly Brand Corporation of Earth-616 (Buzz Baxter, Hugh Jones, unidentified others)

Enemies: Freedom Force (Lewis, unidentified others), Null the Living Darkness, Scarlet Centurion (Nathaniel Richards), Serpent Crown;
    formerly Institute of Evil (Ape X/Xina, Doctor Anton Decibel, Foxfire/Olivia Underwood, Lamprey/Donald McGuiggin, Quagmire/Jerome Michaels, Shape/Raleigh Lund);
    formerly Avengers of Earth-616 (Beast/Hank McCoy, Goliath/Clint Barton, Hellcat/Patsy Walker, Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Vision/'Victor Shade'), Chorus (Al Gentle, Theodore Kroeber, Philip le Guin, Georgia Orr, Over-Mind (through control), Ursula Richards, Mindy Williams), Defenders of Earth-616 (Clea, Devil-Slayer/Eric Simon Payne,Gargoyle/Isaac Christians, Hellcat/Patsy Walker, Hulk/Bruce Banner, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Silver Surfer/Norrin Radd, Son of Satan/Daimon Hellstrom, Doctor Stephen Strange, Sub-Mariner/Namor McKenzie, Valkyrie/Brunnhilde, Vision/'Victor Shade'), August Masters

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Golden Archer, Hawkeye

Base of Operations: Hibernacle, Squadron City, Great American Desert;
    formerly Kyle Richmond's Manor, New Troy;
    formerly Squadron Supreme's mountain HQ, Northern Moreland;
    formerly Over-Mind's Moonbase;
    formerly Squadron Supreme satellite Rocket Central;
    formerly Franklintown, New Babylon;
    formerly Squadron Supreme Headquarters, Cosmopolis;
    formerly an unrevealed location of Earth-712's United Kingdom

First Appearance: (As Hawkeye) Avengers I#85 (February, 1971);
    (as Golden Archer) Avengers I#141 (November, 1975);
    (as Black Archer) Squadron Supreme I#10 (June, 1986)

Powers/Abilities: McDonald possessed no known superhuman abilities. He was a gifted marksman with a nearly unerring eye who had mastered the craft of archery. He wielded a customized double-recurve bow and carried a quiver with conventional arrows as well as a number of customized 'trick' arrows including explosive-tipped, sonic, smoke, cable, bola, electrified, net, parachute, suction-tip and magnesium flare arrows. During his time as Hawkeye, he wielded a crossbow. The Black Archer engaged in regular intensive exercise and was instructed in hand-to-hand combat by Nighthawk.

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition I#33) - Born in Britain, Wyatt McDonald came to the United States, where he made a living as a cab driver. Over time, his natural gift for archery inspired him to become a costumed superhero called Hawkeye.

(Avengers I#85 (fb) - BTS) - McDonald joined the Squadron Supreme as Hawkeye.

(Squadron Supreme I#4 (fb) - BTS) - Wyatt McDonald was instrumental in helping singer Linda Lark get her life back together after her vocal cords were damaged in an accident. After getting new vocal cords that granted her sonic powers, he convinced her to become the superheroine Lady Lark.

(Avengers I#86 (fb) - BTS) - At an unrevealed point in time, McDonald and most of the Squadron Supreme fell under the mental influence of Brain-Child.

(Avengers I#85) - After the Scarlet Witch's hex powers stranded them on Earth-712, the Avengers returned to what they thought was their mansion, only to find Hawkeye and his fellow Squadron members there. With the Whizzer, Hyperion and Doctor Spectrum off at Atomic City to oversee the launch of Brain-Child One, it was up to Hawkeye and the others to stop these strange "intruders".

Hawkeye was quickly stomped on by Goliath (Clint Barton), who was annoyed that someone had taken his old name. Hawkeye recovered quickly, but could do nothing to hit the fleet-footed Quicksilver. When Tom Thumb disoriented Goliath, it was Hawkeye who wanted to deliver the kill-shot, but the arrow he fired from his crossbow was intercepted by Vision.  The Avengers realized that the launch of Brain-Child One would cause the natural disaster they'd witnessed while shifting to Earth-712. Hoping to stop the end of the world, they took Nighthawk aboard one of the Squadron's fliers and headed for Atomic City.

(Avengers I#86 - BTS) - On the way to Atomic City, the Avengers recounted how they arrived on Earth-712, including the unintentional fight with Hawkeye and the rest of the Squadron Supreme.

(Web of Spider-Man Annual I#5/6 (fb) ) - Workmen on an oil rig found Earth-712's counterpart of the Serpent Crown. The oil company executive Gregory Hungerford Gideon fell under the sway of Set and formed the Serpent Cartel by taking over the minds of other prominent business leaders and President Nelson Rockefeller. The Cartel also managed to take control of all the members of the Squadron Supreme except for Power Princess and Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond)

(Web of Spider-Man Annual I #5/6 - BTS) - The Cartel made mental contact with Earth-616's Hugh Jones and agreed to work with him as a fellow follower of Set. The Cartel offered the Squadron Supreme to aid Jones in the conquest of his world.

(Avengers I#147 (fb) - BTS) - Wyatt McDonald began dating his Squadron teammate Linda Lewis, better known as Lady Lark.

(Avengers I#141 (fb) - BTS) - After learning they were soon to be deployed on Earth-616 where another Hawkeye was active, McDonald adopted the costumed identity of Golden Archer, which had previously been briefly used by 616's Hawkeye (see clarifications).

(Avengers I#141) - The Squadron Supreme attacked the Avengers when they sneaked into the Brand Corporation. Golden Archer immediately fired on Captain America, leading his teammate Whizzer to comment that overreaction was the Archer's trademark. The Squadron proved too powerful for the Avengers, who were all knocked out, including their ally Patsy Walker, who was carried by Golden Archer.

(Avengers I#142) - Golden Archer and his fellow Squadron members watched Buzz Baxter gloat over seeing the Avengers and his ex-wife Patsy locked up in cages.

(Avengers I#144) - The Archer and the others watched security camera footage of the Avengers and Patsy escaping their cells. When the two missiles launched to kill the heroes failed to connect, the Squadron were sent after them. They caught up with the Avengers moments after Patsy Walker had put on the Cat's old outfit. But before the fight could start, Brand director Hugh Jones activated a device that shunted everyone back to Earth-712.

(Avengers I#147) - Moments after arriving on Earth-712, the fight resumed; but Captain America quickly knocked the wind out of the Golden Archer with his shield. The altercation was interrupted by the arrival of President Rockefeller, wearing the Serpent Crown, and a contingent of military forces. Vision sneakily used his powers to steal the crown off Rockefeller's head, using the valuable artifact as their way to escape. Golden Archer was furious at the president for letting them go.

(Avengers I#147 - BTS) - After telepathically conferring with his Earth-616 accomplice Hugh Jones, President Rockefeller sent the Squadron out to capture the Avengers.

(Avengers I#147) - While on patrol with Lady Lark and Hyperion, the Golden Archer was bitterly complaining when their team leader compared the Squadron to the Avengers--McDonald felt they had nothing in common except for the codename he borrowed from one of them, adding that the Avengers seemed 'slightly barmy'; this led to an argument with Lady Lark, who felt her lover was being too intense and overly dramatic. McDonald would not be told to settle down, but Lark was adamant--just because they were dating, it didn't mean she thought he was perfect.

Their quarrel was interrupted by a random encounter with Vision and the Scarlet Witch, who were still carrying the Serpent Crown. During the fight, the Archer was no match for the android, even though he briefly weakened him with an ultrasonic arrow. Vision took out the Golden Archer with a blast from his solar jewel, and Lady Lark and Hyperion also fell before the two Avengers.

(Avengers I#148) - Following their defeat, Golden Archer, Lady Lark and Hyperion returned to the Squadron's satellite base Rocket Central to confer with the other members of their team. They remained on board to recuperate while the others went to Earth to try to capture their opponents, but they failed.

(Avengers I#148 - BTS) - The Avengers learned of a dimensional portal in Capitol City's White House and managed to sneak inside, with Beast capturing President Rockefeller and taking his place while the others started work on the portal.

(Avengers I#148) - Golden Acher joined the Squadron at the White House for a meeting with "President Rockefeller," who stunned the team by telling them the Avengers weren't the problem, their entire corrupt system of government was. According to the "President," all he wanted was power and all he did was manipulate people into giving it to him. Beast then revealed his identity before quickly rushing to his teammates who were ready to return to Earth-616. Rather than immediately chase their enemies, Golden Archer convinced Hyperion and the other Squadron members to heed Beast's words and take care of their own world first.

(Squadron Supreme I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Golden Archer and Lady Lark began living together in an apartment in Franklintown, New Babylon.

(Thor I#280 - BTS) - Movie director 
L.L. Burbank was heading up a movie on the Squadron Supreme, which led his evil brother Emil (alias Master Menace) to hatch his latest scheme against the heroes. Emil hid on the set with an experimental blaster of his own design that could potentially kill Hyperion.
When Emil spotted Hyperion on set, he immediately fired, only to realize this was actually his archenemy's bio-duplicate, created by Reality-616's Grandmaster. He agreed to a partnership and led the duplicate Hyperion to his lab, where he instructed the super-strong villain how to assemble a giant attack robot he had lying around.

(Thor I#280) - Piloting the robot with the false Hyperion at his side, Emil returned to the movie set and launched an attack on Earth-712's Hyperion, the Squadron Supreme, and the visiting Thor. The two villains were no match for the heroes, even though Golden Archer's arrows had no real effect on the robot.

(Defenders I#114 (fb) - BTS) - Reality-616's Over-Mind and the demonic Null the Living Darkness inadvertently traveled to Earth-616, and the latter used the former to take over the mind of President Kyle Richmond.

(Defenders I#112 (fb)) - The Over-Mind-controlled Null used Richmond to contact and then take control over other world leaders. Months later, the Over-Mind traveled with Richmond to the Squadron's Rocket Central base and overpowered Golden Archer and the rest of the Squadron, taking mental control of them as well. Only Hyperion managed to remain free, and he fled to Earth-616.

(Defenders I#112 (fb)) - The Over-Mind-controlled Null had the Squadron construct a Moonbase from which they would launch a fleet to allow him to conquer the cosmos.

(Defenders I#112-113 - BTS) -  Hyperion enlisted the aid of the Defenders and their allies Vision and the Scarlet Witch to help free his planet.

(Defenders I#112-114) - The heroes made their way to the Over-Mind's Moonbase. In the fight that ensued, Golden Archer got ready to shoot Valkyrie in the back with an arrow, but he was taken down by Gargoyle instead. The fight only ended when Null's involvement was revealed. Together with the Defenders, Golden Archer assisted the Squadron in vanquishing the malevolent entity with some help from the group of telepaths later designated Chorus. The Archer silently participated and allowed the Chorus to focus his mind and soul with the others to form a single force strong enough to vanquish Null.

(Squadron Supreme I#1 - BTS) - Freed from outside control, the Archer and the Squadron left Moonbase for Earth to find that the world was in shambles, in no small part because of their actions while under the influence of Null. They went to work to help out as best they could.

(Squadron Supreme I#1) - During their survey of the chaos in the American Mid-West, Golden Archer grew despondent over all the chaos he had witnessed: massive looting, the breakdown of mass transit and communications systems. The hero wondered how things got so bad so fast and what they could even hope to do about it. Golden Archer proved instrumental in containing the fires that raged through town before they could reach the city's gas storage tanks. Afterwards, he and the others returned to the Squadron's temporary mountain headquarters in Northern Moreland. After hearing all the disheartening reports on the state of the planet, Hyperion couldn't help but feel it was their fault. Nuke felt they shouldn't be blamed for things the Over-Mind made them do, but McDonald and the other members felt they needed to help fix the world. Inspired by Power Princess, they voted on launching the Utopia Program, which would make them responsible for solving all of mankind's problems, even death. 

(Squadron Supreme I#1 - BTS) - While the Archer and the other Squadron members voted in favor of the Utopia Program, Nighthawk (President Kyle Richmond) quit the team in protest.  Planning to launch the Utopia initiative with a public unmasking during a televised press conference, the individual Squadron members were given some downtime to check on their families and prepare them for the changes ahead.

(Squadron Supreme I#1) - Golden Archer and Lady Lark returned to their apartment in Franklintown, New Babylon. McDonald had hoped the place hadn't been looted, but when he lit up a flare arrow, he knew he was wrong--the place was ransacked, and he even found a dead looter, which he decided not to tell Lady Lark about because she was squeamish enough as it was. A few days later, Wyatt McDonald unmasked in Capitol City along with the others. Their announcement was seen around the world.

(Squadron Supreme I#2) - During the first month of the Utopia Program, Wyatt and the other Squadders spent their time taking on missions to deal with the most urgent of problems. In one instance he delivered emergency supplies to several cities in the Central Sigmund area with Doctor Spectrum and Tom Thumb. Wherever they went, they were welcomed as saviors and asked to address the crowds. However, the delivery in Sigmund was interrupted by a local terrorist cell calling themselves the Freedom Force. They reminded the Squadron of the horrors that occurred during Richmond's reign, including concentration camps. Doctor Spectrum and Golden Archer made short work of them. Later that day, Archer attended a Squadron meeting that was cut short by the Scarlet Centurion, who appeared in hologram form, bragging and threatening his old enemies before being chased off by Hyperion.

(Squadron Supreme I#3) - Golden Archer shared a laugh with Doctor Spectrum, who had just caused Power Princess to go topless right in the middle of filming a public service announcement. Whizzer felt his teammate had gone too far, but the Archer backed Spectrum and called the speedster a stuffed shirt.

(Squadron Supreme I#4) - After almost dying during a mission, Golden Archer realized he wanted more out of life. He planned to ask Lady Lark to marry him, but he had to postpone his proposal because Tom Thumb was busy explaining his latest invention: the B-Mod Machine, which could simply reprogram the minds of criminals. Later that evening, McDonald proposed to a startled Lark, who asked for some time to think it over.

(Squadron Supreme I#4 - BTS) - The Archer's proposal made Lady Lark realize she did not want to continue on with Wyatt McDonald.

(Squadron Supreme I#4) - Not even considering the possibility she could say no, the Archer was devastated when she not only turned him down, but also broke up with him. Furious and heartbroken, even believing she had fallen for teammate Blue Eagle, the Golden Archer went to Tom Thumb to get more information on how to work the B-Mod device. While everyone slept, he used knock-out gas to incapacitate Lady Lark. He dragged her to Tom Thumb's lab, where he briefly hesitated before reprogramming her mind so that she would only love Golden Archer with all her mind and soul and she would never be interested in anyone else again. When she woke up the next day, the newly lovesick Lady Lark immediately rushed to Golden Archer to tell him she had changed her mind about his proposal.

(Squadron Supreme I#4 - BTS) - Lady Lark's sudden change of heart shocked Arcanna and caused Blue Eagle to get suspicious.

(Squadron Supreme I#5 (fb) - BTS) - Golden Archer was kidnapped by the Institute of Evil and taken to their headquarters for questioning.

(Squadron Supreme I#5 (fb) ) - After getting brutally beaten, Golden Archer found he couldn't resist Doctor Decibel's truth-inducing sonic devices. He told the villains everything about the b-mod device and what he had done to Lady Lark. He then willingly gave up sensitive information such as his teammates real names, the location of their headquarters, and where their loved ones lived.

(Squadron Supreme I#5 - BTS) - After the Institute of Evil kidnapped every Squadron family member they could find, they dragged them and the injured Golden Archer to Squadron headquarters, where they kept them all in a pen.

(Squadron Supreme I#5) - The injured Golden Archer remained tied up and helpless while the Squadron Supreme fought and beat the Institute of Evil.

(Squadron Supreme I#6 (fb) - BTS) - Golden Archer was taken to the hospital facilities in the newly constructed Squadron City where his injuries were treated by Dr. Decibel, who had been subjected to b-mod alteration along with the other members of the Institute of Evil. Decibel set the Archer's two broken legs and right arm.

(Squadron Supreme I#6) - Golden Archer got fed up with the fawning of the lovesick Lady Lark, who would not leave him alone and continued to badger him about getting married. He finally got her to leave by convincing her he needed to recuperate first.

(Squadron Supreme I#6 - BTS) - After Lady Lark attacked him when he insinuated she wasn't acting like herself, Blue Eagle concluded that Golden Archer had used the behavior modification device on her. Blue Eagle brought this up during that evening's Squadron meeting, accusing the absent Archer of high treason. When Tom Thumb was forced to admit that his records showed that someone had used the b-mod on Lark, Hyperion asked Doctor Spectrum to fetch Golden Archer so that he could defend himself.

(Squadron Supreme I#6) - Carried into the Squadron's newly built assembly hall, the wheelchair-bound Golden Archer immediately confessed guilt. He tried to explain the reason for his actions, but freely admitted that it had cost him his pride, self respect, and the respect of the others. Golden Archer waited outside the hall while the others voted on his fate. Whizzer, Amphibian and Dr. Spectrum didn't want any disciplinary actions taken, Power Princess opted for subjecting Wyatt to behavior modifying, while Tom Thumb, Blue Eagle and Arcanna voted to expel him. Hyperion cast the deciding vote and told Golden Archer his membership was terminated. Resigned to his fate, McDonald repeated how sorry he was while the still-obsessed Lady Lark announced she'd quit as well.

(Squadron Supreme I#6 - BTS) - Doctor Spectrum helped Golden Archer and Lady Lark pack their belongings.

(Captain America I#314 - BTS) - Visiting Earth-616 in hopes of getting help to resist the Squadron Supreme's ever increasing influence on society, Nighthawk told Captain America what the Squadron had been up to. In the end, Professor Imam insured him that all the forces Nighthawk needed to oppose the Squadron were in his home dimension. Imam gave the hero a crystal that could help him locate powerful individuals.

(Squadron Supreme I#10 (fb) - BTS) - After sufficiently recovering from his injuries, the remorseful Wyatt McDonald wanted to make amends and redeem his honor.

(Squadron Supreme I#12 (fb) - BTS) - Wyatt McDonald abandoned Lady Lark (see comments).

(Squadron Supreme I#10 (fb) - BTS) - Growing a beard and reinventing himself as the masked vigilante Black Archer, he sought out his old teammate Nighthawk and offered his services. Together they gathered eight super-powered men and women, including super-villains Remnant, Mink and Pinball. They began training in the manor of Kyle Richmond in New Troy.

(Squadron Supreme I#10) -
During one of their regular meetings, the Redeemers watched a recent news report on the death of Tom Thumb and the introduction of the Hibernaculum, designed to preserve life even in the face of certain death. It was decided to have the non-criminal members of the Redeemers infiltrate the Squadron. Some time later, Wyatt had a heart-to-heart with Nighthawk over giving him the chance to redeem himself. Nighthawk reminded the Archer that over half of their members were in need of redemption, including himself. They then caught a news report showing that Redstone and Moonglow had successfully approached the Squadron. Elated, Black Archer went to tell the others.

(Squadron Supreme I#11 (fb) - BTS) - Over the next several weeks, Black Archer waited around Richmond Manor while Haywire, Inertia and Thermite joined the Squadron.

(Squadron Supreme I#11) - Black Archer and the other Redeemers watched the Squadron induct their fellow Redeemers live on television. A few hours later, during a training session in which Black Archer tried to hit Pinball, they were contacted by Master Menace, who had come up with a way to undo the b-mod procedure after Moonglow used her new status as a full-fledged Squadron member to retrieve the specs for the device.

(Squadron Supreme I#11 - BTS) - To further bolster their numbers, the Redeemers planned to deprogram the former members of the Institute of Evil.

(Squadron Supreme I#11) - Black Archer was waiting with Master Menace and the other Redeemers for Haywire to bring an unsuspecting Lamprey to them; he was quickly overpowered and deprogrammed. A few days later, Thermite brought in Shape.

(Squadron Supreme I#11 - BTS) - While Shape was being deprogrammed, Black Archer and Remnant spotted and captured Blue Eagle, who had secretly been following Shape.

(Squadron Supreme I#11) - Black Archer was in favor of subjecting Blue Eagle to behavior modification, figuring that after the conflict they could undo the reprogramming again with Master Menace's device. Reluctantly, Nighthawk allowed Menace to use the device on his old teammate to make him forget the past few hours.

(Squadron Supreme I#12) - Black Archer was present for the deprogramming of Foxfire, the final member of the Institute of Evil who happily joined the Redeemers. Now ready to strike at the Squadron, both Archer and Nighthawk balked at Master Menace's suggestion to subject the heroes to the b-mod procedure and force them to give up the Utopia program. A little later, while watching a television report of the Squadron Supreme opening the first Hibernacle, Black Archer was stunned when he spotted Lady Lark in the crowd; this chance encounter reaffirmed his conviction to the cause: as soon as the Redeemers defeated the Squadron, he'd make sure she was deprogrammed by Master Menace (see comments).

(Squadron Supreme I#12) - Black Archer and the Redeemers were waiting for the Squadron at their headquarters when they returned from opening the Hibernacle. Even though they were almost outnumbered three-to-one, the Squadron attacked. Black Archer focused on Blue Eagle, who blocked all the arrows he fired with his shield. When Remnant wanted to help out against Blue Eagle, Doctor Spectrum interfered, which led to a confrontation between the two old friends. Spectrum recognized Wyatt despite his disguise and they had a brief, tense exchange. Black Archer still wanted to stop him and fired an arrow that shattered Spectrum's power prism; the loss of his power source caused the hero to fall from the sky. Not wanting his friend to die, McDonald rushed to catch him--he was so concerned with Spectrum's well-being that he failed to notice the approach of the Blue Eagle. Furious and misjudging the Archer's intentions, the Eagle retaliated by shattering the back of the Archer's skull with his mace. A little later, Foxfire pulled the Black Archer's lifeless body off of Dr. Spectrum to find her lover was still alive.

(Squadron Supreme I#12 - BTS) - After the fight ended with Hyperion surrendering in the Squadron's name, Black Archer was rushed to the hospital. Doctors tried saving his life, but a few hours into surgery, the head trauma was deemed too massive and he was declared dead.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe I#1 (fb) - BTS) - Black Archer's body was placed in one of Squadron City's Hibernacle, in hopes of one day finding a way to restore him to life. He was frequently visited by his friend Dr. Spectrum.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe I#1) - On one of Spectrum's visits to the Black Archer's frozen remains, his musings were interrupted by the Whizzer, who reminded him that the Archer's death wasn't his fault. A little later, Spectrum took Lady Lark to see Black Archer. Shocked to see his lifeless body, Lark broke down and started wailing, inadvertently shorting out nearby equipment with her sonic powers. When she asked how he died, Spectrum spared the still-lovesick Lark the gruesome details of McDonald's demise. He also insisted that the Black Archer would have wanted her to continue living.

(Squadron Supreme: Death of a Universe I#1 - BTS) - While going through McDonald's personal effects, Lady Lark found Blue Eagle's wings. Eager to make her lover proud, she donned them and returned to active duty with the Squadron.

(Avengers/Squadron Supreme Annual I#1 (fb) - BTS) - The Avengers filled in their newest recruits Justice and Firestar about the team's many run-ins with the Squadron Supreme.

(JLA/Avengers I#3 - BTS) - When the Grandmaster showed the Avengers and the Justice League their true histories, Captain America witnessed events of the Earth-S Serpent Crown affair and his fight against the Squadron Supreme.


(Squadron Supreme IV#1 - BTS) - Wyatt McDonald was briefly on Earth-712's Power Princess' mind when she reflected on her reality's Squadron Supreme.

Comments: Created by Roy Thomas, John Buscema, Frank Giacoia.

A man called McDonald adopting the code name Golden Archer? ... Parapapapa, I'm lovin' it!

Given how clingy and lovesick Lady Lark became, it's a little convenient that Wyatt was ever able to get away from her to become the Black Archer. You'd also expect Lark to rush back to the Squadron, convinced they knew more about his disappearance.

Also, it's hard to see the logic in Black Archer's big redemption plan. Why did the deprogramming of Lady Lark have to wait until after the Squadron was defeated? Why not use Professor Imam's crystal to locate her as soon as Master Menace had the b-mod reversal tech ready to go? After all, teaming up with villains to beat up your old friends isn't going to make you look any more heroic or worthy of her love, is it? It'd also have meant he'd still be alive now.

Seeing as most of Earth-712's inhabitants are (loosely) based on DC characters, it's obvious Golden/Black Archer started out as a pastiche of Green Arrow.

Black Archer received a profile in Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition I#33 and was part of the Squadron Supreme profile in Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition I#12.

Some edits and refurbs by Ron Fredricks.

Profile by Norvo

Black Archer/Golden Archer should not be confused with:

Images: (without ads)
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe II#12, p39, pan2 (main image - Black Archer)
Avengers I#85, p18, pan1 (as Hawkeye, firing crossbow)
Avengers I#147, p13, pan 3 (lovers quarrel between Golden Archer and Lady Lark; Hyperion [foreground])
Defenders I#113, p15, pan2 (Golden Archer taken down by Gargoyle)
Squadron Supreme I#4, p20, pan3 (Golden Archer subjects Lady Lark to b-modification)
Squadron Supreme I#10, p17, pan3 (Black Archer joining Redeemers)
Squadron Supreme I#12, p32, pan4 (Black Archer, killed by Blue Eagle)
Squadron Supreme Death of a Universe I#1, p39, pans 2&3 (Lady Lark grieving over Black Archer)
Black Archer A /Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition I#33

Avengers I#85 (February, 1971) - Roy Thomas (writer), John Buscema (pencils), Frank Giacoia (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Avengers I#86 (March, 1971) - Roy Thomas (writer), Sal Buscema (pencils), Jim Mooney (inks), Stan Lee (editor)
Avengers I#141 (November, 1975) - Steve Englehart (writer), George PĂ©rez (pencils), Vince Colletta (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Avengers I#142 (December, 1975) - Steve Englehart (writer), George Pérez (pencils), Vince Colletta (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Avengers I#144 (February, 1976) - Steve Englehart (writer), George Pérez (pencils), Mike Esposito (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Avengers I#147 (May, 1976) - Steve Englehart (writer), George Pérez (pencils), Vince Colletta (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Avengers I#148 (June, 1976) - Steve Englehart (writer), George Pérez (pencils), Sam Grainger (inks), Marv Wolfman (editor)
Thor I#280 (February, 1979) - Roy Thomas (writer), Wayne Boring (pencils), Tom Palmer (inks), Mark Guenwald (editor)
Defenders I#112 (October, 1982) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer), Don Perlin, (pencils), Mike Gustovich (inks), Al Milgrom (editor)
Defenders I#113 (November, 1982) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer), Don Perlin (writer/pencils), Mike Gustovich (inks), Al Milgrom (editor)
Defenders I#114 (December, 1982) - J.M. DeMatteis (writer), Don Perlin (writer/pencils), Mike Gustovich (inks), Al Milgrom (editor)
Marvel Age Annual I#1 (July, 1985) - Kurt Busiek (writer), James Fry (pencils), Keith Williams (inks)
Squadron Supreme I#1 (September, 1985) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Bob Hall (pencils), John Beatty (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#2 (October, 1985) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Bob Hall (pencils), John Beatty (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#3 (November, 1985) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Bob Hall (pencils), John Beatty (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#4 (December, 1985) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Bob Hall (pencils), Sam De La Rosa (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#5 (January, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Bob Hall (pencils), Sam De La Rosa (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#6 (February, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Ryan (pencils), Sam De La Rosa (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Captain America I#314 (February, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Neary (pencils), Dennis Janke (inks), Mike Carlin (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#10 (June, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Ryan (pencils), Sam De La Rosa (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#11 (July, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Ryan (pencils), Sam de la Rossa (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
Squadron Supreme I#12 (August 1986) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Ryan (pencils), Sam de la Rossa (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition I#12 (November, 1986) - Mark Gruenwald, Peter Sanderson (writers), Josef Rubinstein (inks), Mark Gruenwald, Howard Mackie (editors)
Squadron Supreme: Death of A Universe I#1 (January, 1989) - Mark Gruenwald (writer), Paul Ryan (pencils), Al Williamson (inks), Ralph Macchio (editor)

Web of Spider-Man Annual I#5/6 (November, 1989) - Peter Sanderson (writer), Mark Bagley (pencils), Keith Williams (inks), Gregory Wright (managing editor), Mark Gruenwald (editor)
Avengers/Squadron Supreme Annual 1998 (July, 1998) - Kurt Busiek (writer), Carlos Pacheco (pencils), Matt Benning (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
JLA/Avengers I#3 (December, 2003) - Kurt Busiek (writer), George Pérez (pencils & inks), Tom Brevoort & Mike Carlin (editors)
Squadron Supreme IV#1 (February, 2016) - James Robinson (writer), Leonard Kirk (pencils), Paul Neary (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First Posted: 05/30/2024
Last Updated: 05/30/2024

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